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V is for Violence

My plan for the A - Z Challenge is to write every post as if it were a diary entry by a character from my WIP. Today's post comes from Leah Walker.


I like to think I'm pretty open-minded when it comes to men. I can tolerate most annoying habits in a relationship, but there are two things I will never put up with. Cheating is the first, the second is violence.

I've been single for a long time, I've barely even gone out on a date let alone been in a relationship in the last few years. The last guy I was with was a control freak. I couldn't even sneeze without him wanting to know why! But as I said, I'm easy going enough to deal with that. Looking back, I should have run away screaming before he gave me a black eye.

If you've ever been hit by anyone, you'll know it stings. But when the guy is a huge rugby player, it's like being knocked down by a truck. The shock of it was almost more painful than the slap at first, but when the haze lifted ... wow.

He cried. Begged me to forgive him, promised me it would never happen again. It was also the first time he said he loved me. How's that for poor timing?

Not gonna lie, I was scared. I told him I forgave him, then as soon as he left for work in the morning, I packed up my things and got the hell out of there.

I don't think it's that relationship that stopped me from dating for so long. I think I was pretty lucky, actually. It could have been a whole lot worse. Yes, it has made me more careful but for the most part, I just wanted to learn how to stand on my own two feet, without having  anything else to fall back on. Just me, living my life the way I want. 

So, that's what I did. Now I'm here, in L.A and he's ... well, I have no idea what he's doing, and I don't care to find out. I just hope he's got his temper under control because maybe the next woman he dates won't be as lucky.


  1. That's scary. It reminds me of a guest on Anderson (talk show) who was burned because the man she left came to her home naked with a butcher knife. He raped her, poured gasoline on her then set her on fire. It's a miracle she survived. I think your character was right to fake it and run.

    Great post. Added it to my blog 'Check this blog out'

    1. When I was in college, there was a serial rapist that went up and down the interstate raping women and lighting them on fire. Scary stuff!

  2. Glad you got out while the getting was still good! Some people aren't able to move on for whatever reason and it is sad. I cringe to think of people dominated by the rage of others. Theme: A World of Crime

  3. Really interesting insight into Leah's life before she moved to L.A. as always you've done an excellent job with the diary entry.

  4. Oooft, I'm with Leah on those two deal-breakers! It's no wonder she's staying single. I hope he doesn't come back to find her... or if he does, I hope she puts him in his place!

  5. Smart girl, getting out after the first time he hit her!

  6. "I told him I forgave him, then as soon as he left for work in the morning, I packed up my things and got the hell out of there." Good girl! I'm glad she got out as early as she did. Once it happens once, it almost always happens again. Love the insight into her backstory.

  7. She was strong and confident to leave when she did.

  8. oh man, glad she got out.... yikes... and love that she is learning to be on her own without having to rely on a man... so important. I hope she'll find love though :)

  9. Ooh great entry, it's a great insight into Leah's character :)

  10. You need to whup his sorry behind! Get a nice baseball bat and let 'em have it! LOL.

  11. That whole violence thing is so scary, especially when the woman is scared to leave and keeps getting beaten.


  12. Holy crap! Good thing she had her wits about her and go out of there.

  13. Good on her for leaving, but I can understand why she's reticent about new relationships after that.

  14. Smart girl. Get out when you can :)

  15. Great read and a great insight into Leah and what why she is the way she is.


  16. I wish in real life it was that simple for some people. Great read. :)

  17. leah needs to stay strong--good decision she made!

  18. I think this is one of your most powerful journal entries you've done! Seriously, I'm totally scared with her and proud of this girl. This entry has made me LOVE Leah!

  19. Wow, hate to say it, but I've been in Leah's shoes before. She made a smart move.

  20. I'm a sociology major and very proud of your character! Most women get into the cycle of violence and can't seem to figure out how to break it or get out. Way to show her strength!

  21. Kyra, I've so enjoyed your A-Z theme! I feel like I know your story and your characters pretty well by now and will miss them a little when it ends. Best of luck finding them a home :)

  22. Leah is one tough cookie for getting out of there ASAP. Bravo!

  23. She did well to get out after the first hit. I hope she will find someone that's right for her and it's not put her off too much because we are not all b******s!

  24. I agree with Nick. Leah was tough and got out of there ASAP. I admire her for that courage because so many other women don't have it.

  25. Whoa!
    No man should hit a woman.
    Unless of course he is in the process of getting his ass kicked by one.

  26. Wow - didn't see that coming, but I love that Leah got out of dodge after just one incident. Of course, if it were me, I'da gone Miranda Lambert on his sorry butt and been waiting for him to come home from work with my shotgun loaded! "His fist is big, but my gun's bigger." - Gunpowder and Lead

    Oh, is this an anti-violence post? Sorry :)

  27. What a great idea for a theme.

  28. Cheating and violence! I would say "hell no!" Definite no-no's!

  29. There is so much here about this character. Even the order in which she lists her limits tells about her. Awesome post!

  30. Violence was my V word too!

    I think it's great that you have such a strong character here. The fact that she was able to take one hit and get the heck out of there takes guts. It would make her a great role model.


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