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I is for Inspired

Good morning, everyone!

I am taking a quick break from my A-Z blog challenge theme today for two reasons. Firstly, I have something to say in my own voice, and secondly, I couldn't think of a single "I" word that suited my characters! :p

I came up with the idea to use my A-Z posts as diary entries from my WIP characters at the very last minute. I wasn't sure how it would go down, and whether I had enough voice in me for all those characters, to give them life and something interesting to say.

What I've found, thanks to all of you wonderful people who have been reading and commenting, is that I CAN do it. This realisation has given me the inspiration to get my WIP moving so I can have it finished and ready for you to read (if you still want to!).

Friends inspire me, readers inspire me and feeling that I am doing it right inspires me. I can't even explain how much I appreciate hearing your thoughts, but I hope you know how much they mean to me.

This is a little more soppy than I usually care to get, but this is just my way of saying thank you for inspiring me to keep going. You are all amazing!


Tomorrow, I will return to character diary entries with an uncharacteristic rant from bubbly Bree! :D


  1. Bloggers can be so encouraging, can't they, and writers need all the encouragement they can engender. Good luck:-)

  2. I think you touched on genius when you came up with the diary idea for the A-Z. It's a fantastic way to showcase what a wonderful cast of characters you've got for your WiP. I think Radleigh has been especially strong.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with for the rest of the challenge, and good luck getting the novel finished. I have every faith that you can do it. ♥ ♥

    1. Thank you chick! <3

      I really appreciate all of your help and encouragement. Without you, I might have scrapped the story entirely!

  3. It's certainly be an inspired idea - and you'll be discovering so much more about your characters as you go along. I think we'll all be waiting for the novel!

  4. I'm glad you've been feeling more inspired! Your snippets have been a lot of fun. It seems like you've really created an interesting group of characters. I'm looking forward to learning more about them during the rest of the month (and once you publish your book... so no pressure! ;-) ).

  5. You should thank yourself for being an inspiration to other bloggers too, Kyra! Cos you've inspired me to try writing diary entries from my characters POV if I'm feeling stuck with their voice. *round of applause* :)

    1. *takes a bow*

      LOL, thanks, I'm glad I have helped to inspire you too!

  6. Aww, you're so endearing! Also, I just want to thank you for all the support you've been giving me! You're always the first one to comment on my blog, and I wanted you to know I appreciate that! :)

    1. You're very welcome! Your blog is always a joy to read!

  7. I second what Jack said. And yes, of course you can do this... your posts have been some of my favorites in the challenge. So keep at it!!!!!!!!

    1. Wow, that is a huge compliment, thanks so much!

  8. Well, I'm glad you were encouraged by the comments. You're writing is very going and each voice is different and moving. Keep going!

  9. Kyra, one of the best things you've done for your WIP is getting involved in the A to Z Challenge. (I notice that you'll also be involved in other blog hops.) I believe blog hops are an excellent way to expose our blogs and our novels and stories to the world. After the A to Z Challenge, I have another blog hop I'm participating in. My new blog has really benefited!!

    Jolie du Pre
    Precious Monsters

    1. Blog hops really are a brilliant way to meet people and get the word out. I was involved in one very soon after I set this blog up and it introduced me to some amazing people!

      P.S I love your new blog!

  10. Other bloggers are the best, aren't they? There are quite a few times I would have given up were it not for my blogging peeps. Great post!

    1. Yup, it's so true that writers and bloggers really need each other!

  11. Thanks for following me! I love your A to Z idea, I've just read all of your posts so far and they're great, and definitely make me want to read more! You're characters certainly seem very interesting :)

    1. Yay! Thanks for stopping by, and for catching up on all the other posts!

  12. You're so cool Kyra! Of course, you can do it! Your "entries" have been so amazing! I wish I could write with that kind of voice. And you are SO inspiring to all of us. You're always positive and fun and have words of encouragement. :)

    1. <3 <3 <3 <3

      Thank you very much!

      You have awesome voice, and it's people like you who make me want to keep going and keep getting better!

  13. The diary idea is fantastic (even if I didn't get the hint and thought the first one was you!! The Dumb is strong in me). Your voice is fantastic. I'm sure you can do this.

    1. LOL, don't worry, you weren't the only one to get mixed up!

      Thanks for the encouragement! :D

  14. I love the blogging world. Being inspired especially from "strangers" is the best part.

  15. Aww, yay! You're awesome! And, I know you can do it!


  16. That's what we're all here for! And you're doing fabulously - I'm coming in every day to see what your characters are up to. Keep at it!

    1. It makes me so happy to hear that you want to keep coming back! Thanks!

  17. I agree! This writing community has inspired me so much! I don't know what I would do without you all:)

    1. Me neither! Blogging is the best thing I've ever done!

  18. Great post!!! :) Sometimes it's real easy to slip into our own heads and worlds and get a little doubtful. I always leave my RWA meetings feeing incredibly inspired!! And even though my writers group has kinda fell apart, in the good old days, it did the same. I could't wait to get home and write!

    1. Sorry about your writers group. :( I hope you can find a new one, or at least be inspired by the amazing community of bloggers! :D

  19. You CAN do it--and we're all rooting for you! ;)

  20. Love your blog (and this from a girl who is not really into pink!) and the dairy entries are fun. I perused through a few of them. Looking forward to reading more, nice to find you via A-Z! :)

  21. You're amazing too, Kyra!

    I so love this writing/blogging community. I love how we lift and inspire each other.

    1. Thanks!

      Yes, I don't know what I would do without other writers and bloggers!

  22. The diary entries have been wonderful.

  23. I'm glad you're moving forward and have found the inspiration to do so. That's awesome!

  24. This has been such a cool idea to stretch writing voice, love it! I'm gonna have to try something similar some day :) Keep going, love reading these :)

    1. It really is very helpful, I'm having loads of fun with it! :D

  25. Well, aren't you the main character in the story of your life? Love the post. Inspiration is the key to all great writing ... and successful living. Have an inspiring day, Roland

  26. We all do feed and encourage one another, don't we?

    (May I also encourage you to try an easier font to read? Love your content, but between the curlicues of the font and the lightness of it, am really struggling.)

    1. Definitely!

      Sorry you had trouble reading it, nobody ever said anything about it before! I might change my layout after the challenge, but for now, I have made the font bigger so it's easier to resd. :D

  27. A lot of the time we doubt our potential without even trying, only to finally do the thing and flourish. Our worst enemy is our minds sometimes.

    1. Agreed! My mind can be very mean to me sometimes!

  28. Ah - great minds :) And thank you for being inspiring with your writing too!

    1. Aww, thanks! It's good to hear I am giving something back! :D

  29. You are awesome, lady. You're characters are so fun. A rant from Bree? This should be interesting.

    1. Thanks Jenny! <3

      Lol, yeah Bree isn't much of a ranter usually, but when people cross her friends - that's a whole different story!

  30. This community of online writers is SO incredibly supportive and helpful! It's an amazing group - so glad you've been inspired! :)

  31. All of your posts have been really unique and full individual voice!

  32. This is my first year on the A to Z Challenge but posts like yours Inspire me to keep going next year too. It's been great to meet you and go kick some ass on your WIP.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! It's been great to meet you too! :D

  33. Hi, I picked your blog at random from the list of folks doing the A to Z Challenge, and I'm glad I did. I've enjoyed meeting your characters via their diary entries. What a unique theme. Mine is so ordinary. LOL

    Happy writing.

    1. Aww, bless you! <3 Thanks so much for the compliment! I will stop by your blog a little later! :D

  34. LOVE your character diary posts but this is a really great "your voice" post. <3

  35. Everyone deserves a break. Good for you!

    1. It's just a little break, I'll be back to my regular posts today! :D Thanks for stopping by!

  36. Awww. My bloggy buddies inspire me all the time too. :D

  37. Hooray for inspiration! I'm impressed you made it all the way to I before taking break!

    1. Haha, me too! Thanks for dropping by, Julie! :D

  38. Sounds like you've had a great A-Z so far! I know how it is to think of things last-minute, too :P It's my usual style! Pantser over here :)


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