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U is for Unexpected

My plan for the A - Z Challenge is to write every post as if it were a diary entry by a character from my WIP. Today's post comes from Will Carter.


Isn't it weird when someone from your past unexpectedly makes contact? Yesterday, I got an email from my ex-girlfriend, Heather. We dated in high school, and through a little bit of college until we realised being far away from each other wasn't going to work out. We both met other people, we lost contact, and I haven't seen her in fourteen years.

She's been living in Seattle, but she's moving back to L.A because she's just got divorced, and she was curious to know if I still live here. I think she wants to meet up when she gets back in month or two. I don't know how I feel about that. She was my first love, so it's weird to think about seeing her again. I haven't even thought about her in a long time.

I hope she doesn't want to give things another try because going backwards is always a mistake. But maybe it's not going backwards. We're different people now, so it would be more like starting again.

I don't even know if I want to see her again, but I guess it's cool that she thought of me.


Thanks to all of you for your help with my title dilemma yesterday! You gave me some excellent ideas, so I will play around for a bit longer and see what I can come up with! :D


  1. Interesting. Although how people just phone exs up out of the blue like that is beyond me!

  2. Ah first love. I'm intrigued now - are they going to meet up? And what will happen?

  3. Another great post. This is really interesting seeing Will's perspective on things. :D

  4. Uh-oh, run ins with past loves can be tricky... but also very romantic. I wonder how it will turn out ...... :)

  5. Hm, I wonder what she wants from him. He sounds like a pretty good guy, so I hope she's not going to drag him into something bad.

  6. He's really not interested in her but intrigued to know why she's contacted him. My guess is that she wants to try again - not usually a good idea, but who knows? (Well, you do, obviously . . . )

  7. oh the first love! I wonder what he will do.... but like he said, they are different people and it wouldn't be going backwards...

  8. Hi Kyra .. I'd meet up with an open mind .. but keep enough space - so you can get away and if necessary keep that space ..

    It's something different to look forward to .. who knows .. cheers and have fun at the meet up - Hilary

  9. I can relate to Will's assertion that going backwards is never a good idea. But he's right that maybe he'd actually be going forward instead :)

  10. i can tell you from my experiences, so many times, i have stressed about people like that, only to never hear from them again :)

  11. Ahhh, first loves. They always hold a special place in your heart.

  12. Go meet her Will...what could it hurt? (email me how it ends

  13. I love that line about going backwards. I agree, it is ALWAYS a mistake ;)

  14. Let's just say I hate it when my exes try to reconnect with me. I dated this 40 yr old woman named Amanda when I was 19 and it was amazing in every regard. She told me she was single but she was, in fact, married--her husband was just on vacation. I felt like such a toy, literally. I suppose that's probably all I was--a good time. Anyway, I broke things off but she wouldn't have that. For a whole year she kept calling and leaving emails begging me to rekindle the flame. She even came to my apartment on several occasions.

    Moral of the story: Some things are better left as they are. There is no need to thread into murky waters that can definitely leave you dirty.

    I can't wait to see what you come up with tomorrow, Kyra. :D

  15. I get the feeling Willl is more curious than truly interested. But a past love isn't always bad...just look at Anne Elliot and Captain Wentworth :)

  16. Hi Kyra! I've just discovered your blog through the A-Z "surprise me" button. Great to meet you! This is such a creative idea for a theme, I enjoyed catching up with your posts and getting to know some of your characters. I am working on my first novel as well so I can relate to your "bumbling through," best of luck to you!

  17. I'm with Angela, I think it sounds like he's just wondering more than anything. Good post.

  18. You never truly forget your first love! You have left a lot of room to play around with here- with Will's thought process. I like it.

  19. Well, I for one think he's got nothing to lose meeting her but he should be on his guard, try and figure out what she wants.

  20. I would tell him: Run, run away fast! It never works out!

  21. I've never had an ex. I was totally one and done! Haha!

  22. Yeah, been there done that sounds like the common theme here. Still, it's always fun to write about something the MC should absolutely NOT do! LOL! Do it! Visit the ex! Why the heck not!

  23. Like to see how that meet up plays out :)

  24. Poor Will! I think he'll fall hook, line and sinker for Heather when they meet up :) sounds like she knows what she wants and he doesn't stand a chance!

  25. Dude, if you're still single, you might want to keep your options open!

  26. I read the first line and forgot it was a fictional journal entry for a moment, then I read the second line and went, "wait a minute..."


  27. That is very unexpected. Are you curious to see her at all?

  28. Ooo, I'm thinking an old flame might be rekindled! First loves are very special.

  29. Interesting to read your characters diary!


  30. Man, this sure is a wishwashy guy. She shouldn't meet with him because he won't commit. I think it's great that I have opinions about your characters from such a small little snippet. Excellent!

  31. This is a guy I wouldn't date!


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