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O is for Organisation

My plan for the A - Z Challenge is to write every post as if it were a diary entry by a character from my WIP. Today's post comes from Will Carter. 


Some people might consider me to have severe OCD (does it drive anyone else crazy that those letters aren't in alphabetical order? I kid, I kid!). And by "people," I mean Freya. I guess that's because she knows me best. I'm really not that bad. So I like to have my clothes neatly ironed, and keep my CDs in alphabetical order, and arrange my socks by colour.

Okay, when you lay it out like that, I sound a little obsessive, but I like to call it "organised."

Being organised is what I have to be at work. My job is to help Richard coach the team, and that requires me to always keep track of matches, sort out flights for away games, know which players have injuries and how long they'll be out for.

Freya laughs at my quirks, but I know she doesn't mind them really. If she did, we wouldn't have been friends for so long. I just wish I could teach her to be more organised.

I live in hope!


  1. *hehe* I love Will. And it pays to be organised, especially in his job! :D

    Great voice for him. :D

    1. Thanks! It definitely pays for him to be organised!

  2. I sympathize, Will! I like to be organized too (though I imagine I'm not as good at it as he is). He sounds like a character I'd really like.

    1. I'm glad you like him, he is pretty cool, in spite of his quirks!

  3. I admire organisation because I lack it - although my CDs are in alphabetical order, that's just common sense!

    1. LOL, my ex used to say that too! I just can't be bothered with alphabetising things! :D

  4. Not OCD, simply very well organised and a role model to follow;-)

  5. I'm right there with you, Will. Except for the ironing thing. I'm too lazy for that.

  6. Nothing wrong with a little organisation! :)

  7. My socks are organized in color!

    1. I am starting to feel like a weirdo because I don't do this lol!!

  8. I am a little jealous of this person. I sometimes want to be so organized people think I have OCD:)

  9. My sock drawer is organized but don't look in my underwear drawer.

  10. I'm not organized at all, but I so wish I was!

  11. Isn't spring the time of year for organization? Well, good luck to me on that one!

  12. I'm OCD when it comes to my clothes. I hate having them in a pile. Apart from that, I'm as messy as a bunny on a rampage. :D

    1. I don't think I am OCD about anything, which is pretty bad! I need to be more organised!

  13. Too funny...I will now think of the disorder as being cdo, thanks to you!

  14. "I live in hope" -- Wonderful!!!

  15. LOVE that last line. I'm gonna steal it for Hope. :) Nice voice!

  16. Aha OCD! I know it well. No not me, though. We have a silly song that goes with it in our family.

    Looking forward to your P Plotting post ;O)

  17. I need Will to come over to my place and organize! lol

  18. Oh this is great! I can have my OCD moments!

    1. I don't think I have ever had an OCD moment lol!

  19. Sounds like a sensible fellow. I could use being more organised, though would draw the line at arranging socks by colour! I did once organise my CDs alphabetically, but I think it was more through boredom. :)

    1. LOL, I did the same thing out of boredom once. It didn't stay organised for very long, though!

  20. OCD! I'm glad I don't have that. It's debilitating. I like the name AnnA though, it's got organized letters.

    1. I am clearly not OCD - Anna should be Freya, I changed the name and I'm still not used to it yet lol!

  21. I got the bracelet yesterday! I love it. By the way, did you know the beads with daisies on them glow in the dark?

    1. YAY! So happy it arrived! I had no idea those beads glow in the dark, I don't think I have anymore like that!

  22. Would you please come organize my book cases? They are such a mess I can't find even what is in front of my face.


  23. I'm with Donna, can Will come organize my stacks of notebooks, all 100+. They are my novel notebooks so I know there is something inside every single one that I am looking for and cannot find.

    OCD, is one condition I would actually like to have. I would give anything to be organized and anal about it.

    1. Haha, same here! I get crazy when I know there is something I have in a folder but can't find it! If only I labelled them, or something!

  24. Cute post. Sounds like Will has mild OCD, thankfully.

    1. Yeah, he doesn't have it too bad, his friends just like to tease him! :D

  25. I try to be organized. My clothes in my closet are grouped together by color. Does that make me OCD too? :)

    1. Lol, no, I think you are just organised, not OCD! :D

  26. I'm not obsessive... I'm organized! I love it! I think this could be about me. lol. :) These posts are so inspirational. Make me want to get back to work on my book!

    1. Heh, I am not organized at all!

      Aww, thanks Leigh, glad I can inspire you! <3

  27. I even heard the voice in this post. I could tell exactly what the character sounds like.

    1. YAY! Thanks so much, I am so happy the voice is shining through!

  28. Yay for being organised! I am so not good at that!

  29. You're so good with male voices, too! When I write male POV, I always have to check with my husband to make sure it sounds manly or boyish, LoL.

    I can relate to Will because I'm super organized and a neat freak!!! It's definitely not OCD, though. OCD is like when someone has to fold their sweaters ten times in a row to get it "perfect" or else their entire day and everyone else's will be ruined. Yeesh! I'll fold it once and it's done, haha.

    My best friend is not neat or organized at all and I wish I could teach her to be more so. But we've been friends since kindergarten and it hasn't happened. So tell Will there's probably no hope for Freya, LoL! :)

    Hope you're having a great week, Kyra!

  30. I think I know someone like your character. A little over-organized.

    Carol's Notebook

  31. I'm jealous of Will! I love the idea of being organised, but never get around to it. He sounds wonderful :')


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