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Q is for Quiet

My plan for the A - Z Challenge is to write every post as if it were a diary entry by a character from my WIP. Today's post comes from Freya Phillips.


Living alone was something I always loved. Having somewhere quiet to go at the end of the day is something I really need after coaching sweaty, noisy soccer players all day.

When Richard suggested Leah move in with me, I was a little nervous about sharing my space with a stranger. But when I met her, right away, I could tell she'd be an ideal person to live with. She's actually quieter than me, so for once, I feel like the loud one!

I'm not unsociable or anything, far from it, I love to party and be with my friends. But some days I just need to chill out on the balcony, looking out at the ocean. Leah loves to do that too, and what's really awesome about her is that we can just sit out there for hours and be completely comfortable. I can't bear people who feel the need to fill every single silence with useless chatter. Sometimes it's good just to know someone is there, even of there is no conversation.


My apologies if this post is a little lacking, I have a bunch of stuff going on at the moment, so I'm not going to be around much today and most of tomorrow. Hoping to get back on track after that, and catch up on everything I missed!


  1. It may have been short, but it certainly wasn't lacking. I think this snippet was very telling of Freya, Leah and their friendship.

    I do wonder how Freya gets along with Bree though! LOL

    1. Thanks!

      LOL, I was thinking about that when I wrote it! Freya loves Bree, she just needs to get some distance from her when she neeeds peace and quiet. :D

  2. I'm very much a 'I'd rather be alone person', so this diary excerpt struck home!

  3. I like my alone time- and I don't get nearly enough of it.

    1. It's difficult when you don't get enough:(

  4. I don't mind being alone; sometimes I crave it.

    1. Yes, it is a nice thing sometimes, especially when it doesn't happen very often!

  5. Sigh... I love those moments when it's just me and I'm lost in thought. Though, it's not quiet all the time. I talk out loud to myself.

  6. I love my house quiet too, which is a tall order with 3 kids :) I love the name Freya, so fun!

    1. Yay, glad you like it! Freya used to be called Anna - and I am still not used to the change yet!

  7. My first thought after reading this was that hours of silence would drive Cassie nuts!

  8. I actually thought it was really good. It would be awesome to have such an easy roommate like that, who enjoys silence the same way I do. Of course, I have kids and a husband, and none of them are silent. :sigh:

    1. I agree! it must be amazing to live with someone who understands the value of quiet time! :D

  9. May your world turn calmer and more serene tomorrow, Roland

  10. I love quiet moments too. I'm happy being alone. I'm not fond of loud places.

    1. Me neither. I like to be relaxed and peaceful as much as possible!

  11. I share Freya's sentiments excatly.

  12. very relaxing post--new reader here

  13. That's a wonderful way to start a friendship. I like quiet moments too, though I can rarely share them. If I'm with someone else, I usually feel like I have to chatter and keep them entertained, even if I'd rather the silence.

  14. No problem on the shortness. I'm super busy myself and so shorter posts are better. I still loved the feeling behind it.

    1. Thank you!

      Keeping up with this challenge has been way harder than I thought it would be!

  15. Not too short - just right! And I am SO with her. Sometimes I just want to stare at the ocean, too. Sigh....wouldn't it be great if that were a daily thing?

    1. It really would! People who have houses right by the sea are SO lucky!

  16. This isn't lacking - I think the calm words of this character reflect a deep appreciation / respect for Leah. It's a really beautiful piece.
    Hope all's well
    LAura x

  17. Aww the companionable silence :) who WOULDN'T love to sit on the balcony, looking out at the shore? *sigh* (looks out at grey pavement.)

    1. Urgh, I know what you mean - the view from my house is not nearly as beautiful!


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