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It's here! WIP: The Movie!

I can't even tell you have excited I have been about this! It's early, so I have only got round to a few entries so far, but I am having a blast reading them all! Thanks to all who have participated, and of course, to my awesome co-host, Rachel!

It's time for me to introduce you to the characters from my - as yet untitled - WIP. When I first started this blog, my WIP was different, so this might confuse some of you (sorry about that!).

This is Leah Walker, my MC. Technically, she is a little young, but she looks perfect! Leah is a physiotherapist for an American soccer team, but she is actually an English girl with a, let's say, colourful past.

Radleigh McCoy is the ridiculously good-looking, not to mention exceptionally arrogant soccer player who challenges Leah in every way possible.

 This is Freya Phillips. Freya is Leah's best friend and roommate. She works as a coach for the soccer team, and she is both very kind, and totally wild!

This is Will Carter, another of the team coaches. Will has a very obvious thing for Freya, but ... unfortunately, his brain doesn't realise it for a very long time lol!
Bree Collinson. Bree is the wife of one of the soccer players, and another of Leah's close friends. She is sexy and ditzy, but there is slightly more to her than meets the eye.

My soundtrack list for this story is freakishly long, so I decided I would just pick one song. It's a song that describes Leah's backstory very well, and hopefully it gives a little insight into who she is.

Hope you are all enjoying this casturbation (LOL that word is so wrong!) blogfest! Don't forget to hop over to check out the other entries!


  1. Mmm..Radleigh McCoy. Very yummy indeed. I knew he looked familiar. That guy for Step Up is smoking hot and I love your heroine choice. I don't watch the show, but I see her a lot on promos while I watch Switched at Birth and Breakaway is such a good song. I really feel like I got a good sense of your story with that one. A girl trying to come into her own. A very excellent choice :D

  2. Your MC looks a lot like mine - only the actress I chose is a little too old for my MC. Wanna trade? haha.

  3. Thanks for the fun blogfest! Love your choices... both uber beautiful. And Breakaway is such a fab song too!

  4. awesome stars! and music! i didnt do music, maybe i will later. thanks for doing this! it's so fun!

  5. Great picks! I love Lucy Hale. And I totally forgot about that song, but even to this day I still like it.

    Thanks for hosing this. :D

  6. Yeah, I think I'd see that movie. ;) Good lookin' group! Thanks again for hosting this with me. You're totally awesome. :)

  7. I love Kerr Smith. I'd go see a movie he was in. And Lucy Hale. :-)

  8. This was fun, it's always interesting to look at our work through a movie lens :)

  9. That is one of my favorite artists right there. Love Kelly! And I totally remember when that song came out. Freshman year of college for me. It was kinda perfect cause I was going off to this huge new university. Lots of possibility. Yeah, great choice.

    And a story around soccer!?!?!? Ummm, yes please! I LOVE soccer. Just had a game last night actually :)

  10. Even though I did not enter, I'm having a fabulous time reading and commenting on all the entries. T/Y for hosting such a great blog fest!

  11. A former wrestler? She doesn't look like a wrestler!

  12. I love colorful side characters...hurry and finish so I can read it!

  13. Maria used to be one of my hubby's fav women wrestlers. Don't aask me why.

    Nice selection of actors! Just from meeting your characters, I'm dying to see the movie!

  14. Breakaway is a great song. And this is a great blogfest... thanks for hosting!

  15. This blog fest is so cool - and such a challenge, trying to find the different actors for the characters. Yours look awesome - and that is one good song ;)

    Plus, Radleigh McCoy is FIT. x

  16. Love your song!! And you're hottie male cast :) I also like how you cast a female wrestler - makes me wonder about that "more than meets the eye" description. Dying to know what that is! Thanks for hosting this - it's been sooo fun!

  17. Great picks, I love Lucy Hale, I think she's so gorgeous! And yummy male characters too!! This is so fun, Kyra! Your book sounds great, just from the characters alone!! :D

  18. Love your picks, and your book sounds great! I met Kerr Smith once. People really shouldn't be THAT good-looking in person! Plus, he was super nice and let me drool for a minute...or five.

  19. Wow, they look so beautiful!
    And that lady was a wrestler? Really? She doesn't look like one at all!

  20. What awesome pics! And so fun that a lot of those actors I'm unfamiliar with. What a great song! I just listened to it this morning :)

  21. Wow Allie Gonino is beautiful! Thanks for hosting this blogfest, it was so much fun!

  22. Wow, I don't know any of those actresses or actors.

  23. Kerr Smith! Oh dude, I miss him. While people were pining over Pacey and Dawson, I was like... I'll just convert the gay guy!

    Loved the song! And thank you for this fest!

  24. This was an excellent bloghop. Nice W.I.P. Kyra.

  25. I love your last pick, former wrestler! This was a great idea...I had no idea about it until this morning when I saw some posts. So I am a late comer and new follower as well. (HI..*waves hand* :)

  26. Thanks for hosting this bloghop! I love all of your choices (esp. Kerr Smith), and Breakaway is one of my favorite songs!

  27. SO much FUN! I love that your WIP surrounds soccer. ;0)

  28. I love this bloghop it is full of Awesome! Rick Malambri = Yum! How do I not know him? And yay for Kerr Smith!I loved him on Dawson's Creek. Seriously great choices and then you add Kelly Clarkson! I'm sold.

  29. You can't go wrong with a Kelly Clarkson song. Great choice!

  30. Love that song. And you have some beautiful men in your cast! :D Thanks for sharing!!

  31. OK, I couldn't help it. Y'all inspired me and I had to throw an entry together. Hope it's not too late.

  32. Wow I've not come across any of these actors before.

  33. Hey, what a great cast :) I'd so see it :) And your story sounds wicked too :)

  34. Excellent cast! Having read some of your WiP I think you've made PERFECT choices for the cast. And I love the changes you've made to certain things! ;)

  35. Oh my! Soccer and a hot soccer player! Sign me up! Great bloghop, so fun!!

  36. This. Is. So. Much. Fun!

    Kyra, love it. Such a fun batch of characters. And such huge success with this hop--so glad! :D

  37. Ahah! Everyone is so beautiful!! And, of course, love the song!! Thanks for this wonderful blogfest!

  38. Love the actors/actresses! Sounds very interesting. I like that one of the characters is former wrestler (I used to watch wrestling all the time, haha). Breakaway is such a nice song, too. ^_^

  39. This bloghop is sooooooooo much FUN!!!!! Now, I'm wishing I took part in it! You choice in actors and actresses are amazing! Who can deny the beauty they all possess--not me!

  40. Rick Malambri is straight hot! Love this and your music. :D

  41. LOVE Clarkson - what an awesome cast :-D

  42. Ha! I love your choices and descriptions! It sounds like a book I'd love to read! :) And, of course, Kelly C is always win. :)

  43. Fun blogfest. I wasn't going to do it, but then saw a bunch of postings and looked like fun. So I pulled something together quickly.

    One thing I'm learning is I don't know most of these actor's names. Guess I need to watch more movies and TV.

  44. I love this. Well done blog fest, and excellent song choice.

  45. Thanks for the blogfest. :)
    Never heard of any these actors/actresses, but then again, I don't watch much TV.

  46. Thanks for the blogfest! The actors aren't familiar but I like the sound of your characters, especially Bree. She's looks quite quirky and fun.

    And I love the song choice. One of my favourites!

  47. Wow, look at all these comments! Thanks for checking out my WIP:The Movie, and for all your hard work in participating! <3

  48. Cool blogfest! All those actors are so beautiful.

  49. Hello Radleigh! He is one hot tamale! I haven't seen him before and I like:)
    You've got some great characters! I love your choices:)

  50. I'm so sorry I missed this, I would've had a blast.

    Can you do another?

  51. This is awesome Kyra! Such a fun fest. I have to apologize for not playing along. My computer ended up with a virus Thursday and it took forever to get it fixed. A day away from the internet is a nightmare, but it was worse than that. *sigh* I did a shout out for this today tho, but I'm still super bummed I didn't get the time to put something together. I promise that next time I will avoid any potential viruses! :)

  52. What a fun idea for a blog fest. Great choices, Kyra!


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