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J is for Jackass

My plan for the A - Z Challenge is to write every post as if it were a diary entry by a character from my WIP. Today's post comes from Bree Collinson.


I am so lucky to have my husband. He's handsome, and strong, and fun, and did I mention handsome? He doesn't say much, but that's okay, I talk enough for both of us.

If I was single, I might have to deal with skeezy men like Radleigh McCoy. He is such a jackass! I've seen the way he thinks he can get any woman he wants, and he usually does. He's kinda hot, but I hate the way he's treating Leah. She is so not into him, but he won't leave her alone! This morning, Leah and I went for a swim at the training ground before work, and he said he'd like to get a few lengths in with her! I mean, that's not even cute, it's just kinda gross.

McCoy needs to find someone new to hit on. Or maybe if he stopped being such an asshat, she might start to like him. Actually, they might make a cute couple. And then I could be a bridesmaid with Freya at their wedding and we'd have a really big party. Maybe it could even be on TV like the Kardashian wedding, but with a happier ending. Yay!

What was I talking about?


  1. Bree seems easily distracted - by hotness...haha

    1. Ha, yes! But to be fair to her, Radleigh McCoy is REALLY hot! ;)

  2. I love Bree, she is so adorable! I love how she was planning Leah and Radleigh's wedding.

    1. Lol she is a bit crazy! But she is definitely adorable, I love her too! :D

  3. She sounds interesting. I can tell she likes to talk a lot. Lol When I saw the title, I thought you'd be writing about my ex-husband.

    1. ROTFL!

      Yup, Bree is definitely a chatterbox, but a very kind-hearted one! :D

  4. Haha, Bree's point of view is fun. "He doesn't say much, but that's okay, I talk enough for both of us." <--win

    1. Thanks!! I'm glad you like Bree, she is fun to write.

  5. Ahahaha brilliant! I love how Bree runs away with herself like that :) I'm also delighted to add "asshat" to my vocab. I sniggered at "he'd like to get a few lengths in with her" hah!

    1. Ha, I wasn't sure whether to include that line, but it made me giggle so I decided to keep it!

  6. I think Bree and I have a lot in common. Especially the "I talk enough for both of us" comment about her husband, LOL.

    1. Hee hee, I know a lot of people who would say the same! :D

  7. This is a really clever idea for the challenge! I might have to use this theme next year. I love that you and I both used 'asshat' in our posts today lol. Great to meet you!

    1. Great minds! Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you like the theme!

  8. Hey there! Just some constructive criticism - don't forget to "show don't tell." Show us why Radleigh McCoy is a sleaze ball.

    Jolie du Pre
    Precious Monsters

    1. Thanks Jolie! Show don't tell is a concept that stresses me out every single day lol! For the diary entries, I think telling is okay, but in the real story, there is a lot less telling and a lot more showing. Thanks for the tip!

  9. Well I'm glad Leah's not into Radleigh (in Bree's opinion) - asshats don't change much in my experience, but I suppose I should give him a chance! I like these little snippets.

  10. "What was I talking about?" = lolol! Love it. And the lengths line? Cringeworthy!

    1. Radleigh can be pretty un-subtle and disgusting sometimes! Thanks for commenting!

  11. Oh, I'm liking Bree! More, more, MORE!!!

    1. YAY! There will be more Bree before the challenge is over. Look for her again on "O" day. :D

  12. add that to my dirty word dictionary.

    1. Haha, that was a very popular word choice yesterday! :D

  13. I like this girl! A big talker. A little flighty :)
    Well done!

    1. She's a lot flighty, haha! Thanks Kelley! <3

  14. LOL.. no wonder her husband is quiet.. haha!!!!!

  15. Asshat. Haven't heard that before. Another wonderful look into a character's life.

  16. Asshat is my new favourite word! :)

  17. NOOOO! Look away from the light! And drag Leah with you! Bad boys can't be saved! Erm. Usually. but my case was special.

    1. LOL! I've only ever seen one bad boy tamed in real life, but it worked incredibly well. I should probably ask how it was done! :D

  18. Hahaha! "What was I talking about?" Funny stuff. :)

  19. lol! I love rambling characters, this reminded me of confessions of a shopaholic. Too fun!

    1. That's a HUGE compliment right there! Thanks so much, glad you liked Bree's post!

  20. She's a funny character! I'm sure she'd get on my nerves though, after a while.

    1. I think Bree could definitely irritate some people, but she isn't always quite so hyper. Well. Actually, she's usually hyper unless she's sleeping!

  21. Ha ha - he'd like to get a few lengths in - sleazy but funny.

    I like how Bree thinks Radleigh is sleaze crumbles at the thought of a wedding. She seems more than happy to be bridesmaid.

    1. Lol, yes she is such a girly girl who gets all over emotional at the idea of weddings. Even weddings that could involve McCoy!

  22. You have me. Skeezy and asshat are high on my list of favorite words.

  23. LOL, Kyra!

    I love the voice. Too fun :D

  24. She begins with thinking he's a jackass and ends with planning their wedding, she is all over the place. And I LOVE it.

    Love the word skeezy. I use skeevy a lot in my WIP. Oh, and nut satchel. (hehe)

    1. I am STILL chuckling about nut satchel lol!

      I don't know exactly where "skeezy" came from, it just popped out of Bree's head and onto the page! :D

  25. Skeezy is a great word! Hilarious, awesome post. Thanks!

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

    1. Thanks, Sarah! Really appreciate the comment!

  26. I love how you title this Jackass and then start talking about your hubby. I was like, what?? Haha!

    1. I was of course talking to Bree. Apparently I'm talking to your characters now! Loving these journal entries!

    2. LOL, that's quite okay, feel free to talk to my characters anytime you like! :D

  27. So cute, this idea. Love the blog, too.

    If you've the chance, pop over to my blog. I'm the author of the Bella and Britt series for kids.


  28. Great entry! I've read a few so them! Stopping by from A to Z. Nice to meet you!

    1. Thanks for dropping by, glad you are enjoying the entries!

  29. Too cute. And I agree with the others, she seems a little flighty. :) love it!

  30. I like the swimmer humor! *nudge, nudge*

    1. Haha, thanks! I wasn't sure whether to include it, but it seemed like the right thing to do!

  31. I like the way the mind wandered off the subject - so real.

  32. Asshat. Sniggering.
    Nice piece.

  33. What a cool idea! I love how you're doing the A-Z challenge. What fun!

  34. I found Bree's back and forth thinking quite hilarious. :D

    Sarah @ The Writer's Experiment

  35. I like her random train of thought!

  36. Stopping here from Denise Covey's, and as an A to Z participant. I like your lively style of writing! Really enjoyed this "diary" entry. Very clever A to Z theme!!
    Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror & Other Memoirs

  37. What a fun idea for the A to Z Challenge! I write non-fiction but love reading fiction and reading "diary entries" is always fun. Great job--I'll be back!

  38. funny... it seems you wrote without the barriers of overthinking.. very nice...

    1. Thank you! I try not to over-think - it usually ruins things!

  39. interesting premise.

    A to Zer!

  40. That's like my head sometimes. LOL. Another great one!

    Oh, and my book arrived in the mail today. Thanks again!

    1. Thank you!

      Phew, I'm so glad it arrived! I was getting nervous lol!

  41. 349673467 points for the Kardashian mention :D

  42. I like the sound of her. A little ditzy maybe, but kind-hearted :-)


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