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B is for British Girl

My plan for the A - Z Challenge is to write every post as if it were a diary entry by a character from my WIP. Today's post comes from Radleigh McCoy.


I really thought Bailey had learned his lesson about hiring pretty girls. Sooner or later, they will end up in my bed, and then he has to start all over again, finding someone new once they get fired for breaking the rules. Must be exhausting.

The latest one arrived today. She's British, which right away, makes her interesting. I've slept with British girls before, and they're usually kinda ... reserved. Not this one. She's got fire in her eyes. She's tiny, only a little over five feet, I'd say. And smart. She didn't crumble like all the others when I spouted all the usual lines that make women forget their morals and drop their panties, so I guess she earned my respect. I'm not fooled though, I've never met a woman I couldn't charm. They're all the same, really. Throw around some compliments, flash the cash, wine them, dine them. They lap it up. Then, when it's all over, they get to make some extra cash by selling their story to the highest bidder. Sex for me, money for them. It's a win-win.

British girl has more class than to go running to the papers. I can tell. But the rest of the story will be the same. I guarantee it. 


  1. I love me some British women! Man-oh-man do I looooveee them. They're super smart, they have a cool accent, they have an excellent sense of heritage and they're sexy as hell!

    Great entry Kyra! :D

  2. Cocky much? Whoo wee - I want to beyotch slap him.

  3. Hi Kyra! Welcome to the Challenge!


  4. LOL, this guy sounds like a real winner. Hope the British girl kicks his behind!

  5. Haha love it. As a British girl myself, I highly doubt I'd fall for the charms of this snake! Would love to read more of his cheeky antics, though :)

  6. Yeah this sounds like a few guys I know from the bar job I use to work. Especially this one guy who was my bartender. There actually became a rule that co-workers couldn't sleep with him. I was one of the few he couldn't charm LMAO

  7. Haha, no way she falls for his "charms!" Love the snippet. You really get a feel for his character in just a short time.

  8. Hehehe! He's very confident. Can't wait to see how our smart British gal messes up his world. :)

  9. Wow, kinda' want to smack him in the face. ;) Good job.

  10. I sure hope she knocks some of that cockiness out of him. A good rejection is just what he needs :)

  11. Boy, he's sure of himself. Lol

  12. I have to say that I really like your idea for the A to Z Challenge. What a great way to get to know your characters better. Very smart idea. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Man, I hope that British girl gets the best of him!!! I do sort of love a cad, though.

  14. I feel the same...but for British men, of course! Great entry.

  15. What a jerk! LOL yep, I hope the British girl kicks his butt.

  16. Suck a jerk, but great voice!! I second Clarissa. British men, yay!

  17. What a cocky dude! But I must admit I want to keep reading, if for nothing than to find out how the cool British girl sets him straight:)

  18. Oh man. I don't like this guy! I think the British girl will teach him a thing or two. LOL. Great job!

  19. He's definitely full of himself! Great job!!

  20. Sounds like my hubby.

    Haha! I'm totally kidding! He'd kill me if he knew I said that, lol.

  21. Holy hell! This was amazing. I loved the insight into Radleigh's mind. He is such a misogynistic arse. You've got an excellent voice for him.

  22. Such a creative idea for A-Z challenge!

  23. Wow! What a complete and utter tosser!

    I actually read it and thought to myself this guy sounds like a complete tool.

    I think I'm starting to like your story a little too much. Which suprises me and worries me, being a guy and all. >_<

    Bring on C!


  24. Wow, what a creep. I bet he's fascinating.

    Hoping the Brit gives him a run for his money...or a swift kick in the behind.

    Happy Monday! Looking forward to more!

  25. Ha! Us British girls are all the same ;-) You can always tell we're Brits because we drink a lot of tea. LOL. Hope she gives Radleigh the run-around (sounds like he needs it)

  26. Wow. I sure hope that British gal puts him in his place.

  27. Ooh interesting! I bet his attitude gets him in some trouble

  28. "Sooner or later, they will end up in my bed..."

    Oh my gosh, my stomach is hurting from the chuckles. What a lady's man. x3

  29. Okay, so I really, really, really want to read your ms! This character is Ah-mazing! LOVE IT!

  30. Great voice. He is a total tool. But a very believable one, so, well done!!

  31. I think your readers are going to enjoy seeing him taken down a peg or two :-)

  32. AWESOME voice! This was fantastic! Well done Kyra ;)

  33. Ha! I think Radleigh McCoy is going to be soundly mistaken :)

  34. The voice here is excellent. Thanks for posting.

  35. Sounds like a very interesting character!

  36. Great idea for the challenge. Radleigh definitely needs to be taken down a peg or two!

  37. Ha! I love how authentic the voice is in this. Nice work!

  38. What a great idea!! I love it so much, I might steal it for next year. I can't wait to read more from your characters. Will see you around!

    From Diary of a Writer in Progress

  39. I had classes in college with some girls who were jock groupies. Fun to see it from the guy's perspective.

  40. I love the voice you've created. This is such a good idea for the challenge.

  41. You've worked the voice so well---all the best for the rest of the challenge!

    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  42. Haha! I'm British too!
    All the best with your writing!

    This is me, Duncan D. Horne, visiting you from the A-Z challenge, wishing you all the best throughout April and beyond.

    Duncan In Kuantan

  43. Thanks so much for all the comments! Very happy to hear how many of you are looking forward to seeing McCoy being taken down!

  44. The narrator sounds like a character that one would love to hate but he sounds so authentic, not overdone. Great job! I was sad to see the end of the post. It was getting really good.

    Sarah @ The Writer's Experiment


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