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N is for Number One

My plan for the A - Z Challenge is to write every post as if it were a diary entry by a character from my WIP. Today's post comes from Richard Bailey.


Number One. That's what my team are. The number one soccer team in America, with some of the best players in the world.

The reason we're number one? Passion. That might sound a little bit cliche but that's what it comes down to. I see all those young faces looking up at me, asking me how they can be the best. It's hard work, it's commitment, it's team work.

The team isn't quite as young as it used to be. The average age is around twenty-seven, but our latest addition is the youngest player I've ever signed. Jesse Shaw, eighteen years old. That boy can do things with a ball I've never seen, and his dedication is incredible. In spite of his skill, he doesn't have even a shred of arrogance. He wants to learn more, he wants to practice more and he wants to be recognised with the likes of Radleigh McCoy and Bryce Warren as a soccer legend.

I keep telling him, it takes time. Instead of rushing to make it happen faster, he listens. He respects me, and he respects the team.

I have no doubts about Shaw. He's gonna go far.


  1. Excellent post. You can really feel the pride Richard has in his team. :D

    1. YAY! I was hoping he came off as proud, not smug lol! Thanks chick!

  2. Ooooh... Jesse is indeed The Golden Boy! I hope nothing happens to prevent him going far, although I kind of do at the same time!

    1. Lol, let's just say he does run into some issues! ;)

  3. Oh, it might sound cliché, but Passion or lack thereof, can make or break a the will of a team, or a writer, for that matter!

    What a beautiful thought, Kyra!

    1. Thanks Jack! Really appreciate your comments throughout the challenge!

  4. Another good one. I'm very interested to see the interaction between all the characters now. I'm starting to feel like I know a lot about them.

    Small grammar note: The second sentence should be "That's what my team IS." Team is a singular noun.

    1. Thanks Tobi, this is what happens when I crank out posts in a hurry, lol!

  5. Jesse seems like a good kid, but still plenty of time for him to be led astray! I'm also enjoying seeing how the characters relate to each other - good job getting us hooked in!

    1. Thank you! I am starting to worry that people are going to get bored soon lol!

      Jesse is a very good kid but his journey is going to be a bit bumpy!

  6. Jesse seems like he's on the right track.

    Jolie du Pre
    Precious Monsters

    1. Yup, he definitely has a very level head. For now. ;)

  7. All tams wish they had players like that.

  8. Nothing sexier than a dedicated man!

  9. Oh, great voice in this one. I'm super worried though - I feel like something terrible is going to happen to Jesse! And then this Richard is going to have to inspire Jesse to push forward. ^_^

    1. Thank you very much! Not gonna lie, things aren't going to be smooth sailing for Jesse, unfortunately. :(

  10. Ah! All the characters are coming together. You're doing such a good job, Kyra! It's like meeting old friends.

    1. Aww, that's so nice to hear! In my favourite books, the characters feel like friends, and I hope I can make that happen with mine!

  11. Oh, I'm having withdrawals from coaching my team right now. :D

  12. I love characters with ambition :)

    1. Then you are going to fall in love with Jesse lol!

  13. I could really feel the passion in the character's voice. Well done!

  14. That's a great voice - strong, parental, someone to turn to in a crisis...

    1. That is exactly what I was going for! YAY!

  15. Sounds like my brother-in-law. He's a soccer coach. Love the voice. ;0)

  16. I'm getting a major Bend It Like Beckham feeling from this piece. It's good to be blogging again. I missed these diary-like entries of yours.

    1. Lol, I hope I can live up to Bend It Like Beckham!

  17. Um, when can we read this again? :) I love your characters! And 27 = old? Sigh. I guess at 29, I'll never be a professional soccer player! Of course, I can't kick a ball to save my life, so maybe I'd lost before I began? ;)

    1. LOL, 27 could be considered old for a soccer player - but not ! ;)

      Thanks, Daisy! :D

  18. Great POV! Talking about one character through another's eyes was fun to read.

  19. What a great A-Z plan! Not only is it entertaining for us, your readers, but you must be getting a goldmine of a peek inside your characters. Great job!

    1. Thanks! Yes, I am learning lots more than I ever thought possible!

  20. Wow, no arrogance. How often do you really see that? He sounds like a great guy and a dedicated player. Gotta admire that.

    1. He's one of those cool people who is aware he has a talent, but has no idea just how good he is. Simon Cowell used to say that about Leona Lewis lol!

  21. Oh, I like Richard and his pride in his team. I've known guys like this. Good voice.


  22. It's rare to find a kid like Jesse. I wish there were more sports stars out there like him.

  23. I've LOVED your take on the A-Z challenge, Kyra. You've done such a great job. And it's been fun to see your skills with writing. You've definitely got talent. :D

  24. I like Jesse. This was a great idea for the challenge. I live it (when I read it) I am trying to read so many different bloggers (new blogs) that I feel like I am missing out on my favorite ones.

    1. It's okay, I know how you feel! I am trying to get round to everyone but there aren't enough hours in the day!

  25. I awesome once again. I love her. She is an awesome character. And I'll say it again... I'm so jealous of how well you write this genre and in this voice! It's awesome!!

  26. That's just the kind of kid I like to coach. :) They are few and special. Sounds like a great character!

  27. Wow. That Shaw kid is a keeper! SO mature at eighteen.

    1. And I don't mean, like goalkeeper. ;) haha

  28. Yep, with a rep like that he's GOT to meet trouble. hehe

    1. Lol, it's always the nice boys who get led astray! ;)

  29. You must have learned a ton about your characters by doing this :-D

    1. I really have. I knew a lot of backstory before I started but now I have even more!


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