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K is for Kid

My plan for the A - Z Challenge is to write every post as if it were a diary entry by a character from my WIP. Today's post comes from Jesse Shaw.



I'm eighteen years old, but my parents still treat me like a kid. I know they're worried that I'm going to grow up too fast, or I'm going to miss out on my college education, but this is what I want. Soccer. Los Angeles.

I don't think there is a better education for me than learning from some of the best players in the world. Bryce Warren, Cody Rivera and my hero, Radleigh McCoy. He's my idol. My inspiration and the reason I wanted to play the game.

Every day, I learn something new from these guys. I know my parents are proud of me, but they're afraid too. They think I'll get sucked into the celebrity thing, and end up whacked out on drugs, only to spend the rest of my life in and out of rehab.

I don't care about any of that. Well, I'm not gonna lie, a kick-ass car is the first thing I'll buy when the paychecks start rolling in, but mostly I just want to play soccer.

I'm not a kid. Just a young guy, living his dream.


  1. Oooh, fast car... slippery slope. I'd be worried too, if I was his mother!

  2. Aw, Jesse... Radleigh shouldn't be your idol. :-)

    I really liked this one. I could totally relate to it. I hope he doesn't wind up getting in trouble.

    1. Yay, great to hear that you could relate to it - that's what I'm aiming for! :D

  3. Ah, to be young and not know anything! Ha. He is definitely on his way with his cocky self-confidence headed directly into the jaws of disenchantment and big trouble. Nicely drawn character. Best regards to you, Ruby

  4. oh boy, if Radleigh is his hero, his parents should be worried, LOL

    1. I agree! Radleigh is a terrible hero to have lol!

  5. Still young enough to want it all and feel invincible. Hope that doesn't go south for him.

    1. Of course, I cannot tell you what happens lol, but I loved that feeling of being invincible when I was 18. :D

  6. Ah, that takes me back to when I was 18... nice job.

  7. I hope he doesn't blow all his money.

    Jolie du Pre
    Precious Monsters

    1. Aww, he's pretty sensible, apart from wanting a fast car lol!

  8. My baby is about turn I understand his parent's fears!

    1. Ah, so you see it from the other perspective! I like that! :D

  9. I hope he keeps his head - sensible young man.

  10. and there is nothing wrong with that...I beleive it is detrimental to follow dreams. It's no fun to look back and wonder 'what if...'
    great post!

  11. "I'm eighteen years old, but my parents still treat me like a kid"

    You don't know HOW many times I've heard this from my teenage clients. One of their biggest complaints. Way to channel the 18 year old voice.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! I remember that feeling so well from when I was 18!

  12. Hey Kyra - nice theme for the A-Z! This is a great way to tell people about your characters...or rather, to 'show' them ;)

    I'll be reading your posts to date too!

  13. Good job sounding 18. :) Oh parents, the bane of their existence.

  14. Aww! He's adorable! I love him!

    1. Yippee! That's the reaction I was hoping for! :D

  15. This kid is going to go far, mark my words :) Yay! A kick-ass car - good for him!

    1. Hee hee, he definitely has a lot of ambition!

  16. That sounds like an entry my oldest son would write in a diary. Ouch.

    Happy A to Z,

  17. I've got an eighteen year old and they do struggle to walk the line between independence and still needing help from mom and dad!

  18. I love Jesse. He's a great addition to the story. I understand why his parents worry, but he sounds like he's got a level head.

  19. Eighteen is not an easy age. This is beautifully written! Jesse is an excellent character.
    Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror & Other Memoirs

  20. Ooh, he sounds so sweet. I hope he doesn't lose this perspective!

  21. Great snippet here - I know lots about this kid already :)

  22. Interesting, the different perspectives we're getting on Radleigh! Certainly seems to polarise opinion. Here's hoping Jesse doesn't get led astray (though obviously would make for a good story if he does!)

  23. Very cool twist on the A-Z Challenge. I like it.

  24. Hi Kyra. Sorry I missed a few days but I'm back. I like this kid's point of view. I just came from reading kid's quotes so this followed on nicely.


  25. You've captured an 18yo's voice perfectly. :D

  26. This is great because we've all been there. I remember being just like this at 18. You portrayed him very well.

  27. Aww to be 18 again... I used to think I was so grown up back then, but I really was a "kid" at that age! Looking forward to seeing where this fast car takes him! :p


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