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A is for Argh!

Up until 5 minutes ago, my A - Z experience didn't have a theme. Now it does! My plan is write every post as if it were a diary entry by a character from my WIP. This could be a spectacular failure, or the smartest thing I've ever done. Let's see! Today's post comes from my MC, Leah.  


Holy hell, I've only gone and done it! I got the job! In two weeks, I'll be leaving Boston behind and going to L.A to work with the Westberg Warriors! Oh yeah, you heard me right. Boston was a blast, but come on, who wouldn't want to rub the gigantic muscles of America's top soccer team? I know, I know. Professionalism. I didn't get into physiotherapy just so I could get my hands on hunky men, but every job has to have some perks. This is mine!

I feel weird. I can't wait to get on that plane and start work, but it will be sad to leave my old friends behind. Stacey cried when I told her I was leaving. She was happy for me, of course, but now she has to find a new room mate. I think she should just ask her boyfriend to move in, that would solve everything!

It's a big move. A big change. I don't really know anyone in Westberg aside from Richard Bailey, my new boss and Freya, who will be my new room mate. Actually, I can't wait to spend more time with her. She looks like a girl who knows how to have fun, and she was so sweet to let me move in with her. The small town girl in me is terrified. But I've already moved from England to America, so relocating across the country won't be quite as scary.


Wow, I am depressing myself now. Back to happy! New job, new beginning, new friends! Bring it on!


  1. Really great idea Kyra! Love Leah! She she sounds great :D

  2. I love this. I love the idea of doing the A-Z as diary entries, and I love the first entry from Leah.

    This is the perfect set up/ backstory for your novel.

    I CANNOT wait to read more.

  3. I think smart, I do a lot of diary/free write things to get to know my characters - It will be a huge plus for your writing.

  4. It could be a good writing exercise. It will surely help you get to know your characters better.

  5. Freekin' love the diary idea!

    Defiantely a smart idea!


  6. I didn't have a theme until I sat down at the computer this morning. I'm sad to say I didn't come up with anything as creative as you did. It's a great idea!!

  7. what a great idea!

    Happy A to Z

  8. Diary entries from your characters? BRILLIANT, definitely! This is such a great idea, and I can't wait to read more!

    ps Getting to rub soccer players? Yeah, I'd go to LA with her!

  9. Awesome idea! I think you're on to something here Kyra! I may just pop in to every post you write this month! WOOT!!!

  10. Well done on coming up with such a good theme for A to Z! Glad she made it clear she's a physiotherapist (rubbing players' muscles LOL)

  11. Oh cute! What a great way to get to know your character better!!

  12. That's a really cool idea! And I really liked this first post. I can definitely relate to that.

  13. This is a great idea! Love it!

  14. Fun idea for a theme! I love it!

  15. Yeah, I'd say moving from England to America would be scarier. But the question is will the culture shock be bigger going from England to America or Boston to LA?

  16. This is a great "A"!!!

    Looking forward to the rest.


  17. LA's not as scary as they make it out to be in the movies. I have some family there, so I wind up there all the time. I'm a complete Disney Junkie.

    Good luck, and pack your sunglasses...

  18. That is the most brilliant idea ever! I'm looking forward to each and every diary entry now!

  19. I think it's a smart move!! Great theme.

  20. So fun! I think this is really going to help you get to know your characters even better too. Awesome idea

  21. Moving is always so scary. I've gone across country several times.

  22. Great idea! I'm looking forward to reading your character's journal entries!

    Happy A-Zing!

  23. Neat idea for your challenge posts. Looking forward to more!

  24. Great idea for "A" today! Looking forward to future posts - and the finished work!

    "A" is for AUTHOR! ;-)

    Stopping in as an A to Z Blogging Challenge participant. Please feel free to visit and comment on any of my blogs as well, leaving a link to your own post, so my readers can find you too!

    All on and all in the A to Z Challenge

    Meme Express: Blog Prompts & Topics for Writers
    Nickers and Ink: Poetry & Humor
    Heart of a Ready Writer: Bible and Devotional
    Practically at Home: Home & How-To’s
    The Mane Point: A Haven for Horse Lovers
    Working in Words: Tips for Writers

    You can click my name/icon for links to all these blogs!

  25. Great idea for a theme. Mine is much like it except that it includes locales of my different novels as well. Nice voice, Roland

  26. Love, love, love the voice of this character! She practically jumps off the page!

  27. I love this. I'd like to know how her journey progresses :-)

  28. This is the best exercise--- your characters will come to life :)

    Thanks for your comment on my blog!

    ---Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  29. I think you have an awesome idea with your theme. It is also a great post. Can't wait to read more.

  30. Kyra, you ARE a genius. No offense to all the other posters, but this idea is great!

  31. Like everybody else, I think your theme f diary entries for your characters is a great idea. Very original!

  32. That's an awesome theme! Fun first entry. :)

  33. Thanks so much for all the comments, especially on the voice! It's an area I struggle with so your kind words make me happy!

  34. Great start to the challenge! This character sounds like heaps of fun :)


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