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IWSG: Books Sales

IWSG time! I'd like to start by thanking Alex J. Cavanaugh for this fab bloghop, and today in particular, it is just the motivation I need to get me blogging again!

Today, I'm talking book sales. Now, I don't really know if there is any kind of "average" amount of books sales when you're an indie author. I don't know what is considered a good amount of book sales per month, or whether I am doing better or worse than others. What I do know, is that I am happy with the amount of books I've sold. I self-published because I want people to read my work - and people are reading it - yay!

My concern is - what if the sales stop? I know after a time, everyone's book sales will slow down, but I have this fear that I'll check my sales every couple of weeks to find that nobody cares about reading my books anymore.The dreaded 0 will show on my Kindle sales, and I will plummet into a pit of despair.

It hasn't happened yet, but Game On has only been out since July, so maybe there is still enough buzz to keep people interested. But I worry that my quest for an Amazon bestseller (anywhere in the top 100 is cool with me LOL!) might be an impossible one.


  1. Just focus on releasing your new novella for now. Then after promoting that you can look back at Game On and think of ways of keeping the buzz and interest alive. Thanks for reading IWSG post.

  2. Sometimes there are things we can't control, like book sales. But remember to pat yourself on the back for getting your novel out- you did your part!

  3. Your quest to get on the 100 bestseller list is NOT impossible! I've heard fantastic things about Game On from people I trust. Just hang on and you'll get there, you've come so far already!

  4. Book sales are a worry for the traditionally published author, too. Future book contracts often depend on how the book that's out is selling. This topic makes me insecure too!

    1. Yeah, that's a good point. Glad I am not the only one who is insecure about this!

  5. When I'm feeling brave (and a bit tipsy) I might tell you how many Cats I've sold... And if you're feeling insecure about that, don't visit Alex's post today!!

  6. Easy answer; you just need to get your next book up there before you do hit 0 sales! Yup, easey peasey! Erm.... maybe. I'm sure you'll not hit 0 and you shouldn't spend time worrying about it; just enjoy it all!

    1. LOL, yeah it won't be too long until the next book is released!

  7. I agree above. Focus on Letting Go - wow that sounds like it could mean a whole other thing here. haha You can only do what you can. You can only control what the universe allows you and nothing more. You are a wonderful author and person. A NUMBER DOESN'T DEFINE YOU! <3 U!

    1. Thank you, Dani! Just a couple of weeks until the new book comes out - yay!

  8. Annalisa, I am pretty sure Kyra has already visited Alex's blog today. I know what you mean by your comment though.

    Kyra, I have just released my second book this week and my sales for my first have been continually steady for the year but nothing like the interest Alex has been granted. I am hoping book 2 will receive similar interest, so I know exactly how you feel.

    1. *hugs* It's so great when people understand! I really can only hope for s steady stream of interest at this point lol. I hope your new book is a success!

  9. I have the same fear. You're already working on the next book, and you have your novella coming out, I think you're in good shape. You're an awesome writer. Never forget it! :)

  10. I think you are not alone in feeling like this. I don't know if I could check the number everyday. You are a brave girl.

  11. I haven't self published, but I could see how you could become obsessed over checking. Hopefully you (and others) will be happy with what you've accomplished and not worry if/when numbers drop. You've done something that a lot of us are to chicken to try. So remember that.

    1. Thank you, that is a good way to look at it! :D

  12. I'm no expert, but I'm sure the level of sales will be reflective of how much effort you put into staying relevant. With the novella and the next book out, I think you've got it covered! :) x x

  13. I think sales fluctuate. Something that isn't selling well now might do better months from now. That's the nice thing about ebooks. They have an infinitive shelf life and can always trickle in a sale here and there. Of course, it's always nicer when sales stay steady and increase. :)

    1. Yes, that is one of the things I love about ebooks! :D

  14. Great post, and all authors worry about this. I agree with Angeline that you should focus on getting your next book out there.

  15. I agree with Catherine's comment about staying relevant, which you do. :D

    You're an amazing writer, Kyra. I love your work and your characters!

  16. I think what helps an author's books sales is to continue to publish additional good novels so that readers have a vast selection of your work. Keep looking at the bigger picture and the sales will flourish. Hope that helps. :)

  17. You can drive yourself nuts worrying about things that are outside of your control to a degree. Just focus on doing what you do! Write up a storm, keep moving forward. If you keep looking behind you, you might lose sight of the path your on.

    Good luck!

  18. One thing about worry is that it never gets much done. Guess the best thing is to just push ahead and concentrate on getting that next good book out there. Good luck with that.

  19. I agree with many of the other commenters. Just keep writing, keep marketing, and trust that the sales will be there, steadily. I don't think we can control the market . .. much as we would like to.

  20. It's not impossible Kyra! You have talent and mad skills little lady!

  21. thats why you keep writing, even successful authors know they are only as goid as their last book and keep writing. then when new ones come out, readers like the writing and look for your other titles! right? so dont worry, keep writing!

  22. My family has a saying. We use it for all kinds of situations, and strangely, it helps.

    If you can't be happy, be productive. So there you have it. If you're caught worrying too much, maybe it's time to do something.

    And also keep in mind, sales could slump, but they will always bump up with future releases. When someone reads something and they like it, they usually go find the other novels by them. That should help you smile a bit.

  23. I think it's okay to be worried about sales, but more important to keep writing the best books that you can and keep moving forward that way. Good luck!

  24. I haven't even got as far as worrying about book sales yet. The worry never ends, does it?

  25. Hi Kyra
    Well, you read my post so you know what I think about this. Finding readers as an Indie is hard to do. Just keep writing and they will come. Oh wait, that's a movie, I sure hope the ghost of Shakespeare doesn't show up. I don't think I can explain the differences in today's market from his. LOL

  26. What I was going to say has pretty much been covered. Particularly as an indie author, I think the best way to keep buzz going is keep up the output. New fans will want to check out your back catalogue. Don't let that turn into a big pressure, though. You have material for the rest of your series lined up, so just focus on writing it and enjoying the ride! I also liked Cherie's comment - at least e-authors never have to worry about going out of print. That never occurred to me before!

    1. Yup, I think that's the plan! I have enough material to keep me going for a while longer so I should be okay! :D

  27. Oh, it'd be SO hard to be an Indie author! I mean, all forms of being an author is difficult, but the sales and all that would stress me out... you're AMAZING, Kyra! And everyone loves you!!!!! :D

    1. Thanks Morgan! It's not really that different, though - just a teensy bit of extra work here and there ... LOL! <3

  28. I think it's wonderful your book is selling! Congrats! I put something on Smashwords, 2 yrs ago and it's sold 1 copy to date. Yeah, I'm a lousy marketer.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog. I can't believe you have a friend who dives in Hurghada regularly. Small world, huh? Hurghada has lovely weather for windsurfing and beautifil reefs for diving and snorkeling. I bet your friend has a great time. :-)

    1. Yeah, he loves Hurghada!

      LOL, yes there is a HUGE amount of marketing involved to sell books - it's tiring, but worthwhile!

  29. I'm happy for you that your book sales are making you happy! Long may it continue.

  30. Well, I think releasing Blindsided will help keep the buzz alive a little longer at least. Just keep doing what you're doing. I think you're doing a great job promoting your book (spreading the word without jamming it down our throats ;-) ).

    1. Thanks, Tobi! I try hard not to spam, but sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough lol!

  31. I think we all have that insecurity. Sometimes I look at the sales of books published by big 6s just to make myself feel better!

    1. Lol! It's tough not to feel insecure about it sometimes, I think. :S

  32. I am glad you are happy with your book sales and long may they continue. Hey, you'll have another book and novella out soon and all of those will find new people and drive sales back to Game On, I'm sure of it!

  33. Best of luck on hitting #1...dream big, I say!

  34. Glad you are happy!
    Keep doing what you're doing - staying active online - and they won't slow down to nothing. There might even be a sudden surge. I've seen it happen...

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks, Alex! :D

  35. Gosh, this is a worry I haven't had yet but I can guess that it must be so tempting to keep checking those sales figures. I'm sure your new publication will keep your name out there.

    1. It is a terrible addiction to keep checking sales figures lol!

  36. Your work has just begun, because it takes persistence to keep sales going. And more books, as they feed off one another. But it sounds like you have plans in place for that.

    1. Yeah, I have some plans in place - hopefully it will all work out! :D

  37. I've heard that the thing with self-publishing is that it's slow to get started, but eventually it steams along at a healthy pace. Traditional publishing is the opposite.
    So you have nothing to fear--especially with great writing!

  38. Sales will eventually crank up. We gotta be patient with everything when you're a writer and I've learned that. Nothing comes RIGHT AWAY with writing. You just gotta continue to write and never give up! I have faith in you, Kyra - you can do it!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Nice to see you around! I look forward to hearing more from you! *hugs* :)

    1. Lovely to see you around, too! *hugs* :D

      Yep, lots more hard work to do - I hope I can keep up with it all lol!

  39. The best way to keep sales going to keep writing. When a new book comes out, if readers like it they will check out your backlist. Be prolific :).

  40. Don't worry Kyra,

    Just keep positive. Also keep networking... getting the word out is important to keep sales going as well.

    But the bottom line is word of mouth, if your readers LOVE your writing they will buzz about it to their friends... Remember the old VO5 commercial? "She told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on...."

    It's your time so enjoy the ride!

  41. I admire you for what you have accomplished. You encourage and give hope to all writers. I am looking forward to reading Game On. You are a talented writer so I know your sales will continue to rise. I don't know enough about the self publishing market to really comment, but I know that if you keep writing and stay connected with this writing community you should continue to succeed. Congratulations on getting further than many of us have. I wish you the best.

  42. Kyra, I hosted an indy published author recently who has sold 25,000+ books of just one if her titles, and she has several. Remember your book is out there as long as you want it to be.

  43. I understand your fears! I think my sales are pretty slow, but I tell myself at least they keep moving!

  44. You know, you have a LOT of people who are fans of your work. I think that as long as you continue to put your books out there then there will always be some interest. Best of luck to you Kyra :)

  45. Hey,

    First of all, I just think it's awesome that you *have* a book finished and out there, available for sale... that is such a great achievement:)

    Your continued sales are a measure of your skill as a writer and your positive attitude and willingness to participate :)

    So, congrats on your sales and I'm *sure* you'll never have an "0" unless it's at the *end* of at least several other numbers:)

  46. Keep believin! No matter what your numbers are, people are out there reading your book and caring about your characters. That is pretty fantabulous!


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