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D is for Denial

My plan for the A - Z Challenge is to write every post as if it were a diary entry by a character from my WIP. Today's post comes from Leah Walker. 


I had the misfortune of meeting LA's answer to Don Juan yesterday, except he has far less charm and an infinitely bigger ego. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, he's a horny caveman. He tried to club me over the head (offered me large amounts of wine) and drag me back to his lair (offered to shag my brains out), and when I refused, he told me I was playing hard to get!

Granted, a few years ago, a bit of harmless fun with an attractive guy is something I would have considered, but now? Now I am twenty-six years old and know better.

McCoy thinks I am in denial about how much I want him, which is funny, because I am pretty certain that I don't want him at all. Knowing he has rolled around on top of half the women in America isn't appealing to me, and besides, he is WAY off limits if I want to keep my job.

How unfortunate. I finally find the job of my dreams, but it comes with a side order of the man of my nightmares.

I guess I'll just have to suck it up (absolutely no pun intended) and hope that he gets the message. And soon. 


  1. Love the comparison to Don Juan, and Leah's steely mindset against McCoy. I also found this line especially good: "How unfortunate. I finally find the job of my dreams, but it comes with a side order of the man of my nightmares." - I think it's amusing and interesting that she sees the situation like that.

    Excellent as always. Looking forwards to E ...

  2. This was hilarious! It's so hard to do humor, especially in such a short piece, but you nailed it :D The last two paragraphs in particular had me smiling, haha.

  3. hahaha, love this. You've created some great characters.

  4. Haha, this made me laugh the whole time! I LOVE the first paragraph. And the end. OK, the whole thing was great. :-)

  5. Great how you reveal the problems the character has to deal with while introducing them.
    Also, you've won an award on my blog. Check it out.

  6. "How unfortunate. I finally find the job of my dreams, but it comes with a side order of the man of my nightmares."

    This is the mark of a writer right here. You have so much talent, Kyra, I am always in awe of your ability.

    Can't wait for tomorrow. :D

  7. Excellent conflict! Can't wait for the next entry! :)

  8. Awesome diary entry. Man why couldn't my diary sound like this when I kept one?! Trade you diaries!

  9. You are brilliant! Love this theme and this is so good! I'm going back through A-C to read your other excerpts.

  10. Love the description of him being a 'horny caveman' and 'knowing he has rolled around on top of had he women in America doesn't appeal to me'.

  11. Kyra, this is so great! You have a terrific grasp of character voice. Love this line: "How unfortunate I finally find the job of my dreams, but it comes with a side order of the man of my nightmares." Hahaha! Looking forward to more!

  12. Sounds like an interesting job. A dream job, with a nightmare boss, perhaps?

  13. Hah! Loved the "LA's answer to Don Juan" bit

  14. Well, she has a serious dilemma. Nice little character study and what a great idea for the A to Z challenge.

  15. Oh those American women ;)

    And, yes, a job with a soccer team sounds AWESOME! :)

  16. "Rolled around of top of half the women in America" -- LOL! When I think about that it's a little icky. I'm hoping for a huge character arch for McCoy :)

  17. Hehe, giggled through this whole thing! Maybe next time she should bring something to castrate the perv. ;)

  18. Haha. See where Bree was not my cup of tea, I am ALL about Leah. LOVE, LOVE her voice.

  19. LOL! Kyra, you're seriously hilarious. I'm always so "Into" whatever you have to say. Verrrry fun post! :D

  20. I love this! This is such a creative take on the A-Z Challenge. And you have to love the comparison to Don Juan :D

  21. This is fantastic! I love it.

  22. That's an interesting predicament. I like Leah.

  23. Oh, man--I hate guys like that--they make me crazy. I have a remedy that involved making him wear lingerie, but probably the guy you are talking about would take that as a come on.

  24. What a cad! You have great characterizations.

  25. Kyra, that writing is amazing! I especially love this line: How unfortunate. I finally find the job of my dreams, but it comes with a side order of the man of my nightmares.

    Nice work!!

  26. Don't you just hate guys like that?

  27. Ha-ha! Awesome. Liking Leah.

    Happy Hump Day!
    My D

  28. This entry reminds of a blogger named S. She uses her blog as a diary, and I can see her going through something like this. The blog is called My Darling Solitude, if you're curious.

  29. Every job comes with at least one jerk.

  30. Unique concept for the challenge!
    An interesting character...

  31. I love this idea of the diary entry. A strong character.


  32. A horny caveman! I love it!

  33. A horny caveman! I love it!

  34. LOL! Oh man, this is brilliant! YOU are brilliant! I love it. Horny caveman = LOL! Comes with a side order of the man of my nightmares = More LOL! You're awesome!

  35. Eh, that last line! :D

    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  36. Love the wit and the turns-of-phrase you use in this one!

  37. You nailed it. The Her denial is expressed brilliantly.

  38. What a great idea and post. I need to see inside my character's head like you do.

    Happy A to Z-ing!

  39. Wow, wow, wow! Thanks so much (again!) for all the kind words! I have struggled so much with voice in the past, but writing little snippets this way seems to be making a world of difference. I really, truly appreciate your comments, and if I haven't made it to your blog yet, I hope to get there today! <3

  40. Don't let him change your mind Leah!

  41. Nice work Kyra! Loved the part about it not being a pun, haha that's the sort of thing I say in reality ;)


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