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Z is for Zero

Z is for Zero. Zero as in, there are no more days left in the A-Z Challenge!

I can't actually believe it's over already - it feels like we only just started! I'd like to take this time to thank all of you for stopping by every day, and reading a little of Leah and Radleigh's story. I hope you enjoyed it, and I also hope you'll continue to visit now the challenge is over. I have met some super cool new people and followed some new blogs, and I'm excited to keep up to date with all your news!

Now, throughout A-Z, I ran a Rafflecopter giveaway offering ten ecopies of Game On. The winners have been picked, and here they are!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congratulations! I will be in touch with all of you over the next couple of days to send your prize!


  1. It seems insane that the challenge is already over, and I'm glad we made it all the way through! I feel like celebrating!

  2. Yup the challenge has ended but the new connections remain. Plus I'm embarassed to realize I'm now GFC follower number 432 since I just figured out that I didn't already follow your blog. Awkward. Congrats on getting to the end Kyra, congrats winners and I enjoyed reading your posts.

  3. Congrats to the winners! Congrats to you too on an excellent Challenge. Although I didn't catch all the posts, I really enjoyed those I read. :)

  4. Congrats to the winners.

    This month went by fast.

  5. I can't remember if I had see you say this, but had you written your posts ahead of time? I did all of my planning ahead, and about half the writing. Even so, I felt like I had to rush to finish posts. Which isn't fun.

    I can't believe the number of participants in this thing. It's huge!

  6. YAY I won!! Now I know what I'll be reading next! thank you :)

  7. One of my friends had 'Z is for Zzzz' and said she was taking a nap after today's post. LOL

    Congrats to the winners and congrats to you for finishing the challenge. :)

  8. Congrats to the winners and to everyone who made it to Letter Z!!!

  9. Congrats to the winners and to all the Challenge survivors! :)

  10. Congratulations to the winners. We finally reached the end of the Challenge.

  11. Congrats, Kyra, on making it to the end of the challenge. :D

  12. Congratulations to everyone!
    I've enjoyed reading the little excerpts.
    Congratulations on completing the Challenge.

  13. I also can't believe the Challenge is over. This was my first time participating and I had a blast getting to know many new bloggers I hadn't known before, like you. :)

    Congratulations on finishing the Challenge!!! I enjoyed reading your excerpts.

    And whoa! I actually won? I almost didn't see that. Awesome! :D

  14. *super grin* I'm one happy reader. Can't wait to get started. Yay! And lady, you totally know I'll be stopping in from time to time and dropping by a delivery of cheese. =)

  15. Ah, what a clever way to end the challenge! Congrats on making it to the finish line.

  16. Whew! We did it. Congrats on finishing A to Z.

  17. Congrats on finishing the A-Z! That is an awesome accomplishment! And YAY for all the winners! That book ROCKS!

  18. Congrats on finishing the A to Z, Kyra - your theme was a lot of fun. :)

    And congrats to the ebook winners!! I think they are gonna love the book. :)

  19. Hooha for the winners! And kudos to you for finishing the A-Z challenge! I still have yet to participate! :)


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