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F is for First Vacation

My A-Z Theme is based on my books, the Game On series. You won’t need to have read them to follow this story, since it’s slightly removed from the full plot, like a side story. What it will do is give you a glimpse into my characters, and a chance to get to know them a little bit, PLUS, during the story, you will get a mini tour of parts of the UK! The posts will come from two of my main characters, Leah Walker and Radleigh McCoy.  If this is your first time here, please start at the letter A. :D

F – First Vacation 

Leah insisted she drive us from her hometown, through Cornwall to a place called St. Ives, where we’d be spending a couple weeks… well, you know. ;) She said I’d find it hard to navigate the narrow streets and winding roads because I’m not used to them at all, and that I’d get too impatient if we got stuck behind a tractor. Okay, she knows me a little too well, but like I told her, I’m the man. I can drive the car.

Cornwall looks pretty much like any image you’ve ever had of England. Lots of fields, sheep, cows, and tiny villages which only have a pub, a post office and a corner shop.

“How did a girl like you come from a place like this?” I asked, as I was forced to slow right down again as we hit yet another small village.

“What do you mean?” Leah’s eyes narrowed a little.

“This place. It’s nice, but if I’d had to guess, I’d have pegged you as a city girl. You’re too… worldly for somewhere like this.”

“Worldly? Is that a polite way of calling me a tramp?”

I laughed. “No! But these towns… they look like they should be full of girls in flowery dresses and guys wearing waistcoats. You don’t fit here.”

“Why do you think I came to L.A?” She smiled, and I forced my attention back to the road, even though I really wanted to pull over and kiss her. Not that that was an unusual feeling. “Places like this breed two kinds of people. The people who want to stay here forever because they can’t imagine being anywhere else. And people who can’t take the boredom and make a run for it as soon as possible.” 

I couldn’t imagine what would have happened to Leah if she’d stayed in Cornwall. Like I said, it’s nice, but it’s not a place where she’d have been happy to stay for the rest of her life. I was glad she got away. Glad she made it to L.A.

Glad I stopped being an idiot and got her back.


  1. He is so cute when he's not being an insufferable cad! hehe

    1. Haha, don't get too used to it - he goes back to being his usual self in the books very soon!

  2. Yup, good thing, Radleigh! Hehehe!

  3. Cornwall is high on my list of places to get to one day -- but yeah, I suppose spending a weekend there is far different than living there year-round.

    It's fun getting an inside peek at the characters before I finally dive into the books.

  4. I grew up in a country town and couldn't wait to get out, so I can relate. :)

  5. I am hoping to visit Cornwall next year. I'm enjoying this story.

    1. Aww, stay in touch! I live nearby, we should meet! :D

  6. I have always wanted to visit Cornwall, have heard so much about it.

  7. Nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there?

    1. Well, I would love to live there, but it's definitely not a place for Radleigh McCoy lol!

  8. Aw. Yay for love! I'm glad he got her back too. =)

  9. This story was nicely paced and we got to see inside both characters personalities. Yeah she couldn't live there. Why do women sometimes read into things so wrong? Where in that sentence did the idea of a tramp even come up?

  10. "Is that a polite way of calling me a tramp?" I love that line! This was another captivating and well-written piece. I can't wait for more!

  11. One of the interesting things about Europe is their narrow streets. Okay, really, that's not the MOST interesting thing, but something that is different. :)

    There are so many places I'd love to visit in Europe. I wish I were rich so I could travel all I want. Plus buy a publishing house to print my own books. :)

    1. Haha, in the countryside, the roads are a total nightmare!

      You should come visit!

  12. Awhh that's so cute. I love Radleigh's last thought!
    I don't think I would have made it if I'd stayed in my small hometown! It would have driven me crazy, though I'm not living in a big city now.

    1. Small town life has its perks, but it's definitely not for everyone!

  13. I lived in a quiet town for a little over a decade and couldn't wait to get out.

    I believe worldly people can be found everywhere.

    Great piece.

  14. Great feel for the setting in this piece! Would love to travel to those quaint villages myself:)

    Echoes of Olympus
    A to Z #TeamDamyanti

  15. I agree with Trisha's comment! LOL! #True


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