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U is for Unsure

My A-Z Theme is based on my books, the Game On series. You won’t need to have read them to follow this story, since it’s slightly removed from the full plot, like a side story. What it will do is give you a glimpse into my characters, and a chance to get to know them a little bit, PLUS, during the story, you will get a mini tour of parts of the UK! The posts will come from two of my main characters, Leah Walker and Radleigh McCoy.  If this is your first time here, please start at the letter A. :D


U - Unsure
When Radleigh first asked me to go back to L.A with him – in the middle of an argument, as usual – I admit it. I was scared. Unsure. If he’d had his way, he’d have had me packed up and on the next flight with him. I needed a little reassurance first, though. I wanted go, of course. But I also didn’t want to spend the rest of my life moving back and forth every time we realised we couldn’t actually live together.

As it turned out, when we stopped fighting how we felt, we stopped fighting completely. 

I knew we could get along – in America, we’d had some great times. Most of them happened when we were away from L.A, but even so, those were the times I’d gotten better glimpses of who Radleigh was. The times I started to fall in love with him.

I would move back with him, of course. His whole life, his family, his career – they were all in L.A. He needed to be there, and I needed to be with him. I wasn’t unsure anymore.


  1. There's nothing better than the feeling you get when all becomes clear and all that uncertainty has gone. Good to be positive.

  2. How delightful not to be unsure of a relationship. :) sweet

  3. It's a wonderful feeling when you're no longer unsure of the direction you should take.

    One of AJ's AtoZ wHooligans
    Tales of a Pee Dee Mama

  4. It definitely is good to be certain about what you want. Uncertainty can be exhausting.

  5. When you know it's right, you know.

  6. From someone who is almost always uncertain, I can really appreciate her feelings here!

  7. I like the sentence about when they stopped fighting how they felt, they stopped fighting. A lot of couples can learn from that.

  8. It can be scary to pack up and move with someone, but I'm glad she figured out what is really important to her.

  9. Yep, follow your heart...all the way to the USA!

  10. Both in real life and in fiction, I love it when someone has that resolve.


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