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M is for Masculinity

My A-Z Theme is based on my books, the Game On series. You won’t need to have read them to follow this story, since it’s slightly removed from the full plot, like a side story. What it will do is give you a glimpse into my characters, and a chance to get to know them a little bit, PLUS, during the story, you will get a mini tour of parts of the UK! The posts will come from two of my main characters, Leah Walker and Radleigh McCoy.  If this is your first time here, please start at the letter A. :D


M - Masculinity

Radleigh and I spent a large part of the afternoon in bed, while rain and wind rattled the windows. What else would you expect a newly formed couple to do in that kind of weather? ;) We eventually dragged ourselves up to eat. I cooked a very British traditional roast, and then we snuggled up on the sofa in front of the TV, wrapped up in a duvet.

As Radleigh watched the television, I couldn’t help but let my thoughts wander. A few months ago, this was the last place I’d have expected to be. Radleigh only showed very small glimpses of having a softer side back then. Mostly he was focused on being the Alpha male, and proving just how much of a man he was. 

 He was such a contradiction. 

Radleigh’s arm tightened around me, pulling me in a little closer, and I smiled up at him.

“What?” he asked, completely unaware of how adorable he was when he did things like that. Holding me tighter, just because.

“What happened to you?” I chuckled, and planted a kiss on his tattooed arm.

“What do you mean?”

I shook my head. “You’re just cute, that’s all.”

His eyes narrowed, but a smile played on his lips. “Cute? Are you questioning my masculinity?”

When I didn’t answer, he scooped me up and flipped us over so he was on top of me. He moved so fast, I squealed as his weight crushed down on me, and I wound my arms around his neck.

“Okay, you win.” I laughed. “You’re not cute. You’re manly. A total stud.”

“It still sounds like you’re mocking me, Miss Walker.”

“I am. But that doesn’t mean it’s not true.”


Don't forget, you still have time to enter to win one of ten ecopies of Game On!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. So sweet. He is super cute when responding to being mocked.

  2. Yes, Masculitnity is a word, term and application very pregnant with meaning and contradictions. A good post here
    an #atoz er at

  3. Well, that was definitely a cute scene!

  4. Great scene. My hubby hates being called cute, so of course I mention how cute he is all the time.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you'll come back some time and click the "join" button. :-)

  5. Hah! Be careful what you say. I don't think I've ever called my husband cute, although gorgeous may have escaped my lips. He didn't appreciate it. =)

    True Heroes from A to Z

  6. Fun post. And, yes, it is nice to linger in the sheets on a rainy day with your Lover.
    Play off the Page

  7. I love it when big, tough guys show their softer sides. But telling a guy he has a soft side, or is "cute" is a no-no. HAHA! ;)

  8. Aww -- that was such a cute scene. I'm men manly! Very, very manly.

  9. This scene was absolutely adorable! :)

  10. Cute scene! Couldn't help it. I know my dad doesn't like being called cute, but my mom does it all the time!

  11. Nice scene. Men hate being called cute.

  12. Such a tender moment. :)

  13. Such a cute scene!

    Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z


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