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IWSG: Publishing Panic

Some of you will have seen this already - I accidentally posted it yesterday by mistakes lol! *blushes* 

Can you believe it's time for another round of the Insecure Writer's Support Group? Time is flying by at the moment!

Today, I'll be having a mini nervous breakdown about publishing. I am SO close to having my WIP complete, but there are some things on my mind that just need to be released so I can move on!

First of all, I still don't have a title for this bloody book! It's about soccer, it's chick-lit and obviously I need something lighthearted and attention-grabbing but I can't figure it out. No doubt I will whine about this a few more times before it's done!

Second, I need to organise a front cover for the book. This isn't actually as big a problem as I first thought because I know what I want it to look like and I know a couple of people who may be able to make it happen for me. However, I can't do anything about that until I have a title lol.

Third, what if everyone hates my book? Yesterday I posted on Facebook that I have two more projects lined up, but then I realised that sounded horribly smug. What if my first book bombs? What if it gets nothing but awful reviews and nobody ever wants to buy anything I write ever again? Maybe I wasn't cut out for writing after all.

None of these things will stop me trying, but at the moment, getting my first book out is a terrifying prospect.


  1. Title suggestions (completely off the top of my head, in about 20 seconds!):
    They Think It's All Over
    The Backroom Boys
    Kick Off
    Half Time
    Full Time
    Man of the Match

    Lol - all silly suggestions, I know (straight out of the footie commentaries), but you never know. I think last time you talked about titles I said brainstorm - write down all the silly things you can think of, and the right one will jump off the page.

    I'm sure people won't hate your book, judging by the support and comments you've had through the A-Z. And having other projects is sensible, not smug!

    1. Heh, thanks for the ideas! I really wanted to use "They Think It's All Over" but there are many books that already use that title :( I also like "The Real McCoy" but that has also been done many times over!

      Thanks, Annalisa!

  2. I can't believe how fast time is going either! Literally feels like yesterday since I posted my last IWSG post!
    That's so cool that you've nearly finished your WIP!! Well done on having the determination (and stamina) to do it! I keep conveniently forgetting to write mine...
    Don't worry about the doubts :) - it's perfectly fine to say you have other projects on the go - if anything, it just makes you sounds super-efficient and creative :)! Oh, and I constantly think that people are going to hate my book, but I guess in the end, you can't worry about what people will think too much - it's YOUR book, so as long as you're happy with it - screw everyone else ;).

    Rachel :)

    1. Thanks Rachel! I am determined to keep going, but it's such a scary thing to put words out into the world for people to criticise. I can do it though, I'm brave lol!

  3. Take a deep breath. First from the few blogpost I've read by you I don't sense you're one to just keel over at the sign of trouble (book/writing trouble mind you). Second you have reached a point many would be writers have failed to. You have a W.I.P. near completion. Some people never pass the first page! Pat yourself on the back and know that you have a title to worry about, not a W.I.P. that's 1% finished. Be happy with what you've achieved and strive to do even more.

    Love you! I bet your book will kick ass.

    1. Ahh, your comment has made me feel so much better! It's a natural thing for me to focus on what I haven't done instead of what I've achieved. You have reminded me that I have actually come a long way, thank you!

  4. Hi Kyra
    Go girl! And don't worry about sounding smug, you're just being enthusiastic,creative and passionate. Try not thinking so hard about the title and it will appear in your head. Good luck! hugs x

    1. Thanks Madeleine! You were right, as soon as I stopped struggling for the title, it hit me! :D

  5. For your title, how about GOOOOOOOAAAAALLLL!

    Just kidding. ;) I'm a "titles last" writer, so I know what it's like to get through a project and then realize you don't even have that first eye-grabber covered yet. Just mull it over and hang in there! It will come.

    And as for those doubts and fears . . . well, we all get them. I get them every time I send a short story out to an editor, knowing some stranger is going to be judging whether or not this thing I've put a piece of myself into is good enough for his/her publication. Writing takes tremendous courage at times, there's no doubting that.

    But, you can do it!


    1. I kinda like "Goal" as the title - it's simple! :D

      Thanks for the support!! I love this group!

  6. I scheduled my post last night and wondered why it hadn't appeared this morning. Turns out I'd scheduled it for tomorrow by mistake. So you were a day early and I was a day late. We got there in the end though!

    I can't help with titles. I find them almost as difficult as writing a synopsis (but not quite - synopsis writing is my personal nightmare).

    Don't feel bad about having more things lined up for when you've finished your wip. I think it's a good thing. It's better than struggling with what to do next.

    1. I think you're right, but when I posted it on Facebook, I felt really dorky and lame!

  7. Everyone has those doubts, lovely lady! And as for reviews, I've been told that if you write something that pleases everyone, you're doing something wrong. Haha!

  8. If you didn't have those worries and doubts, I'd wonder about you! Every writer feels that way -- and what's more, it doesn't go away after you get the first book published or probably the second one, either. (I'll let you know for sure in about 12 months.) Maybe Suzanne Collins doesn't worry about it any more, but I'll bet she does. Because what if everyone says her next book is a let down after Hunger Games? The fear is always there!

    1. Hee hee, thanks! It's kind of sad to know that fear never goes away, but at the same time, it's what stops us getting too over-confident!

  9. Great job on getting your book so near to publication!
    Titles are that last bit of magic sometimes, and I honestly believe they appear when they're good and ready. What helps me is to slap any old title on, and force the subconscious to rebel at how wrong it is, and let it give me the right one to replace it!
    You shouldn't feel that people think you're smug about starting another project. Writers write, so there will always be new projects. As a proud member of IWSG myself, I know quite well what that feels like, but in the end the need to write the story wins out over the fear of being horrible at it. :)
    I love the font on this blog BTW. Very cool.

    1. LOL that is quite a good idea about the title!

      Thanks for stopping by with words of encouragement! :D

  10. i feel your fears! i think the new projects help take our mind off the impending failure!

    the big score
    blocking the shot
    heads up
    side out
    red card

    give you any ideas? make you giggle? brainstorm! it'll hit you =)

    1. Oh, oh, I like The Big Score! I think I will compile a list and get my blog buddies to choose! :D Thanks, Tara!

  11. I think all writers feel this way. You are trying and doing it. Most people who try, give up. Go for it because you don't want to live with regret. You can do it!

    1. That's very true! I have come too far to stop now! :D

  12. Keep plugging along. I'm sure everything will work out. And don't read your reviews, no matter how tempted. I plan on not reading mine. Lol

    1. Heh, I learned not to read comments on the articles I write after being slated many times about my opinions, but I can't see how I will have the restraint to do that with my book!

  13. What about SCORE? or like a play on words, because scoring someone is slang for kissing, right? So if your LI is called Samuel (random name alert) you could call it SCORING SAMUEL.
    Meh. My book's called THE BRIGHTEST FELL and I'm paranoid agents will think it's a fallen angel book and delete it without reading the query. It's a Macbeth quote, gahhhh!

    Anyway, don't worry, just enjoy the fact that you're nearly there. And then you can totally have a MASSIVE party.

    1. LOVE this title. In America "score" means to hit the goal (and also means to get get "lucky" or go well beyond kissing)
      But it's used as any an A on a test...score.
      I like it...multi-dimensional.
      I am imagining "Keeping Scores"
      and this could be the football scores, bedroom scores, life scores...what's the character's numbers and how do they count?
      Okay, I'm writing taglines now...but it's Amy's fault.
      Score just seems so perfect after reading all the diary entries this month.

    2. I love the idea of "Score," but it is the title of a Jilly Cooper book, and I don't think I can compete there lol!

      Keeping Score is also brilliant, but there is a book with that title in the Kindle store scheduled for a July release. :(

      All the good titles seem to be taken!

  14. Are you going to self-publish, then? I mean you need a TITLE to query, but not a cover--they handle that. I think you should definitely keep plowing ahead with the writing. It keeps you motivated and grounded for the inevitable obstacles that come up--because they always do. If you only have one iron in the fire, any blow is devastating. If you have several things, you can shrug it off easier.

    1. Yes, I am going to self-publish this time around. :)

      You're right, there should always be other projects, that's good advice!

    2. I was going to ask that, too. :) What made you decide to self publish? (Just curious.) :)

    3. Mostly, I just want this book out in the world - and if I have to go through querying etc. it will take a lot longer. Also, I didn't want to give up any of the control of my first born book baby lol!

  15. Keep those projects coming! I'm told the best thing you can do for your first book marketingwise is to get out the 2nd book...then the 3rd. And once your book is out in the wide world, you'll be shocked how much of your time gets sucked away w/ markting, etc. so work on those projects NOW. And good luck, very exciting indeed. :)

  16. I think it's great you have two more projects lined up! Ooo, and I hear you about the title. I'm so bad at titles! For me it's one of the most stressful things to come up with, yeesh. Good luck with your writing and finishing. You're almost there!!

    1. Thanks, Laura! The title hit me last night, which means I am another step closer!!

  17. Well, here's the thing - even if everyone hates that (which they won't, so try not to worry too much about that) every subsequent book you write will be better, because you will be a better writer. Guaranteed. So definitely plan out those other projects. It helps to have goals in mind

  18. Hi Kyra, have you heard of the genre "sports romance"? It's kind of new but I think you could use that genre as well as chick lit if you wanted. I can't remember if I mentioned the YA sports romance "Catching Jordan" that I'm reading. It's awesome and I think you'd enjoy it.

    For covers, my publisher and others like to use stock photos like You might peruse that site and see if any images strike your fancy?

    It's SMART and not conceited to have other projects going at all times, if you want to be an author. Having 3-4 books published is necessary to get more name recognition and increased sales. I'm experiencing an uptick in sales for my first novel after the release of my third novel.

    Hmm, titles. I still think you should throw out some ideas in a post and have peeps give feedback!

    1. Thanks for all the advice and suggestions! I have a very good friend who is a graphic designer, and she is working on my cover - yay!

      I'm glad it's good to have other projects because I have quite a few ideas now! :D

  19. Somewhere there's a euphemism involving soccer balls and... other balls, but it's not coming to me as a title suggestion.

    Your book won't bomb, not if the diary entries and snippets are anything to base it off. Those were a lot of fun, and I imagine the book is too. :-)

    1. Pahaha! Don't think I didn't consider a euphemism! :D

      Thanks for the endless encouragement, you are the best!!

  20. The fact that you worry shows that you care. It means you will be making sure that what you publish is your best, and I'm sure it'll be great!

    1. Thanks! That is true - I worry so much, and I am trying to make it the best it can possibly be. :D

  21. I play soccer and was trying to think of something, nothing popped in my head so I looked up soccer terms and noticed 'thigh trap' and now I can't stop laughing about this being a title :) "Man on" (I yell this about 20 times a game) is another one that is cracking me up. Obviously I'm terrible at titles, I don't even like my own :) Good luck!

    1. Haha, Thigh Trap is a GENIUS idea for a title! :D

  22. I can totally relate to your panic, I'm sorry you are struggling with this! But I have no doubt that your fears are unfounded, people will love your book. I know I can't wait to read it, just from what I've seen of your blog I think your writing is great. It's very exciting that you are so close, don't let the panic get you down. :)

    1. Thanks Julie! I feel a little calmer now from all the support - bloggers are awesome!

  23. "Score" somewhere in the title came to my mind. Or "Goal." Sorry, I struggle with titles. My publisher came up with the title for my second book.

    1. I really like "Score" as a stand alone title, but Jilly Cooper beat me to it lol!

  24. I have the same problem with titles. I usually throw it out to my critique partners as they're much better at it than I am. Find your audience and you'll be adored. You have wonderful characters and in chick-lit that's highly important. You can do it! :)

    1. Thanks, Christine!! I hope those characters stay likeable throughout the book!

  25. Oh, I know how you feel. Sometimes it can be so overwhelming. Good luck with all your publishing concerns and I have some title suggestions too: (feel free to laugh and disregard).

    Off Sides

    Red Card

    Play Off

    Okay, these could devolve into complete silliness with things like Right Footed Rockets and The Assist. Well, the soccer theme can make that easy.

    1. Rena- you are my star! It was actually because of you that I managed to come up with my title! I will give you a shoutout and explain further when I post about it - but thank you! :D

  26. I totally know what you're going through. I feel your number three a lot right now. Just know that we're all going through it and you have us (the wonderful online writing group) by your side.

  27. Hang in there. It's a process. And I'm sure everybody won't hate your book. ;) As for your title--why not go sit at a soccer game and listen to the things being said around you - the shouts, the chatter, even terms related to the game. Maybe that will awaken your title muse. :)

    1. That's a really good idea - I definitely need to find time to do that!

  28. I'm stuck without a title for my werewolf story too. A plot might help that aspect out, lol.


    1. LOL! I am sure you will figure it all out soon :D

  29. Judging by your posts from the A to Z challenge, I'm certainly going to love your book, and I'm willing to bet that a lot of other people will too! Good luck on thinking of a title :)


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