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Dust It Off Bloghop!

Welcome to day one of the Dust It Off Bloghop, hosted by Theresa Paolo and Cortney Pearson! This hop is all about the WIPs you wrote, and then shelved!

Okay, so I am teaming up with Clare Dugmore for this one, because back in 2006 - yup, we've known each other THAT long lol! - we started to write a book together. Unfortunately, other commitments got in the way and we never finished it - but even so many years on - it's still something we remember fondly, so we're going to dust it off for you!

The first day, May 3rd: We want you to post a 1-2 sentence pitch (Great way to practice pitches) about the shelved WIP.

Here is the pitch Clare and I came up with:

For best friends Caitlin and Tori, their first acting job out of Uni opens up a whole new world for them – unfortunately, it wasn’t the world they were expecting. When the strains of adult life and tangled relationships threaten to ruin their friendship, they are forced to take a look at what’s really important. 

Don't forget to hop around to the other blogs and see what wonderful projects everyone is dusting off! :D


  1. It fills me with happiness that we're talking and thinking about this story again! Working with you is great fun, and we bounce ideas off each other wonderfully.

    1. Yes! I love that it is so easy to throw ideas around and agree on pretty much everything!

  2. Wonderful blog! I, too, am working on my first novel (or should I say novels since I have several works in progress?). I look forward to following your journey!

    1. Thanks Amanda! Good luck with your novel(s)!

  3. ...great idea for a blog hop. With a little fine-tuning, some of those dusty manuscripts may find themselves on an editor's desk ;) Who knows?


    1. Yup! This one is already being discussed for a revival!

  4. Good idea - looking at something with fresh eyes can jump start the whole thing again.

    1. Yeah, that seems to be the case with this story! :D

  5. Great idea for a blog hop.

    It's a shame you didn't get the chance to finish the book but maybe this will reignite it again.

  6. That's great that you and Clare worked on a project together! I love both your writing styles, and the synopsis sounds excellent :)

    1. Thanks, Catherine! It was so long ago that we started it, but it's really fun to look at it again!

  7. So I assume you each took one character's perspective. Whose did you write? Have you collaborated with anyone else since then?

    1. Yes, we have a character each. I write Tori. :D

  8. I just saw this on Clare's blog! I love that you guys co-wrote this, and it sounds like a fab story! Friendship stories are so great! Maybe you guys will pull it out and start working on it again, who knows? :)

    1. This bloghop has been super inspiring, so we may just pull it out and work on it again! :D

  9. You hooked me right away with your pitch! Co-writing sounds both fun and challenging.

    1. Yay! I imagine co-writing could be quite challenging at times, but Clare and I always work well together, and it is nothing but a pleasure to write with her. :D

  10. Co-writing is great and I love how your MS is similar to why you are using this MS for the blog. Life gets in the ways of goals and ambitions alike. I love it. Art imitates Life or the other way around. lol

    1. Aw, I never thought of it that way! That's a very good point! :D

  11. I've wondered if I would be able to co-write with someone. It's great that you had such a wonderful experience.

    1. Thanks! It is a lot of fun to co-write - just make sure you find the right person! :D

  12. Co-writing is so fantastically fun. I've loved all the projects I've done (though none of them were done for publication, or even with the thought of ever letting anyone else near them).

    1. Isn't it awesome? I've never written with anyone other than Clare, but I loved it!

  13. I just read this on Clare's blog. It sounds fun, I think you guys need to keep working on it! :)

    1. Thanks! It looks like we might just do that - so watch this space! :D

  14. sounds like fun! nice collaboration!

  15. Nice! Definitely intriguing. It does sound like it was a fab collab! ;)

    1. Thanks!! It was bundles of fun to write - and talking about it again has got us quite excited lol!

  16. When I was eight my friend and I wrote this four book series about a young girl. They were really short books with lots of handrawn pictures, but we had such a blast doing it :P

    1. Aww, that's so sweet! <3 I did a similar think when I was a kid - me and my friend used to write stories about boys we liked lol!

  17. That sounds really good! It's a shame you didn't manage to finish it, maybe one day...

  18. A story about friendship written by friends - love it! Looking forward to the excerpt :)

  19. This sounds like a life that you witness like Thelma and Louise and realize that many of us are ignoring the truly important facets that make life worth living. Excellent pitch.

  20. Co-working, nice!
    I like this pitch. I think you guys should take it out of the shelf and go back to it ;)

    1. Thank you! Yup, it's a definite possibility!

  21. I read this on Clare's site. How fun to do a book together! You should totally do it again. :)

    1. Thanks! We hope to find some time to discuss that soon!

  22. Cool pitch! Good one for YA. Co-working has a lot of challenges. I did it once and realized I like to have too much control over what I want to do myself!

    1. LOL! I think it depends on who you work with. I have known Clare for a VERY long time, and we have been reading each other's work for years, so we kind of know how the other thinks. It makes the process a lot easier!

  23. What an excellent, well written pitch! love it :)


  24. Love the fact that you and Clare co-wrote this. I love collaborations because each person could bring a little something else to the table. And your pitch, totally sounds like something I would pick up off the shelf, read and walk right to the register with. I hope you two revisit it again one day. I would read it in a heartbeat.

    1. Yay! That's so nice to hear! We are looking into working on it again, so we'll keep you updated! :D

  25. "Unfortunately, it wasn't the world they were expecting." Love that line, so practical too.

  26. I would totally love to see the world of acting :) I think you guys should continue writing it :)

  27. What a fun blogfest! Sounds like a fun story too - you might want to revisit that concept some day :)

  28. Ooh, sounds wonderful; just like something I would love to read!

  29. I like the premise. I visited Clare too; and I hope you two find a way to work on this again.


  30. Collaborating seems like it would be so rewarding. I'd imagine you'd have to have a unique understanding of each other in order to compromise on your project's vision. And what if you didn't agree on something? Curious to know how collaborators work.

  31. It's almost like forgetting your child at a have to go back and pick him (or her) up!

  32. what a wonderful idea--i re-posted a blog today

  33. AH, I love this idea. I LOVE friendship based books and sisters too.

  34. It's so cool that y'all wrote that together. Love the concept, too. Seems like there's such a shortage of friendship books.


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