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Dust It Off Bloghop Part 3 - and A-Z Reflections

It's the final day of the Dust It Off Bloghop! Huge thanks to Theresa and Cortney for hosting, it's been really cool to re-visit shelved WIPs, and I've enjoyed reading what everyone else has dusted off!

The last part of this hop asks us to reveal what we learned from our shelved WIPs.

So, there were a few things I learned. First of all, when I first discussed writing with Clare, I was both excited and nervous. What if we couldn't make it work? What if we argued about plots/characters etc? Fighting with friends over a story is not a good idea. The worries were unfounded. The good thing about writing with a friend - and not just a friend, but a very close friend who I'd already known a long time, and spoke to every single day - was that it allowed us to be open with each other. That meant that we could discuss our thoughts honestly. And even better than that - we agreed on pretty much every aspect of where the story was going!

I also learned that there is an extra level of excitement when working with someone else. Clare is very talented, but we write quite differently. I learned a lot from her, and it made me want to write better so I wouldn't let her down. And bouncing ideas around? That is just a whole other area of awesome!

Clare mentioned this in her post too, but it's very true. If you have a shelved piece of work that is still on your mind many years later - it's probably asking to be revived, so don't give up on it!


Aaaand onto the A-Z reflections post!

This was the second year I attempted the challenge. Last year, I hated it every single day. This year, with a topic I was enjoying, the time flew by!

My decision to use the challenge to write diary entries from the characters in my WIP came to me on April 1st, when I was completely unprepared. I didn't know if it would work, if people would enjoy it, or whether my characters would be mocked for being lifeless and dull.

Thankfully, they were well received - even the womanising Radleigh McCoy! :D Thanks to all of your wonderful comments, I was inspired to get that WIP finished - no easy task in between posting and commenting every day!

Although A-Z is a LOT of work, it's also worth every second. I picked up a bunch of new followers, and found many, many super cool blogs I may never have found otherwise.


  1. Your blog was one of my favourites to read during the challenge, I loved your theme and enjoyed learning more about each of your characters. :)

  2. My shelved story for Dust it Off is definitely one I want to see finished. You're right that if you keep thinking about it, then it's time to go back.

    You did a great job on the A-Z too. It was a terrific way to let readers know more about your characters.

  3. I enjoyed your challenge posts - it was a great idea. The challenge was fun! :)

  4. Your Challenge posts were fabulous! I'm happy you enjoyed them. It's nice that you had a positive experience co-authoring too. It didn't work for me when I attempted to co-author, but at least I learned that I prefer to work on my own!

    1. Lol, I couldn't co-write with just anyone, but once you have the right person, it's awesome!

  5. Thank you for finding my blog and joining. It is an exciting day for me, so to find a new face on launch day made me smile. :)

    1. You're welcome! Congrats on your new book!

  6. I love it when inspiration strikes just in the nick of time :) Your theme was great this year! I'm glad you enjoyed this year's challenge more than last year's.

  7. You did great! It's wonderful that it helped the time fly. Must have tapped into something that really inspired you. Congrats for making it with such style!

  8. I loved the work you and Clare did in your MS! I loved how you worked it out and what your fav scenes were.

    I also loved what you did for A to Z. It took a lot of work and paid off every single time!

    1. There are many great scenes in the co-written story, it was hard to pin it down to just one each lol! :D

  9. I was adamant about joining the Dust it off bloghop because I really don't have any shelved works. The stuff I wrote long ago I'm still working on today, so joining would be terribly premature; not to mention, a bit daft.

    But you did an amazing job at it. It isn't easy cowriting something (or co-operating, for that matter), and reaching the end is ten times as hard because of it. But you did it! Congrats!

    I also enjoyed your idea for the A to Z blogfest. I mean, how cool is it to flex your writing muscles with stories, characters and voices you have to make up every day? A darn difficult task, I say--and one you pulled of beautifully!

    1. Thank you very much! :D

      Co-writing is a challenge, but in a very good way. I have been friends with Clare for a long time, and our biggest issue is deciding which of our brilliant ideas to use, and which to cut so it doesn't end up being 200,000 words long lol!

  10. I didn't take part in the A-Z Challenge as I didn't think I'd be able to keep up so well done for getting through it. I enjoyed your posts and thought the theme was original.

  11. Your A-Z posts were super finish that book so I can buy it!

    1. Thanks! I am almost done now - just some edits to do! :D

  12. Kyra, I love that you and Clare were able to work together on that project and that you were able to learn so much from each other! What would we do without friends? And I love your last thought too, about not giving up on that project, I completely agree! And your A-Z posts were fun to read. Thanks so much for participating with us!! :D

    1. Thanks for all your kinds words throughout the challenge! <3

  13. That's a good point about if it's still in your head after all this time. I wonder how many people from this blog hop will be revising these stories!

  14. Kyra, you and Clare make such a dynamic duo-I would be thrilled to read any collaboration of yours.

    I've said this before, but your idea for the A-Z challenge was brilliant. It was fresh, fun and interesting for others to read and comment. Plus it gave you the opportunity to get better acquainted with your characters. You did a fabulous job.

  15. I am just so impressed that you had the creative energy to write from character's POV. I was struggling writing from my own :)

    1. LOL, towards the end, it became a challenge!

  16. "And bouncing ideas around? That is just a whole other area of awesome!" << I bet it is!
    Congrats on participating of the A-Z challenge ... I don't think I'm cut out for it.

    1. I didn't think I was cut out for it either, but I managed to struggle through, and it was loads of fun! :D

  17. Your theme was great! Glad you enjoyed the Challenge more this year.

  18. I'm totally wanting to do a collab. They sound like so much fun! and you two pulled out some awesome together.

    And your A to Z was a must for me! Love your characters and congrats on finishing that WIP!

    1. Thanks, Cassie!

      Collabs are awesome, as long as you find the right person! :D

  19. I am in the middle of a collab right now. It is AMAZING. Yes you have to do it with the right person but if you do the added excitement is so fun. And it's true about opening up with each other. It's brought us closer as friends. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. I'm going to add my comment here because I'm the collaberer... haha :)

      I totally agree, Kyra. Collabing is SO AWESOME. Jen is a fantastic writer, and more structured then I am. The questions she comes up with and the ideas she has are phenomenal. I am SO LUCKY to be able to work with her :) I am becoming a better writer thanks to our work.

      And your two ladies work is SO GOOD. You definitely have to take it off the shelf!

    2. I have to re-comment. Kelley, right back at your. I am totally becoming a better writer because of our stuff. ;0)

    3. Wow, I love that you guys are working together - I can't wait to hear more about this!

  20. Here from the dust it off bloghop. I think it's great to have a partner that you connected with. Thanks for the info.

  21. You are SO awesome, Kyra. I love your thoughts and your positive outlook and your energy. I'm excited for your fabulous writing future! ;)

    1. Lol, from the person who is holding my MS at the moment, that comment just made my day! :D

  22. You're diary entries were awesome :) Keep up the good work, and congrats on finishing the challenge!

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  23. I so agree! I love the energy of working with other writers :)

  24. I loved your A-Z posts. And Yes, I completely agree about the collaboration, it is really exciting to work with someone else on a project. So much fun.

    Congrats on finishing the A-Z, that is some hard stuff.

    1. I love the A to Z challenge for getting more bloggers together. Also glad to hear that working with someone else is going so well. It's not something I'm sure I could do. I think I have control issues!

  25. You've done a great job on both Dust it Off and A-Z! Go rest :)

    1. LOL, thank you! I definitely need to take a break!

  26. I enjoyed your A to Z posts very much! It was a clever idea for a theme. I haven't done a theme yet, but I think I might try one next year. Hmmm, maybe I should start brainstorming now, LoL!! :)

  27. I loved coming back to your blog, and thank you so much for being my first commenter on most days. You get up really early :-)

  28. Awesome advice. You and Clare know a thing or two about not giving up. I applaud you for coming back to the projects that speak (or yell) the loudest. Sometimes it's hard to get past the discouragement to do that.

    1. So true! We only gave up on it the first time round because other things got in the way, but this time, we're ready to rock it!

  29. Wow! You did another blog challenge after the A-Z? I enjoyed the A-Z, though, like you did and your diary entries were great (and I reckon you were the best commenter because everywhere I went I saw your comment! Wish I knew how you did it.

    1. LOL, thanks! I didn't feel like I was getting round to that many blogs, but I guess I did!

  30. Good for you for finishing your WIP and for completing the A-Z challenge! And I admire you for being able to write with a friend; I don't know if I could. I'm too much of a control freak, not to mention I haven't even told most of the people in my life that I want to be a writer.

    1. Thanks!

      Collaborating is really cool, and I'd recommend it if you can find another writer who is willing!

  31. Your last sentence is exactly what I was thinking when the idea for this bloghop came to mind. The little bit that I read of your WIP I loved and I only hope you and Clare give it another go. Thanks for participating.

  32. I really enjoyed your posts. I learned a lot about your characters. Hope to join next year.

  33. Oh man! I'm sad I missed everything going on with this hop. Sounds wonderful. I never really thought about what I could learn when writing with someone else. That sounds terrible, but I'm glad you mentioned it. There really is a lot to learn from others, that way!

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Leigh, you too!

      It's okay that you missed the hop - you were off doing other awesome things! :D

  34. Hi Kyra .. well done .. and now for the WIP to finish and get that up into that wondrous book ... I enjoyed the A - Z .. and meeting your characters .. cheers Hilary


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