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First Loves Blogfest!

I love starting the week with a bloghop! :D The First Loves Blogfest was created by the amazing Alex J. Cavanaugh, and he wants us to confess our first movie,song/band, book and person loves! This was a fun little trip down memory lane, so, here are my first loves!

Movie: I was very young when I watched Dirty Dancing for the first time, but right away, I fell in love. I loved the music and the dancing, and even though I didn't fully understand everything that happened in the film, I couldn't get enough of it. Patrick Swayze is probably the reason my standards are so high when it comes to men!

Music: I've always been a huge music fan, and there were many bands I loved when I was growing up, but the one I was most crazy about was Boyzone. I was infatuated with Stephen Gately - I genuinely believed I would marry him one day. Too bad he turned out to be gay lol. When he died a few years ago, it was the first time I ever felt the need to grieve for a celebrity. He was such a sweetheart. The band reformed just before he died, and Stephen had already recorded the vocals for Gave It All Away. The rest of the band made the video as a tribute to him, and it saw them trying to write letters to him, and also has clips of Stephen with the band mixed in. The emotion is so genuine and beautiful, you can't help but be touched by it.  
Book: The first books I remember loving were The Faraway Tree books by Enid Blyton. They were so wonderfully imaginative, and it fascinated me to see which lands would be at the top of the tree the next time the characters climbed up!

 Person: Ha, this question threw me a bit, because I was always boy crazy when I was younger! I had many crushes. Many, many crushes! I think my first love happened when I was 13, when I fell for an entertainer at a holiday camp. :D

Thanks Alex, for hosting this great hop! I will be checking out the other posts a little later! :D 


  1. Oh yes! I loved Dirty Dancing too. It was wonderful! I think it's about time I watched it again.

  2. I love Dirty Dancing too. I watched it quite young as my older sister had it on video. I never tire of watching it. It has everything - great music and dancing and Johnny Castle.

  3. Aww I used to love boyzone as a teen. I must've saw them live about 5 times :) memories of school dances spring to mind when I think of their earlier stuff *cringes* great post, Kyra!

  4. Aw, gotta love those teenage crushes. I had a lot too. They're all a blur. lol Yep Dirty Dancing was a phenomanon. I used to listen to the soundtrack over and over. :)

  5. Congrats on your title btw! I like it!!

  6. I love Dirty Dancing. I didn't get to see it when it came out. And back then movies took like a year to go from the theater to the vhs. Thank goodness we don't have to wait so long now!

  7. First loves are the best! Have a great week!

  8. Those are great. I'd forgotten all about the Enid Blyton books. Those were wonderful :)

  9. My husband always made fun of Dirty Dancing, especially the "Nobody puts Baby in a corner line." I finally got him to watch it a few years ago and he had to admit (begrudgingly) that it was good. LOL!

  10. I'll never forget the first time I watched Dirty Dancing and fell in love with Patrick Swayze. My sister and I went to see this movie together and we were blown away. I cried when he passed :(

  11. I love the Faraway Tree books! I still read them that sad? Haha

  12. I haven't heard that song before but it's really nice. Now I know why you liked it.

  13. "No one puts baby in the corner!" Loved Dirty Dancing too. And was totally boy crazy as well. Great post!

  14. Dirty Dancing is one of the greats! What girl didn't like it then or now?

  15. My daughters still watch Dirty Dancing every time it's on cable. Loved Patrick Swayze in it (and Ghost, now I want to see the Broadway version)

  16. Loved Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing (and Ghost, which I now want to see on Broadway). My daughters still watch it every time Dirty Dancing's on cable.

  17. Yeah Dirty Dancing! I loved them both the new one and the old. The new one I saw in theaters twice :)

  18. ooo, a steamy set of first loves and no names =)
    great picks!

  19. I remember loving the Dirty Dancing soundtrack more than the film, although Swayze is a big draw for me.

  20. I watch Dirty Dancing at least once a year. That's how much I love it! And Patrick Swayze was so, so hot!

  21. Stephen Gately had that real charismatic sex appeal didn't he? Dirty Dancing is one of my favs too.

  22. I've never heard of Boyzone, haha!

    And Dirty Dancing was hecka awesome. Did you see the updated version? If not, don't. Stick with the original awesomeness of the classic Patrick Swayze

  23. Sorry you lost your movie and music crushes.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest.

  24. My daughter was a Boyzone Fan and went to a lot of their concerts, she loved Stephen Gateley too.
    I share your love of the Magic Faraway Tree - I loved all the different lands at the top of the tree, and al the characters who lived in the tree.

  25. Yay, another Enid Blyton fan! I also LOVED The Faraway Tree :-)

  26. Great firsts, even though I hadn't heard of a few of them.

  27. There must be something wrong with me because I have never seen Dirty Dancing!

    And I am just like you in that I have been boy crazy practically since my birth :P

  28. Hi Kyra! I'm visiting from the First Loves Blogfest and am so happy to have found your blog! (I see your comments on many of the blogs I read as well).I spent a lot of time being boy crazy, but inevitably lost interest right around 6 weeks time. Then, I met my husband and 17 years later I's still amazed that I found one who has kept me interested in him for so long :) Great post.
    A2ZMommy and What’s In Between

  29. Oh yes, Dirty Dancing. Another classic!

  30. Dirty Dancing is a lot of people's choice! I've never heard of those books, though. I'll have to look them up. I had a lot of crushes too. Not that I ever did anything about them!

  31. Dirty Dancing is a great choice. And I had many, many crushes too. ;)

    Fun blog hop! Somehow I missed the advertising for this one...

  32. I wrote about Dirty Dancing, too! Absolutely love the movie--and Patrick Swayze!

    1. Saw your comment on my blog. Great minds! ;)

  33. So you're not boy crazy anymore? LOL. I pretty much get excited by anything with a skirt. As long as you look good and got that oh so sexy walk (you know what I'm talkin' 'bout) you'll have me at hello. :D

    This was great Kyra!

  34. gar on dirty dancing... walked out of it, but i am a guy of a sci-fi nature.

    We all love something...right!
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  35. Dirty Dancing was right up there for me, too! Love that movie!

  36. I've never heard of Boyzone, but I love Dirty Dancing. Saw it for the first time about five years ago.

  37. Oh, I LOVE Dirty Dancing! I watched it allll the time when I was little, too *well, except the good parts that my mom fast-forwarded through!* Such a great movie!

  38. haha your first love was kinda like the movie--or was it a joke :)

  39. I purposefully didn't go for my first crush, 'cause I don't associate crushes with actual loves. But if I had gone with a first crush that felt like love at the time, I would have gone with a punk-haired guy I liked in primary school, called Nathan :)

    I didn't know that about sad! RIP Mr. Gately.

  40. An entertainer at a holiday camp? Sounds like dirty dancing to me :) Such bittersweet memories.

  41. Dirty Dancing is such a great movie! I never heard of Faraway Tree books by Enid Blyton but I will have to check it out. Thanks for sharing your first loves, it was fun to read :)


  42. Smart keeping you first love's name under wraps. This was a good post and I like this blogfest. Enid Blyton wrote some of the best children books.

  43. Oooooh, a book I've never read. Definitely going on my list!!

  44. I loved Dirty Dancing too! Never heard of the band or the book, I'll have to check them out.

  45. Oh my goodness. I used to love the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. I'd pop that cassette tape in and run around waving ribbons. LOL

  46. I remember reading some of Enid Blyton's books while growing up. I loved the idea that there were these young friends who were like detectives.
    thanks for sharing.

  47. Hi Kyra. Great choices. Enid Blyton was a love of mine too. Now she's fading away as she's banned in many schools.


  48. Awesome picks here. I love your sharing of Boyzone and how much Stephen meant to you. And Patrick is one of my all time loves. I cried when he died because from the Outsiders to his last show Beast, he was spectacular. I will always love Dirty Dancing best, though.

  49. Great blog! did you know that Stephen Gately his younger brother Tony is going to release a tribute single thus summer? You can follow updates at twitter @officialtgately and at FB
    Good luck with your blog.

  50. Ha - Dirty Dancing was my other choice! I loved Patrick Swayzee - and like you with Stephen Gately, the first time I grieved for a celeb was when Mr. S died.

  51. Wow, thanks for introducing me to Boyzone. I am a total fan of Patrick Swayzee and am sorry he and Stephen are gone. The world was better for their presence in it. I'm going to check out the books. Thanks for posting! Finally making it to more of the a to z blogs!

  52. Have not heard of Boyzone, but loved that song! Dirty Dancing was an awesome choice; my kids now love it as well.

  53. I LOVE Dirty Dancing! How can a girl not love that movie? :)
    I've never heard of that series, but I am going to go check it out! It sounds like something I'd love.

  54. I've seen Dirty Dancing a few times. I haven't seen it even though it seems to be on some TV channel once a week.

  55. I especially like Jerry Orbach's performance in Dirty Dancing, but then again I'm biased because I loved him in Law and Order. My favorite 80s movie, though is Big Business, with Bette Midler and Lily Tomlin. That's one of those movies that always makes me laugh, no matter how many times I watch it.

  56. Sorry I'm late.
    Dirty Dancing has been a popular choice.
    Not familiar with the books.
    Great picks.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  57. Oh, I still love Dirty Dancing! I have the soundtracks, too.

    My First Loves Post


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