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Review of Knee Deep by Jolene Perry

Yup, it's time for another post about how freaking awesome Jolene Perry is! :D But first, the details about Knee Deep!

Knee Deep Summary

Shawn is the guy Ronnie Bird promised her life to at the age of fourteen. He's her soul mate. He's more uptight every day, but it's not his fault. His family life is stressful, and she's adding to it. She just needs to be more understanding, and he'll start to be the boy she fell in love with. She won’t give up on someone she’s loved for so long.

Luke is her best friend, and the guy she hangs with to watch girlie movies in her large blanketopias. He's the guy she can confide in before she even goes to her girlfriends, and the guy who she's playing opposite in Romeo and Juliet. Now her chest flutters every time he gets too close. This is new. Is Ronnie falling for him? Or is Juliet? The lines are getting blurry, but leaving one guy for another is not something that a girl like Ronnie does.

Shawn’s outbursts are starting to give her bruises, and Luke’s heart breaks as Ronnie remains torn. While her thoughts and feelings swirl around the lines between friendship and forever, she’s about to lose them both. 
This is the second book I've read by Jolene, and if it's possible, I think I love it even more than I loved Night Sky (though I hope Jolene won't mind that my heart will always belong to Jameson!). I honestly have nothing but praise for this book, but what I'd like to do is pick up on something Jolene said when she posted on her blog about Knee Deep. 
A large part of the story has to do with abuse to Ronnie from her boyfriend, Shawn. Jolene said this:
"People talk about writing what you know, and then talk about keeping yourself out of your books. But you know what? I KNEW that situation - and I know I'll get some bad reviews (like you always do - ESPECIALLY when you tackle a tough topic) that are going to say that Ronnie's actions weren't believable.

But here's the thing - I told her story, the best way I knew how. Ronnie's reactions with pieces of my truth. And there are some drastic differences, but there are also some startling similarities. So, to me, Ronnie's actions were completely and totally understandable."
I remember reading those words and wondering exactly what Ronnie's reactions might be to make people think they weren't believable. I'm not gonna lie - I was concerned that I might be disappointed in the story. However, that just didn't happen. There were certain things Ronnie said or thought about Shawn's actions that made me angry because I needed her to get out of that situation instead of finding ways to explain what he was doing. But that was what made it real for me. Her judgement was terrible at times, but there was not a single moment when I thought it wasn't believable. 
The magic of Jolene Perry is that her words make people feel something. I won't give away any spoilers, but there were parts, especially towards the end of the book, that were so clear, I felt like I was watching a movie instead of reading a book. I finished reading Knee Deep more than a week ago, and yet I can still replay full scenes in my head. When words are so vivid that they create not only pictures, but full, moving scenes, inside your mind, you know you're reading something amazing. 

If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself! 


  1. Well you created a very believable review for me - and while this might not be my genre, it sounds like Jolene is a great writer, so I will look out for her name (and yours :) in the future :)

  2. I read Knee Deep at the beginning of the month. It stressed me out because I was so worried about Ronnie. I always interpret a reaction like that as a mark of a good novel.

  3. This sounds like an excellent book, and your review has made me really want to read it.

  4. ooh this sounds great! Thanks for spreading the word

  5. The book sounds great. That's great that you liked the second book even more. Usually the second book is not as good. I'm a new follower. Nice to meet you. :)

  6. You already know how I feel about this book and Jolene. But you really expressed exactly how I felt. Ronnie's actions were so believable I wanted to scream at her. Jo does an incredible job and making you feel what the characters are feeling. And I too have replayed very vivid scenes in my head. Oh and Jameson is mine!!!

  7. OH my gosh...

    Oh my gosh...

    I loooooove Jolene so much. I think she's brilliant. And grrrr... I haven't read this one yet! Must. Get. On. That. :D

  8. I been really wanting to read her books. I guess I should get on that :)

  9. Oh, I think it's GREAT to have a YA book showing abuse. It's so much more common than people are willing to acknowledge, and showing the justification in staying while at the same time making sure the READER sees how important it is she gets the freak OUT.

  10. Great review. That is the trick to being a great author: making your reader feel something. If you can do that, you can write wonderful and memorable stories.

  11. Thanks for the recommendation!

  12. YAY!!

    You have NO idea.

    I love reading books where I hate what the MC is doing, but when I get it, so that's honestly the best compliment EVER.


  13. I think that doing school plays affects a lot of teenagers, because it gives them the chance to "become" other people and explore their feelings about who they are. So I like that she included Romeo and Juliet in her book, because that's a play that many teenagers in love feel like they can relate to (except maybe the part about dying at the end).

  14. I love Jolene!!! I haven't read this yet, but I NEED to!

  15. Kyra, a.k.a. Jameson's Twitter girlfriend, thanks for the great review of "Knee Deep." Glad you enjoyed it!

  16. It certainly seems that Jolene is loved by a lot of people. The book does sound believable, as it's certainly the case in real life that people often struggle to get out of abusive relationships while it seems obvious to others to leave. Great review!

  17. I'm still reading "My Heart for Yours" by Jolene...which is also wonderful (so far).


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