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I did something weird ...

... but before I indulge the weird thing I did, I must just give a shoutout to Jaycee DeLorenzo and Victoria Smith! They will be hosting the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun bloghop, which is a follow up to their Oh, My Hero Bloghop - which was super fun!

To find out more, click on the links above! Don't miss it, it's gonna be great!

Now - the weird thing I did.


Anyone who knows me will know that I have avoided anything NaNo because the idea of trying to force 50,000 words out of my brain in a month makes me shudder. However, I'd like to get my next book idea finished quite quickly, and NaNo seems like the perfect challenge to get it moving. So, in June, I am gonna go for it! I chose June because there is no freaking way I am spending August holed up in my house to write - it will be summer! Plus starting in June gives me less time to talk myself out of it lol.If you're participating, let me know! Here is my profile.

I do still have a bunch of edits to do for Game On, but the day when I can finally say "NO MORE EDITS" is getting closer! In fact, I am hoping to have it all tied up by the end of the week! *flails* I'll keep you updated on that!

Happy Memorial Day to my U.S peeps!


  1. OH MY GOD! YAY!! Now you're making me want to do it in June, but I think I have too much on.

    I will, however, be watching your progress and acting as a cheerleader from the sidelines.

    Good luck.

    My biggest tip - DO NOT EDIT. Don't look back. Don't even worry about spelling errors. JUST WRITE. It's hard, but if you want to make a substantial start on a novel, it really helps. After it's finished you can go back and tidy up.

    Good luck with the last Game On edits, too. I cannot wait to see the cover! :D

    1. I'll need a cheerleader! :D

      Yup, not editing is something I struggle with, so I'm hoping that doing this will help beat that habit out of me!

  2. Good luck! I'm doing JuNoWriMo (sort of the same thing?) and I don't know how I'm going to manage it! And yay about the edits, because you're over the biggest hurdle ;)

  3. Don't think this is weird, at all. Good for you Kyra! I have total confidence you can do it. The sun is over-rated anyhow, LOL

    And, I agree with our brilliant friend Clare, don't edit until you are done!

    Good luck. I am sure you will do a fabulous job.

  4. Wow! Good luck! You are very brave. I'm still to chicken to try the nano things. Maybe next year when my baby isn't a baby anymore. . .I always think things will be less busy in the future, and so far, they never are! :)
    I'm excited for Game On! When will we get to see your cover idea? (I know you said you had one already.) ;)

    1. Lol, it seems there is never a good time to start something. Sometimes, the best way is to just go for it! You sure I can't tempt you to do it with me? :D

      I'm hoping the cover will be ready at the end of next week, but my cover designer is away on business at the moment, so she's had to put it on hold. I'll let you all know as soon as its ready! :D

    2. Awesome, I'm excited to see it!
      And right now I'm working on revisions on three different novels, so I don't think it would be a good idea to start a new one! :)

  5. Yay, thanks for the shout out! And good luck! I don't think I could do it...I mean, I tried several years ago and it just didn't work out. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

    1. You're welcome!

      I am still not sure if I can do it, but if I don't try, I'll never know! :D

  6. I might do the BunMo for June. It might be what I need to finish my third book.

  7. Since you're doing CampNaNo, perhaps you would consider doing JuNoWriMo too. You would only have to report your word count to two sites, instead of one.
    I'm leading sprints for JuNoWriMo during afternoons. It would be awesome to see you there ;)

    1. I'll think about it, but I'm pretty sure July is going to be crazy for me. I'll see how CampNaNo goes first. :D

  8. Good luck with Camp NaNoWriMo! I was also hoping to participate, but I just can't get this idea into shape. Oh, well... :)

    1. Aww! :( If you manage to get it sorted, let me know, I'd love to cabin share with you! :D

  9. Wow, indeed. I hope you have a great month.

  10. Hmmm, I've avoided NaNo for the same reason. Good luck with it!

  11. I've never attempted NaNo as I always seem to be in the middle of something. Good luck with it!

    Also, I have nominated you for an award :-)

    1. Thanks for the award, much appreciated! <3

  12. Good luck with finishing the edits! I think it's a great idea to do Nano - I too used to dismiss it as unfeasible, but I've been practicing writing quicker and I'm seriously considering it for November. I'm sure you'll walk it! Just remember to have fun! :)

    1. Thanks, Nick!

      If this goes well, and you decide to NaNo in November, let me know, maybe we can cheer each other on! :D

  13. Good luck with your final editing bits!! So cool to be that close to the end. :)

    I'm not doing Camp NaNo, but I might as well be - instead I'm doing BuNo, which is basically the same. So yeah, I'll also be writing 50k in June. Wheeee!

    I tell ya, these wrimo thingies are really the best way of getting a rough draft finished. At least then you have something to work with!

    1. Good luck with BuNo!!

      I agree. I've avoided it for so long, thinking I couldn't do it, but it's time to try it out!

  14. Good luck on edits, Kyra!!!! Sooooo stoked for you!!!! :D

  15. we had the same post yesterday!
    and i still love hearing your title!

    1. Ha, I can't believe I missed your post!

      LOL, thanks, I am still getting used to it!

  16. Yay another NaNoer, I'm so excited for Camp!
    I've added you to my cabin list, hopefully we can be paired up together :)
    Goo luck on the edits. I'm trying to work through edits for Ethra before I move onto NaNo, it's frantic.

    1. I'm so happy we might get to share a cabin! :D

      Good luck on your edits too!

    2. The edits were actually going really well until I hit a section of the book that needs a lot of re-arranging. I think Camp NaNo is coming at the right time lol.
      I've given your blog an award to, you can find it here :)

  17. Good luck - it'll be fab! Think of all those words you'll have done.

  18. That is so cool your doing that. I've shyed away from NaNo for a while. I might do it this year, who knows.

    Good luck!!

    1. Thank you!

      It would be cool if a bunch of us could do NaNo together. It wouldn't be so terrifying then!

  19. Good for you Kyra. Good luck. I've thought about doing this myself too, but just haven't found the time. (Terrible I know ;O) I must follow your example sometime soon.

    1. Heh, come do it with me, I'm feeling lonely! :D

  20. Is it another NANO month again?

    I don't know. I write about 50,000 words a week, between all my blogs, so focusing just on the sheer VOLUME of words is probably not a good idea for me. Everyone'll tell you that I never use 1 word where 34 will suffice.

    I think the key is to use JUST THE RIGHT WORDS. Which, if you're editing, too, you probably know how to do them.

    But how will you know the right words, you ask?

    (And how did I HEAR YOU THROUGH THE INTERNET? Magic!)

    (He's a sorceror! Burn him!)

    Ignore them. How will you know the right words?

    Take a cue from Lewis Carroll. Lewis had a puzzle that he liked to tell people. It went like this:

    Suppose that you could have only 1 of 2 clocks. The first is a clock that is accurate right now but which each day loses 1 minute of time and cannot be fixed. So each day it's another minute slower than the day before.

    The other clock is broken and doesn't move at all, its hands fixed in place.

    {It's important, for this story, to remember that clocks once had faces with arms on them, like in "Beauty And The Beast" only less sentient}

    Which clock SHOULD you choose?

    The broken one that doesn't move at all.

    Lewis Carroll would explain: The one which loses a minute a day will be right only once ever 1,440 days, so you'll only know the exact time once every 4 years or so.

    The BROKEN clock, though, that doesn't move, is right TWICE A DAY, so it's way more accurate than that other clock.

    People would invariably ask Carroll "But what use is that to me? How will I know when it's right?"

    To which Carroll replied: "Simply wait for the exact moment in the day when the time is what the clock says it is... and that's the moment!"

    This comment brought to you by {TSDR}: Fighting for longer posts since May 29, 2012.

  21. Congrats for signing up to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo! I wish I could've signed up for it, but I have way too much other stuff to write. Of course, I'll be participating in NaNoWriMo.

    Good luck with your edits on GAME ON.

  22. I participate in NaNo every year. Each year I say I won't, but for some reason I do. June would be a much better month than November. Ugh, that is tough. Good luck!!! Let us know how it goes.

    1. Ha, I am worried this might spark an addiction! I will definitely keep you all updated with my progress!

  23. Ooh good luck! I know you'll do great! :)

  24. Good luck with the NANO. I've never done it myself; but when I'm writing I do shoot for 500 words a day.

    1. That's a decent target! I never usually set any targets because it feels like pressure but - I'm gonna give it a shot!

  25. Good luck with getting it completed :)


  26. Good luck Kyra! I did Nano last November and it DID do my head in LOL. I've subsequently re-written everything I wrote during that time. But this looks interesting...let us know how you get on.

    1. Ha, that is my concern but I'll give it a try anyway!

  27. I did NaNoWriMo last November, and surprised myself by finishing with 60k a week early. You never know. You may do the same. Have fun writing!

    1. That's awesome! I hope I can do the same!

  28. I'm doing the regular one in November, but I can't quite gear up for a summer one too, since I really want to focus on editing (*coughyeahrightcough*) this summer. But good luck! I'm rooting for you!

    1. Thanks, Tobi! If this goes well, I might have another crack at it in November!

  29. "I have avoided anything NaNo because the idea of trying to force 50,000 words out of my brain in a month makes me shudder." LOL! Very funny and true! I'm trying it for June. :)

  30. Good for you! I did NaNo for the first time last Nov and found it so helpful. I hope you do, too :) Best of luck! Keep us posted with your progress.

  31. It will be lots of fun! I do NaNoWriMo every year. I love it! :) Good luck with the challenge and with GAME ON.

  32. Good luck! I've never tried to get 50k words in a single month -- even over the summer when I'm not teaching. However, I'm at 56k with the story I started in the first week of April. So that's 50k in TWO months. Not that shabby for a full time teacher/mom/wife, right?

    Of course, the darn thing may very well run to 100k, so grr. I'll have to bring out the hedge clippers when I'm done!!

    Looking forward to hearing about your progress!

  33. Keep going with the edits! They WILL end some time. So you're doing Nano in June instead of November? What genre will your new story be in?


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