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Awards, awards and ... more awards!

Okay peeps, I think I'm ready to return to blogging now! Thank you SO SO much for all your support last week. Muchly appreciates, and I will do my best to be a better blogging friend now I've had some rest. :D

I was going to give you a post about what I've been up to, but I realised that I have been given a BUNCH of awards from some awesome people, so I am going to post those first lol. I have decided in advance that I am not tagging people because no doubt most people already have them. If not, take them because you all deserve them! These awards also come with rules - but if I post 10 facts about me for every award, you'll soon get bored and I'm not sure I'm that interesting! :p So, I'll just do ten in total, and you can ask question if you want to lol!

Okay, so firstly, Cassie gave me the Versatile Blogger Award, which I love, because I always wanted one of these lol! Thanks Cassie!

 I also got the Kreativ Blogger Awards from Laura, Jenn and McKenzie, thank you, ladies!

Next, I received the Stylish Blogger Award from Rachel Pattinson - because she loves my layout! Thanks so much!

Aaand finally - Nick re-tagged me in the Lucky 7 Meme, which is cool because now Game On is complete, I can share my actual page 77!

Thanks again to all of you - I feel very loved today! :D

So, 10 things about me:

1. I freaking love Chinese food. If it was the only thing I could ever eat for the rest of my life, I'd be ecstatic!
2. When I was younger, I did a LOT of karaoke. I used to go to karaoke at my favourite pub three times a week, and it was honestly one of the best times of my life, spent with great friends.
3. I have only ever left the UK once, in 2010 when I went to Prague. Best holiday EVER!
4.  Last year, I got to interview John Cho - who is hands down my favourite actor in the whole world. We talked on Skype, and he turned on his webcam so I could see him - it was AMAZING!I still can't quite believe it happened!
5. If I win the lottery, I plan to buy a house in St. Ives in Cornwall so I can go there whenever I want - it's so beautiful.
6. I've always lived by the sea, and yet, I can't swim.
7. No matter where I am, I'm usually a magnet for strange people. An example? I used to work in a shop in my town, and one day, I was busy stocking up the birthday cards when I felt something behind me. There was a man crouching on the ground, stroking the heel of my boot. Weirdness.
8. When I was a teenager, it was my ambition to be a Butlin's redcoat - and there is still a part of me that would love to do it, even now!
9. I am currently obsessed with the new Jason Mraz album - seriously, I have been playing it on a constant loop since the say it was released.
10. I really love retro fashion, and would love to own some 50s and 60s style dresses, but as yet, my collection is non-existent.

And now to the Lucky 7 Meme rules:

  1. Go to page 77 of your current MS
  2. Go to line 7
  3. Copy down the next 7 lines as they're written-- no cheating!
  4. Tag 7 other writers
  5. Let them know!

My head was pounding.
As I opened my eyes, the light streaming in through the gap in the curtains made me squint at the brightness. After blinking several times, I glanced at the clock. It read eight forty-two, and I calculated that I’d only had about four and a half hours sleep.
I squeezed my eyes closed again, trying to ease the throbbing in my head, but it didn't work.
I wanted nothing more than to pull my duvet over my head and sleep for the rest of the day, and it was at precisely that moment I realised why it couldn't happen.

Okay, that was one of the less interesting passages LOL! But there you have it! Hope you all have a great Monday! 


  1. Congratulations on all the awards, and excellent facts. I think I knew most of them, but it was still great hearing them. :D

    "one of the less interesting passages" - what? Are you crazy?! Or is it because I know what happens next? Personally I loved it! :D

    1. Lol, yeah you pretty much know everything by now!

      Heh, it might be because you know what;s coming next! ;)

  2. thats a mega-award day all right! i always seem to get mine out the same day as a few others! congrats!

  3. Congratulations! And you don't want to swim in the ocean - too many sharks. (Yes, Jaws still haunts me.)

    1. LOL! It's very rare to see sharks here, though sometimes you might see the occasional dolphin! :D

  4. Congrats. I just gifted you another award but you don't have to post about it cause it's a repeat. LOL.

    Have a great day!

  5. Congrats on all of the awards Kyra!

    I loved your facts; you and I have a lot in common:

    I freaking love Chinese food and am a weirdo magnet, everywhere I go. I live by the ocean too, but won't venture into it. And I don't swim with things. Ever!

    1. Wow, we really do have a lot in common - awesome!

  6. I definitely want to know what happens next!

    1. Yay! It is one of the more interesting turns in the story - which leads to another interesting turn lol!

  7. i am there on that chinese food--could eat it every day---congrats!

    1. All this talk about Chinese makes me want one right now lol!

  8. Look at who's miss popular! ;) And I've read that excerpt! Love it! :D

    1. Ha, I never thought I'd be considered popular! :D

  9. Congrats on all those awards!!!
    I love Chinese food too.
    I can feel for your MC and the lack of sleep and headaches. It sets the scene well.

  10. Welcome back and congratulations on your awards. They're well deserved.

    I love the Lucky 7 Meme. It's been so much fun getting peeks at everyone's WIPs.

  11. Awesome awards and welcome back. I must say, I didn't miss you at all. HeHe.

  12. I think I want to meet this man who stroked your boot. (haha, sounds dirty) He sounds like someone I'd totally hang out with!

  13. Congrats! I love the Lucky 7 meme. I just did mine too. :)

  14. Congratulations on all those wonderful blogging awards. Glad you could get a break and refreshed!
    I love Chinese food, as long as there's no msg!
    And your 77 passage...I thought was seemed a perfect segment that gave a nice sense of place and a desire to know more. Well written! It's strange though, the one word that leaped out at me was "duvet". Perhaps because I'm from another era, and would have used "covers". Not saying it was bad, just that I'm wondering if I need to read more current books? Or if it's the difference in where we live or times we've lived? Just interesting... Thanks for sharing!

    1. Could be a location thing, though I think you're the first person who noticed it was an unusual word choice, lol! :D

  15. Congrats on your awards! I love retro fashion as well. My mom has some gorgeous dresses from the fifties that I used to try on as a kid. :)

    1. Cool! My mum didn't keep anything from back then (not that she had 50s clothes, more 60s and 70s lol), you're so lucky!

  16. What a great excerpt! :D Congratulations on your awards!

  17. I love Mexican food the way you love Chinese :)

  18. Congratulations on the awards! :)

  19. Congratulations on the awards! That's great. :)
    I love retro dresses, too! (And I don't really own any either.) :( Much as I love them, I don't know if I'd have the guts to wear them.

    1. Lol, same here! I always think the summer is a good time for them, but even then, I don't think I'd be brave enough!

  20. I'm not surprised you won so many awards, Kyra :)

    I literally laughed out loud at the guy stroking your boot heel. HAAAAA!

  21. Congrats!

    The guy stroking your book was really weird.

  22. I suppose I could come stay with you by the sea. I swim well and could teach you. :)

  23. Hi Kyra. Congrats on your award awesomness! Loved learning about you. I like nearly all food and Chinese is high on my list. Loved your excerpt. Love that descriptive style of writing.


  24. Wow, that's a lot of awards. Congratulations. :)

    You've never been to the states? Oh, you have to go. My dear friend lives in New Castle now, so I've traveled to the UK a few times to see her.

    I LOVE Chinese food, too, but no when I was in China. LOL

    1. Thanks!

      Nope, not been to the States yet, but I hope to go sometime! :D

  25. If some dude was doing that to my heel, I would've freaked out! Lol

    Jason Mraz is amazing. Love that we have similar taste in music, especially Maroon 5. :)

    1. I did freak out!

      I am so in love with Jason Mraz right now, but he will never replace the love I have for Adam Levine lol!

  26. Hi Kyra! Glad to see you back again. Oh St. Ives is such a lovely place - I'd buy a house there too (we'll be neighbours!). A Butlin's redcoat LOL. Was it too much Hi-de-hi on the telly? Congratulations on the blog awards - you deserve them.

    1. Thanks!

      Lol, when I was a kid I went to Butlin's a lot, and I wanted to entertain. :D

      I'd love to be your neighbour in St.Ives :D

  27. Having a break from blogging is a good thing but it takes a long time to pick up the threads again (or is that just me?)Anyway, I hope your batteries have been recharged and you're back to your usual sparkling form.


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