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Smashwords? Yay or Nay?

I've been wondering about whether or not to publish Game On on Smashwords. Yesterday, I was asked whether it would be available for Nook, and I think the only way to make that possible is to publish on Smashwords as they distribute all over the place.

My big concern is that, while doing research about whether to publish through Smashwords, a lot of people mentioned there is a huge risk of piracy. I don't necessarily believe my book is worthy of being pirated millions of times resulting in a mass loss of earnings, however, I am not crazy about the idea of my work being stolen. It happens a lot with my articles - and they are only a couple of hours work. I don't want it to happen with something I spent months on. :S

Does anyone out there have any experiences they can share with me? I am very confused LOL!

EDIT: Crap, I was in so much of a hurry this morning, I forgot to talk about the most important news of the day! *slaps self*

My wonderful blog buddy Cassie Mae bagged herself an agent! (Btw, I don't mean she LITERALLY bagged her because that would be weird :p ) BUT all the same my super talented friend is now amongst the ranks of the agented! Congratulations, Cassie! <3


  1. Yay. I'm the first to comment on your blog for a change :) How do you get around blogosphere so fast! You're always like the first commentor - you're a ninja :)
    And smashwords. Don't know too much about it... only it does Epub for Sonys - which I have - I can't buy kindle from Amazon as it doesn't work, but if there is a risk of piracy... well... I don't know if I would risk it. Hope you have a good day. x

    1. LOL! I guess I just like to stay on top of things!

      After talking to many people, it seems piracy is a risk everywhere, so I decided to take a chance! :D

  2. Hi! I don't know why a book on Smashwords would be more likely to be pirated than anywhere else. It depends on how good the DMV is. A good pirate can break down all the walls. I wouldn't let your choice be skewed because of this fear.

    1. I don't think there is any protection at Smashwords, which makes it risky, but as everyone said, pirates are out there and it shouldn't stop me getting the book out. :D

  3. I'm also sitting on the same fence right now. All four of my current titles were published exclusively on Amazon, but I intend to distribute my newest release (due out next week), and others in the series, as far and wide as possible. And like you said, Smashwords can make that happen.

    As for the piracy issue, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Big name authors get pirated all the time without so much as a dent in their earnings. Most independent writers (myself included) actually see piracy as a sign of success. I know of a few that actually pirate their own books with the goal of getting to reach more readers.

    So I guess it boils down to what we consider most important: reaching as many readers as possible or making money. :)

    1. @Michael~That's a positive spin on the problem! Love it. :)

    2. You made some good points here!I think getting it out is the important thing, so I am going to give it a try!

  4. I think anything that may be pirated will be negated with all the new readers you could reach to begin with. Honestly? I think there is no reason to NOT go on Smashwords unless you're planning to use Select on Amazon. I know dozens to a hundred authors who use Smashwords with no problem. In fact it's actually easier to use as an author than Amazon.

    Amazon makes up a huge majority of ebook sales, but it's only something near 80 percent i *think*. The next big seller is B&N, with Sony, Kobo, and iPad (or whatever) in the rear. Amazon is the majority but Smashwords will deliver you to all the readers on all other devices. Do it!! :P

  5. Sorry, I have no idea, but I'll be stopping back to check out what other people say. It's a question I'll need answering in a few months... maybe!

  6. I'm pretty sure you can publish on nook without using Smashwords, but I haven't really done it myself so I don't know. My good friend, Roseanne Wilkins, has self-published several books so she might know the answer. Look her up on facebook and send her a PM, and I'm sure she would be happy to help :)

  7. First, big congrats to Cassie Mae!!

    Second, Kyra- I'm so sorry I don't know enough to feel like I should be commenting on your Smashwords question! I'm too ignorant of the process to give you sound advice.

    Good luck with whatever road you choose. I'm sure someone here will be able to help give you some great pointers and some solid advice.

    1. Thanks, jaybird! Everyone was super helpful! :D

  8. I don't know anything about Smashwords. Sorry. I do hope it becomes available for Nook, though, because that's what I have!

    1. The good news is, I am publishing through Smashwords, so yes, it will be available on Nook! :D

  9. If it will make you uncomfortable, don't do it then. I have NO idea what publishing on Smashwords entails so...

    I'll just buy the book if I can't get it on my Nook. No worries :)

    1. It's okay, it's on Smashwords now! Thanks for nudging me to make a decision! :D

  10. I researched Smashwords and I will put my book through there, but I'm also self-publishing through Pubit for B&N. The only advantage to putting it through Smashwords is that you don't have to pay for an ISBN. Good luck!

  11. Aw, thank you!!!! And I wasn't supposed to bag my agent? Whoops. Better write that apology letter...

    And I'm sorry I don't have much to contribute in terms of Smashwords. But I will say if you don't feel right about it, then don't do it. Maybe contact authors who use it, see what the pros and cons are?

    1. LOL! Bad Cassie!:p

      Yeah, there were a lot of varying opinions, but I think the good outweighs the bad. :D

  12. I don't know anything about Smashwords but I've wondered the same thing in regards to my own work.

    That's exciting about Cassie's agent. There seems to be a lot of agent finding happening around the blogosphere right now. That's so great for them...

    1. I think the general feeling is that it's worth publishing through Smashwords. :D

      Yeah, it's amazing to see so much talent being snapped up!

  13. I know of one person who published on Smashwords, and as far as I'm aware, she had no piracy problems.

    I agree with what Hildred said, the risk of piracy will be out balanced by the wider audience you can reach.

    1. Cool!

      Yeah,, I think it is definitely worth going for!

  14. I think you should give it a shot. Don't knock any doors down on your way to the top.

    Oh, and I love your new Avatar. You're so purrrty. My kinda gal. :D

    And I need to go bow to Cassie for landing an agent.

    Have a great day, Kyra!

  15. I think you should try it out!

    And congrats to Cassie!

  16. I'm not familiar with Smashwords. Good luck with whatever you decide!

    Congrats to Cassie!!

  17. I think it's always a good thing to put yourself out there in as many ways as you can. Go for it!

    And sooooo great for cute, Cass ;)

  18. Another day of learning over here :) I wish I could help, but I'm that far yet. I agree with both sides--don't do it if you're not comfortable, but the risk might get outweighed by the benefit of reaching more readers. Helpful, huh? Good luck with your decision.

    Yay Cassie!

    1. LOL! I think I was mostly nervous about being pirated, but everyone made great points about the fact that it could happen anywhere.

  19. If someone wants to pirate your book, there is nothing you can do to stop it, and I haven't heard where piracy has really hurt sales either.

    I use Smashwords. I do suggest reading the Smashwords Style Guide to format, but it's pretty simple, and it uploads your book within minutes. It can take weeks to get it distributed, but unless you're doing KDP Select and going exclusive with Amazon, there's no reason why you shouldn't use Smashwords to distribute your book.

    Also, you can upload your book yourself on Kobo now with their Kobo Writing Life, it's like Amazon's KDP. And if you live in the US, then you can upload your book directly to Nook via PubIt.

    1. Thank you so much Cherie! Your advice helped so much!

  20. Hooray for Cassie! It was just a matter of time, of course.

    And sorry I don't know much about Smashwords, but I have heard it's quite a lot of taxes? It's definitely a great thing to get your book out by as many means as possible. Chat to authors who have done it, do as much homework as you can, but you have to go with your gut instinct at the end of the day. (Sorry about the double cliche at the end there). :)

  21. Yay Cassie!!!

    You know, I don't know a lot about smashwords (sorry I'm like zero help here). I guess your best bet is to get a ton of details from authors who have done it and then make the decision for yourself.

    1. Yup, seems like there is more good than bad!

  22. There's a risk for piracy everywhere. You just have to keep an eye out. Smashwords is a great place to put your story because it can get out to so many different places. You'll get a wider audience if you do so.

  23. I don't see why it would be pirated there more than anywhere else. Besides, I understand that gets your book into the iBookstore, and for us iPad owners, that's great!

  24. Hey new to the blogging world so I'm just jumping around checking out other's pages. I don't know much about smashwords, but I think you run a risk of it being pirated anywhere, but I have heard of a lot people using it so it must do okay. Anyway congratulations to Cassie and good luck with your story.

    1. Welcome to the blogosphere!

      Yeah, I think Smashwords will be cool!

  25. I've heard of Smashwords but I'm not well versed in it. Like some of the other commenters have mentioned, there's a risk for piracy everywhere if the pirate just puts his or her mind to it.

    Regardless, I think it's great that you're bringing this to the attention of others. I'm sure many authors have asked and wondered the same thing.

  26. That's a tough call. I personally decided to use something like smashwords as a last resort if the traditional route doesn't work out. Just ask if you can live with the outcome, regardless of what happens. I've avoided lots of blunders thanks to this thought.

  27. Reading through the other comments a day later, I saw some people saying you can upload directly to B&N. You can, but only if you're in America (specifically, have an American bank account, I believe.) Outside of the US you have to go through something like Smashwords. I think you're from the UK, yeah?

  28. Mine is listed on Smashwords and as of yet, I haven't noticed any problems. And I like what Michael is free circulation. Can we just ask all piraters to swear to post awesome reviews for us in return?


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