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Game On - One Book, Two Covers!


So, you know how I did the Game On cover reveal a while ago? Well, it was hugely popular with everyone, lots of good comments for the work my friend Bobbie did on the design, and I thought it was perfect. It IS perfect. But while getting ready for the blog tour, there was some confusion about who the story is actually aimed at.

The young, cute looking characters led some to believe that Game On is YA, when in fact it fits better into the category of NA, contemporary romance, and/or chick lit.

This is something I should have considered before, and to those of you who pointed it out, please don't feel bad. It's something I needed to know so I could create a cover that fits better.

After much research, a couple of emails to Jolene Perry (thank you!), and my original designer, I decided that I am having two covers. For the Kindle and other ebook versions, I will use a new design. For the print book, I am keeping the old design. Having different covers isn't ideal, especially when they are so different, however, I loved the first cover and I don't want my friend's work to have been a waste. She is super talented, and I'd like to show off what she made.

So, this is my new cover:

What do you think? Less YA? :D

ALSO - I will send the new cover to everyone on the Blog Tour who I have already emailed. With the exception of Jackie Felger and Nick Wilford, I have sent everyone's guest posts out, with all the book info. If I haven't sent you anything and you were expecting me to, please contact me on kyralennon (at) gmail (dot) com.

P.S If this post is a bit badly spelled and gibberish, it's because I'm watching the Olympics opening ceremony! I am very impressed with it, it's lots of fun!


  1. I love it! I didn't know it was NA :D how old are your characters????

  2. Definitely does not say YA! I like it though!! :)

  3. I didn't realize it was NA! :D Love the new cover!

  4. I thought it was YA too, sorry. I LOVE the new cover though. It is so intriguing and eye catching. I would pick that up at a bookstore.

  5. Wow - new cover definitely NOT YA. Erm... I hate to ask... everyone else probably knows already (just like when I was at school lol)... but... erm, what's NA?

    1. Hey :D NA means new adult. It usually features characters age 18 - 25 :)

  6. Very nice! No, it doesn't imply YA. :) For what it's worth, I didn't think that with the first cover, but I can see what people mean.

    I caught a bit of the opening ceremony, which was interesting, but I'm more into the actual events. Also, I just found out that football is in the Olympics - slow on the uptake??

    1. Football ain't the same though. When GB scored first last night, I barely moved. If it had been England, I'd have been jumping up and down, screaming for a penalty, and lamenting the equaliser! But, at least it's football - there hasn't been enough on TV for the past couple of weeks :-)

  7. I love the new one! Definitely a more grown-up feel to it. ;) It's very, very cool.

  8. Hey Kyra-I just finished reading Game On. (1) I absolutely LOVED IT. (2) You are brilliant. (3) I definitely wouldn't catagorize it as YA.

    There was nothing wrong with your old cover, but I do agree that the new one suits the tone of the story, a bit more. Looking forard to being a stop on your blog tour.

  9. The new one in very mature and I think it's great. Definitely not a YA cover. I think having different covers is ideal actually. You catch a wider audience and a customer hates one cover but then sees the other one and buys it, bonus.

  10. I have to say I LOVE the new cover WAY more than the first one. I can understand you not wanting your friend's work to be wasted, but I honestly think you'd get more people picking it up if you just go with the second one. The first looks almost MG to me, because it's a cartoon-y type drawing. Whatever you choose, good luck! Can't wait to read it!

    1. P.S. I should mention that I wasn't all that excited to get it until now, because I hadn't known what the tone of the story was. The new cover totally changed my mind on it!

  11. OMGosh! I love it! It fits perfectly!!!! I so picture Leah in the heals and ready to kick some trash!

  12. I thought it was YA too. XD; Even knowing what your summary says, the cover did give off a huge YA feel to me.

  13. Definitely doesn't look YA! I like it...

  14. I like them both. But I must say as a near 50 without that YA regression urge, I'm partial to the new cover :)


  15. Sorry to hear about your dilemma, Kyra. I like the new cover it definitely gives an older feel. Good luck next week.

  16. Lovely new cover, Kyra, less YA for sure! I'm sure your friend will understand about having to replace it. You've got plenty more books in you for them to design covers for, anyway! :)

  17. I like it, Kyra - suits the genre much better. And don't worry about changing the cover! That's the great thing about ebooks. You can respond to people's comments and make adjustments.

  18. I like the new cover too as there won't be any confusion over the genre for people just browsing and haven't yet read the blurb.

  19. perfect! glad you tried a more mature option! this sends the perfect message! playful & sexy!

  20. That is definitely less YA, and very sexy! I think it gives a good representation of your book.

  21. The first cover looked YA-ish. This one is looks older and sexier.

  22. Very nice cover, I love it! Definitely adult.

    Yay to opening ceremony viewage ;)

  23. Oh, for sure that's not YA. I love it!

  24. That is great. Sexy and cool. Love it.

  25. Hm, as much as I loved the original cover (and I did), I may perhaps like this one more. It's the heels/soccer ball combo. Looks awesome!

  26. The simplicity of your new cover is awesome. It grabs the eye!

  27. Hard decisions to make, but very cool! The new cover is HOT and I still love the old cover. I think it's okay to have 2! :)

  28. I really liked the old cover, but the new one is definitely more NA. And you may get people who want to buy both covers! There's always a plus side.

  29. Love the new cover! Awesome!!


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