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In which my characters take over my blog to share big news!

Leah: Hello everyone! Kyra's hiding today, so Freya and I are here to share some news with you!
Freya: Yes, it's true, Kyra had her first set of author photos taken yesterday and she is already freaked out about seeing her face everywhere, so she's letting us take over while she gets used to it!
Now she's had her photos taken, she is ready to show off her shiny new Goodreads Author page! If you'd like to add Game On to your reading list, or leave a review if you've already read it, that would be fab!
Although the blog tour for Game On doesn't start until August 6th, the book is OUT NOW! There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, the buy links needed to be ready for the tour, secondly, we were bugging the hell out of Kyra to get this book out already, and finally, she was too excited to wait for much longer! 
You can read our story by following these links:

and that's not all for today! *casts Freya a pouty look*
Leah, don't look at me that way, you agreed!
Don't listen to her, I was forced!
You were not! 
Well, whatever. For those of you who have already read Game On, you'll know that I have quite a thing for tacky souvenirs. I collect them from every place I travel to, but Freya thinks I have too many.
WAY too many. 
 *ignores Freya* So, she thinks it's time I gave some away. Plus, I'm generous that way! So, I have put together a small collection of tacky souvenirs from the UK and Kyra will send them to one lucky winner! All you have to do to enter is follow the Rafflecopter instructions at the bottom of the page! 
Dorky as she is, some of Leah's souvenirs are pretty funny. I think you'll like them.
*laughing* Stop telling people I'm a dork! 
Sorry, sorry. She's not a dork, just ... weird about souvenirs!
Okay, enough out of you, friend, let's get out of here before Kyra decides we aren't allowed here ever again!
*giggles* Okay, we have to go to work anyway! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Yes, hope the sun shines wherever you are! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. How exciting! And it is so nice to be able to put a face on the person I've been following, talking to, thinking is awesome! :)

    1. Thanks Rachel! A lot of people were curious to see me, so I thought I'd better do something about it! :D

  2. So brave to put your photo out there for everyone to see! (Hey, I'm a wimp and I don't care.)
    Will add your book on Goodreads.

    1. LOL, can't say I'm not curious to see what you look like! :p

      Thanks for adding me! :D

  3. *Runs over to Amazon* *purchases Game On* *starts reading*
    Congratulations Kyra!

  4. Tell Kyra her author photos are fantastic! It's lovely to see her face.

  5. My work blocks Goodreads, but i'll mark it as "to read" when i'm on it again later tonight.

  6. I added to my Goodreads shelf. Love the picture. :) Good luck!!

  7. Oh my gosh, how cute are you? I'm absolutely jumping up and down with excitement for this! You put your picture out there? I can't believe you did it. YEAH, GO KYRA!!

    Right after I'm done commmenting- I'm going to Amazon to download GAME ON. Can't wait to read it!! xo

    1. What can I say, I'm getting brave now! Lol!

      Thanks so much for your support! <3

  8. OH MY GOD! This is so awesome. Congratulations honey. I'm so excited for you, and so proud of you.

    And I love, love, love, your photo. You look gorgeous!

    I will review it on both Amazon and Good Reads real soon.

    1. Thank you! As I've said, I could NEVER have done this without you! <3

      Heh, thanks! <3 And thanks for the review - I can't explain how happy it made me!

  9. Congratulation on your new picture. You look AWESOME! I'll miss the coffee image, but will crave less coffee as a result.

    Love this post. It makes me wonder how my characters would handle taking over my blog for a day.

    1. Haha, I am still not used to being a person instead of a coffee cup!

      Lol, you should let them and see what happens!

  10. First of all, LOVE the new picture:)
    Now, I wish I would have thought of a cute post like this. it made me smile:)

  11. I'm with Deana! LOVE the pic! You're so cute and I love being able to see you in person!

    And SQUEE about the book release! Yahoo!!! Love it, love it, love it! Congratulations!!!

  12. The new pic looks fantastic, Kyra! :D Congratulations! I'm sooo happy for you!

  13. Yayayay! It's out! Oh man, and I was looking for a new book to read! Congratulations!

  14. Cool! I'm heading over to Goodreads now.
    Happy Weekend :)

    1. Thanks! Hope you have a great weekend too!

  15. Great fun and great photo! Looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of the book. Congrats.

  16. Congrats on releasing your book! All the best luck!

  17. Whoo-oo! Congratulations on the release! And it's great to see you on your blog at last :-) I'm really looking forward to taking part in your blog tour!

    I will not enter the comp though - I have my fair share of tacky UK stuff!

    1. Thank you!

      LOL, I don't blame you, I have quite a lot of it too!

  18. Very fun post and what an interesting prize! Congrats on the author page. I added my review! :D

    1. Thank you again for your review, it made me so happy!

      Lol, I like to take a break from the norm with my prizes sometimes!

  19. Glad you got a face pick. This character takever was very nice. Hope to read more and congrats on your debut.

  20. I love your new author pic!! No need to hide!
    Congrats on your new release. Yay!!!

  21. Do you have Kyra tied up in the closet? :)

    1. LOL, they didn't need to tie me up, I ran away! :p

  22. Congratulations!! And you are too cute! Love your author photo!! :D

  23. Love the author photo! Now I must go make sure my tweet tweeted!!

  24. So that's who's behind the Cup of Coffee. Nice to meet you and you go with your I'm-releasing-my-book-today self :)

    Much success and CONGRATS :)

    1. Thank you! I thought it was time I showed my face lol!

  25. Nice to meet the two of you. Congrats on your public launch into the book world.

  26. YAY!!!! This is awesome :D I am definitely gonna get your book, just not sure where from yet :) I'd much prefer to have it in...print!

    1. oh and I should add...if you can get it onto Book Depository, I prefer to buy from there as it's way cheaper for us Aussies than Amazon (which has exorbitant postage costs).

    2. Thanks!

      I don't know if I can get my book onto Book Depository but I will look into it! :D

  27. Great profile image... always daunting to reveal to the world the real you...:) You've book sounds awesome...

  28. Yeah! amazing. How wxciting for you. Can't wait to read it.

  29. Eeeeeee!!!!!! Kyra's gorgeous face!!!!

    So lovely to "see" you! And HUGE congrats to everything going on. I'm SO STOKED for you! :D

  30. Congratulations!!!!!

    And... THERE YOU ARE! :) How exciting!

  31. Congrats on the author page and having the book out! I added it to my Goodreads to-read list. :)

  32. Congrats on the book and the pics! Very exciting!! (I like that this post is from your characters ;)

  33. Your book sounds great. You must be very excited... Well done!

  34. Congratulations! Looking forward to reading it.


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