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The Color Of Snow by Brenda Stanley

The Color of Snow Summary

Can a troubled young girl reenter society after living in isolation?

When a beautiful 16-year-old girl named Sophie is found sequestered in a cage-like room in a rundown house in the desolate hills of Arbon Valley, Idaho, the entire community is shocked to learn she is the legendary Callidora--a baby girl who was kidnapped from her crib almost seventeen years ago and canonized in missing posters with portraits of what the fabled girl might resemble. Authorities soon learn that the cage was there to protect people from Sophie, because her biological father believes she is cursed.

Sophie is discovered after the man she knows as Papa, shoots and injures Damien, a young man who is trying to rescue her. Now, unsocialized and thrust into the world, and into a family she has never met, Sophie must decide whether she should accept her Papa’s claims that she is cursed and he was only trying to protect others, or trust the new people in her life who have their own agendas. Guided by a wise cousin, Sophie realizes that her most heartbreaking challenge is to decide if her love for Damien will destroy him like her Papa claims, or free her from past demons that haunt her mind.

I have to say, I was super intrigued by the plotline of The Color Of Snow. The idea of a young girl trying to adapt in the real world after being locked away was a really interesting concept to me. Sophie is possibly the sweetest girl ever, and her struggles to find her place outside of the house she was locked in were very touching, and very believable. 

Of the cast of characters around Sophie, none were more brilliant than her cousin by marriage, Stephanie. She was a ray of sunshine in Sophie's dark world, and she was probably the only person in her life who ever spoke the truth, no matter how painful it was.

One of the things I enjoyed the most about this story were the flashbacks. It wasn't just about how Sophie coped after she was parted from her father. Seeing how her life got the way it did gives an understanding of why her father acted the way he did, and why he chose the path he chose. These insights really made the story what it was. 

I'd recommend The Color Of Snow to anyone who likes a complex plot! Be warned, once you pick it up, it's hard to put down!


  1. Excellent review, Kyra! Might have to check this one out! :D

  2. Thank you for the post and review! I really appreciate it.

  3. Can you imagine that really happening? Scary that it does in real life.

  4. This sounds like a very intriguing, complex plot. Great review! Beautiful cover!

  5. All that pressure while trying to integrate back into society.

  6. Wow! Sounds like an intense book! Thanks for the tip :)

  7. I've seen the cover around, but this is the first time I really read the book description. It does sound like an intriguing and touching book.

  8. Sounds really interesting - another one to add to my 'to be read' list . . .

  9. Such a terrifying and intriguing premise! Thanks for the great review.

  10. Kyra, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the review, and best of luck with your new release :)


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