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Come and see the awesomeness that just arrived at my house (there's lots!)

Not too long ago, I entered a competition held by Laura at Stranger Than Writing, to win a writer's survival kit! All we had to do was tell Laura what writerly things we love, and she chose me as the winner! I must say, Laura went above and beyond to get some fantastic things for my survival kit, so let's have a look at what's inside!

                                                                   Pretty notepads!

                                                             Post-its,erasers and pens (oh my!)

                                                                 Coffee and chocolate!

                                                              My whole new set of supplies!

Isn't that the coolest thing ever? But wait, there's more! Not to take away from Laura's amazing gift, but look what else just (literally) arrived in the post ....

Yes, This is a paperback proof of Game On! I cannot believe I am now holding my own book in my hands! It's all shiny and beautiful and has that gorgeous new book smell! I have been doing the happy dance since it arrived and now I am going to curl up with the hot chocolate from Laura and check it over for errors. :D

Best Thursday Ever.


  1. Oh man, that's so cool! Both of them! The book is so exciting! Enjoy your proofing! (Wow. There are a lot of exclamation points in that comment.)

    1. Hee hee, I think it was totally worthy of exclamation points!

  2. That is an amazing kit! Everything you need for writing. And how cool is that cover? Holding your book in print? Can't even imagine the feelings of awesomeness!

    1. I need to tidy it all up now, it's been sitting on my shelf since it arrived (apart from the chocolate!) Must get myself organised!

  3. Great writer's kit. Especially the chocolate! (Feel a trip to the shop coming on.)

    The book looks amazing! So cool.

    1. Lol, it's fantastic!

      Thanks, I still can't believe I really have it!

  4. Amazing! What a great prize! Enjoy the book... I hardly found any errors in my Kindle copy. :D

    1. YAY! I think the errors were partly in my head, and partly me STILL not being happy with parts lol.

  5. That's so much awesomeness! Yay! And your book looks wonderful! Can't wait to see one live and in person. ;)

  6. *squees and flails * I don't know which is more exciting!! I'm so happy for you, and totally jealous of the writer's kit. Enjoy both!! :D

    1. Heh, both equally as exciting! :D I love my writer's kit SO MUCH!

  7. What a fun day for mail. All I ever get are bills ;) That pack is awesome, and there is nothing like holding your book in your hands :)

    1. Lol, trust me, nothing interesting ever comes in the post for me most days!

  8. The coffee and the note pads are definitely a must! Good luck with your writing!

  9. Oh you must have hugged the postman this morning! How exciting, enjoy it all.

  10. What a great idea for a prize. Well done for winning.

    Have fun reading (and sniffing :-P) your very own book.

    1. Thanks!

      LOL, I know it's sad, but there was quite a bit of sniffing that went on!

  11. Congratulations on the prize package but even more so on the copy of your book! Doesn't it feel awesome to hold?

  12. Awesome goodie package! I know that 'hold my baby in my hands' feeling. Enjoy :)

  13. Coffee and chocolate! The ideal accompaniment to having your own book in print copy. Congratulations.

    Tossing It Out

  14. Oh awesome! Nothing like holding that book (I love my eReader, but I LOVE TreeWare!).

    And that kit looks killer! Chocolate, Coffee, pencils, pens and luscious notebooks *sigh*

    Enjoy your kit and your book.

    1. Lol, me too!

      Thanks, Rena! Two days later, I'm still excited!

  15. Wow. So cool. Both the prize and the book. I can't imagine the feeling. Well I can, but I don't want to cause who knows when it'll happen.

  16. How exciting, Kyra! :D Congratulations!

  17. Congratulations on your book! :D And that writer's survival kit looks wooooooonderful! Makes me want to go stationary shopping (and stock up on chocolate!)

    1. Hee hee, do it! Stationery shopping is the best kind of shopping!

  18. It'd be hard to top that day!! Congrats! :)

  19. How awesome! Oh I'm so pleased for you! That has to be the perfect combination of good things for a day.

    Your proof copy looks amazing.

  20. Congrats on that awesome prize!! And I LOVE getting proof copies of my works...eek, so exciting :)

  21. Oh my gosh! What a fantastic day! Congrats girl!

  22. Congrats on all your awesome mail! Must be an amazing feeling to hold your book...and the writer survival kit looks like sheer genius. :)

    1. It is the best feeling ever to hold your own book!

  23. congrats ! and that looks amazing :)


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