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Imaginary Friend Bloghop - An Annalisa Crawford Production

Today Annalisa Crawford is announcing her first bloghop, which I am co-hosting with her.

Annalisa will be celebrating the one year anniversary of her novella Cat and The Dreamer next month, so on the 1st February we are hosting the Imaginary Friend Bloghop.

If you've read Cat and The Dreamer you'll know that Julia, the main character, has a big imagination, and she has an imaginary enemy.

We want to know about your imaginary friend. What were they called? How old were you? Were they naughty or nice? If you didn't have one, were there ever times when you could really have used one? Did you ever set fire to your mum's favourite rug and have to take the blame yourself?

Annalisa will be offering a £10/$10 Amazon gift voucher for her favourite post, and I'll be offering a three chapter critique for mine.

Alll you have to do is follow my blog, and Annalisa's blog, sign up below and be ready to share your real or imaginary imaginary friend stories on 1st February!


  1. Thanks for being my wonderful co-host, Kyra!! :-)

    1. Not a problem, I'm looking forward to it! :D

  2. I'd love to take part, but I don't remember having one! Judging by your last paragraph, is it OK to write a fictional story?

  3. Congratulations on your one year book anniversary, Annalisa. Excellent idea for a blog hop, can't wait to take part. Kyra you're awesome for co-hosting with her. :D

  4. Is it necessary to sign on to both Linkys or is one okay?

  5. Just saw it on Annalisa's site. I didn't have an imaginary friend though.

    1. Oh no! Well, you are more than welcome to create a short story about an imaginary friend if you have time!

  6. This sounds fun! I didn't have an imaginary friend either, but my son did. Can I talk about his?

  7. I came to have 23 imaginary friends, haha.

    1. Lmao! Then I guess you have a lot to talk about!

  8. Fun idea. I didn't have an imaginary friend, but I think I got a good story.

  9. I never had one either...but you know me...I'll bend any rule till it suits me!

  10. I loved Annalisa's book. I didn't have one, but my brother did.

  11. Great idea!
    One problem... I've never had an imaginary friend...

  12. Excellent idea - so looking forward to reading the entries! I feel so deprived now because I didn't have an imaginary friend. I suppose I could make one up just to take part...

  13. This is such a fun idea! I never had an imaginary friend, though. I really, really want one. I mean, uh, I wanted one. Yes, that's what I meant!

  14. I don't think I had one, but I'm afraid to look back to my friends as a kid and finding out someone wasn't real. Very cool bloghop idea!

  15. This sounds like heaps of fun! I'm in! :)

  16. How fun! I'll include this in my Contest Circuit post on Monday! ;)

  17. Sounds like fun, bit worried, I had kinda weird imaginary friends as a kid!


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