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Blogiversary Giveaway Winners!

Have you ever found yourself struggling to write something, to the point you think you'll have to shelve it, only for a sudden flash of inspiration to hit you and make it all better? That was me yesterday. For weeks, my WIP was fighting me, but I think I've finally got a handle on it which is awesome because I really want to get it finished! It's a while away from being complete, but it's good to get it moving again. Today will definitely be a fiction writing day!

And now, to announce the winners of my Blogiversary giveaway!

Winners of an ebook of Game On OR Blindsided OR If I Let You Go
Krista J. McLaughlin

Winner of a paperback copy of Game On OR Blindsided:
Jackie Felger

Winner of a 3 chapter critique (to be claimed whenever needed)
Tobi Summers

Congrats to all the winners! I will be contacting you very soon about your prizes!

Finally, Annalisa Crawford's Imaginary Friend Bloghop is coming up on Friday - all the details are here. Please take a look and sign up, its going to be a LOT of fun!


  1. Congrats to all the winners. :D
    Yay for the inspiration, I hope the WIP goes more smoothly for you now. :D

  2. Woohoo! Thank you so much, Kyra!

    Awesome news that inspiration hit you. I love when that happens!

  3. Congrats to the winners!

    Those breakthrough moments are awesome. Hopefully it'll be plain sailing from here on. Looking forward to swapping NaNo WIPs, if you're up for it!

  4. Congrats to the winners. And thanks for the reminder about the bloghop. I wrote mine a while back, but haven't cleaned it up yet.

    Good to hear you got back on your writing track!

  5. Congrats to the winners!! YAY! As for those days, yeah, I have them. Usually if I do have a slack day though, it's because what I'm writing is just not all that good and I haven't figured out where to take it. Or how to get to where I want to be, more like.

  6. Congratulations to all the winners!

  7. Congratulations to the winners! And I'm happy to hear you are full steam ahead on the WIP, Kyra! :)

  8. Glad you found inspiration!! I still have Blindsided on my read list, so I won't hassle you to hurry..yet.

  9. Congrats to the winners, and I'm so glad you've had your flash of insight. They are so wonderful. Good luck with the rest of your WIP.

  10. Glad to hear you had a breakthrough. I understand where you're coming from. I think I hit a speed bump myself. But today, I'll use your post as a bit of encouragement to press on and get through it.

  11. I love it when that happens! That's when I jump right onto my computer and my kids/husband don't see me for a while..

    Congrat to all the winners!!

  12. Omg yay I won!! That's so exciting. Oooh thank you. Now for the difficult choice between blindsided and if I let you go!

  13. Glad you had a breakthrough!
    Congratulations to the winners.

  14. Congratulations on your breakthrough and to the winners! I'm all ready for the bloghop on Friday. :)

  15. High five to all the winners!! :)

  16. I'm still waiting for my inspiration, and I'm starting to run out of time! But congrats to all the winners! :D

  17. Congrats to the winners!

    And I love those moments of inspiration! They're just awesome, and I'm glad you found yours, so you can keep writing.

  18. Congratulations to the winners and to you for winning this round with your story. Ding ding! On to round two.

  19. Congrats on the blogoversary AND on getting that WIP working again! that's awesome and always a good feeling! Thanks for your kind words on my blog. You're the best!


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