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Happy Blogiversary To Me!

Wowzers. It was a whole year ago since I wrote my first tentative post about what I hoped to get out of blogging, and what I wanted to do on my writing journey. The WIP I was working on back then is now permanently shelved. Well, actually it's been ripped into pieces and used for spare parts lol, but I always thought that one would be the first book I ever published. Now it won't be published at all - at least  not in its original form.

One year on, I've published two novels and a novella, made some amazing writing friends, entered bloghops galore, and just had a load of fun getting to know all of you guys! I thank you so much for your support, and I hope you continue to stay with me!

To celebrate my 1 year blogiversary, there is, of course, a giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway P.S I am scheduling this post in advance and there is a good chance the "Follow Via GFC" option might not work LOL! Good luck guys, and thanks again for everything!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, AJ! Will have to email you some time, I miss talking to ya!

  2. Happy blogoversary! You've come a long way in one year!

  3. Only a year? I can't believe this blog hasn't been around forever. You've achieved so much this year, here's to many, many, many more successes! x

  4. Congratulations on your blogiversary, Kyra :) You've achieved so much in one short year. Here's to the second! x

  5. Happy Blogoversary to you! I love all yor books and can't wait to read your future projects!

  6. Happy Blogoversary to you! You've had an amazing twelve months, and I know the next year(s) to come will be fantastic too! <3

    1. Thank you, sweetie! I really have you to thank for giving me the nudge I needed to get started! Love you! <3

    2. Rubbish, you were well on your way to awesomeness without my nudge! :P

  7. Great job in only a year - and thanks for all the help and support you've shown me :)

    1. No problem! I know I've been slacking lately, but I promise to try harder!

  8. CONGRATULATIONS! You have done in one year what I hope to accomplish in 5! LOL! Looking forward to seeing where your journey takes you next. Hugs!(:

  9. I can't believe it's only been a year! That was one hell of a year! :) Congratulations on all you've accomplished!

    1. Thanks Rachel! Congratulations to you too on all you've achieved!

  10. Congrats on the big one year of blogging! What a journey and you've got so much to show for it. :)

  11. Congratulations on one whole year! And you and Clare did it together.

  12. Congrats, Kyra! What a wonderful year! *hugs*

    1. Thanks! It wouldn't have been half as much fun without all the Adam Levine love! ;)

  13. Congrats, Kyra! Hope you have many more years of blogging.

  14. Happy Blogiversary! I like this kind of contest. I already had you on most of the requirements: FB, Twitter, GFC.

    Congratulations on all the terrific acccomplishments you've had this year. I'm sure there'll be many more to come!!

    1. Thanks, Suzi, and thanks for all your support!

  15. Yay yay yay! Happy blogiversary!!!!

  16. Congratulations! It's very impressive that you've accomplished so much in one year. It usually takes me that long to finish one novel; I don't think I could finish two novels AND a novella. Wow!

    1. Lol, I don't know if I'll be able to do so much this year - sometimes slow and steady is better!

  17. YAY Kyra! Congrats on your blogiversary- so glad you are here.

  18. Congrats on your one year blogiversary!!!! I am entering the giveaway! Looks like fun!

  19. Happy blogiversary. You've accomplished quite a bit in just one year. It's very inspirational and motivating to read such success stories. Cool give a way .

  20. You've had a fantastic year, you should be very proud of what you've achieved. Happy Blogiversary, and it's been great getting to know you, too!

    No need to enter me in the giveaway - we're CPs and I've read your books, so I'll let someone else have the swag!

  21. Kyra I have read your wonderful books, happy blogiversary and keep writing. Don't need to be entered in the give-away just want to tell you how awesome I think you are!

  22. Congratulations, Kyra! I'm really glad I found your blog, I always like coming over here! :)

  23. Wow what a year you've had, so happy for you. Happy blogiversary and here's to the next year :)

  24. Congrats on the year blogaversary! :)

  25. Congratulations! You've done a lot in one year.

  26. Congratulations! It's only been a year? You've accomplished so much in a year! It's incredible! :)

  27. What adventures of writing you've gone through. Was it very hard and devastating when you realized the book wasn't going anywhere, or did you just move on to what you knew would work? But congratulations for getting through year 1 with such success.

    1. Thank you!

      About giving up on the book - yes, it was devastating because I did think it would be "The One." But I couldn't find a way to make it work, so I had to let it go. :(

  28. Congrats on your blog anniversary! I'll pass on this and let someone else win them.

    I probably won't have time to read them. :(

  29. Congratulations! That's awesome. I can't wait to see where you are in another year. :)

  30. yay kyra! you've accomplished so much!

  31. Happy Blogiversary Kyra! Congrats on one year and all that you have accomplished. May you do even more.

  32. I hope you don't mind but I've linked to this post from my post here

  33. Wow!! Look at all the great things you've done in a year. You are one amazing woman Kyra!! I'm so glad I've gotten to know you in that year. Congrats girl!!!


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