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IWSG: NaNo Concerns

The Insecure Writer Support Group is brought to you by the wonderful Alex J.Cavanaugh, and unites writers once a month to share their insecurities!

I want to start with an apology for being way behind with replying to blog comments. I am SO busy, you wouldn't believe and it's taking me away from ... well ... everything fun. But I am reading, I still love you all, and if you stick with me, I will be back to normal soon (hopefully!) Also, this being busy thing means I won't get to as many blogs today as I'd like - but I will do the best I can. :D

So, my insecurity this month is all about NaNo! I'm off to a decent start, and I'm actually a day ahead of myself word count-wise. But my biggest fear is that I'll waste this whole month writing something that is absolute crap. I suppose everything is salvageable if you put the time in, but right now, I'm looking at what I've written and thinking ... meh. I don't want to bust my butt writing something that doesn't have a hope of being decent, but I also want to stick with it and see where it goes. I'll keep plodding along, but I am concerned it might all be for nothing. :(


  1. Best of luck with nano! I think you're very brave!

  2. Hey,

    Stick with it, 'cos no matter if you're not too keen now, at least it's written... and it may grow on you in the future... or in a worst case scenario, you may be able to use bits of it for spare parts (of other stories :)

    1. I have a lot of stories I use for spare parts lol. Thankfully, after a bit of time, I don't think this will be one of them. :D

  3. My plan is to butcher my novel in December - I know it's not good at the moment, and I'm sure one character has three different names so far, but I can see something emerging. You're doing great! Enjoy it!

    (This is a perfect example of 'do as I say, not as I do' LOL)

    1. LOL! It's great that something is starting to happen for you!

  4. In my opinion nothing is ever wasted. Even if this story never sees the light of day, or if you rewrite it all from scratch at a later date. It's the experience, and getting this idea - in some form - out on paper will teach you things you didn't know before. Hang in there, chic, you're doing great. <3

  5. I agree with everyone that all of your efforts will be worthwhile at one point or another. I've never been brave enough to try NaNo, but I really appreciate the hard work that goes into it.

    1. Thanks! NaNo is HARD, but I am loving the challenge!

  6. Aw- I'm sure it's not as crap as you think! You are an amazing writer Kyra- and I always love what you produce. Even if you don't do anything with it now, it may be revisable laters. Don't be so hard on yourself!

  7. I tend to be pleasantly surprised when I read back my nano novels, so stick with it, you never know. Or one day you might use part of it, or a character, for another project.

  8. Don't lose heart with it, no matter how hard it may seem at times. I agree that no writing time is ever truly wasted, you'll learn something from it even if it is how not to do something.
    Good luck with the rest of NaNo! xxx

  9. Clare had a great point. I'm just gonna say ditto on what she said. Also Jaybird, she had a terrific comment too.

    (Sorry for not being original today. :) )

    1. Lol, that's quite okay! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I have definitely been there (with every WiP, actually). I've started viewing those doubts as just a normal part of the process. Keep going! You can do it!

  11. I don't think there's such a thing as a written word wasted. Even if the end result is "meh," it can be a learning experience for you. You can look at what worked, what didn't, and grow a little. I think I've learned more from my "meh" stuff than the stuff I'm proud of.

    So keep putting one foot after the other. 50k is a worthy goal, whether you fall in love with the end result or not. And you might just surprise yourself in the end!

    1. Thanks for the advice! I agree, there are always things to be learned. :D

  12. My NaNo project last year was like that. I just looked at it for the first time since it was written last month and while 98% of it is not good enough, there was still something good in there and the rest will provide a jumping off point for the rest.

    And even if I never ever do anything with my current project, I still like knowing that I hit the 50k goal. You know, provided that I do.

    Best of luck to you!

  13. I am sure it's NOT crap! That is a completely normal reaction to reading over a draft. I say keep going. That's great news that you're ahead of schedule!

  14. This is something we all fear at one point or other while working on our mss. Just keep going. Remember, this is why we edit and do rewrites. :)

  15. We all write crap, lol. That's when we pull out the poop scooper during revisions. But you know, I've found when I don't like a single thing I've written, it actually turns out to be a pretty fun story to keep up with. Keep going, my dear. :) Some people's crap is other people's uh... gold? LOL

  16. Never for nothing!!!! (Though I have this fear whether it's NaNo or not! I'm still afraid!!!!!) Kyra, perfect post. Thanks so much for this... and just for the record, it won't be crap ;-)

  17. I think it's okay if you aren't able to respond to all the comments, because you have so many followers; sometimes people with a big following like you do often write one response to several of the comments, because that makes it easier and it's still something that the commenters can relate to.
    And I don't think that your participating in Nano will be for nothing. Just the fact that you're participating is something.

  18. All writing needs and edit whether Nano'd or not so you'll find worth in this MS and I bet it isn't as bad as you think!

  19. I think some of the best crap I've written is stuff I thought was crap in the beginning. Finish it up send it to a friend (I'm available) and don't sweat a drop.

  20. I don't know that every manuscript is salvageable, but I know that every idea is. Even if this version of your story isn't that great, you can always rewrite it, using this as a guide (even if that guide is "don't do this next time"). Every word counts towards the great writer you are becoming, and that doesn't mean you aren't already great, just getting greater--and I write?? I swear I can say this better: you are only getting more awesome with... oh forget it, I need math: you = great. you + more words = Awesome. Got it?

  21. From what I've read this morning I think you're in good company with Nano insecurities. Just keep plugging away. It's still early in the month.

  22. I think you have to keep going as others have already said it won't be wasted. You should have a draft of something you can continue to work on and edit afterwards. Best of luck :)

    1. I've left you a little tag over at my blog if you are interested. Keep on writing!

  23. Keep writing! You never know what you have until it's done. And writing is never a waste. Even if you never publish that story, you'll have scenes and ideas from it you can use in others.

  24. With your talent, I think you will do fine :D

  25. I've never attempted NaNo myself but I wouldn't expect it to be perfect if I did. There's just no time to get it spot on but at least you have *something* (a lot of something too) that you can work on later.

  26. Writing is never for nothing. The practice of writing by writing will help in the long run, even if nothing comes out of the project.

  27. Stick with it! You just never know. What if you quit and it would've been great?

  28. You won't have a perfect draft, but it'll be a good beginning. You can edit after the month is over and tighten up the story. :) Good luck and keep writing!

  29. Nothing you write is crap! You're amazing! I wish I had the time to do NaNo this month. I wish I was getting something done. So be happy that you're moving forward! And good luck!

  30. Just stick with it! I think that you are so brave to do NaNo! The thought of 50K in one month gives me the heebie-jeebies!

  31. always great to start out ahead! you'll do a fabulous job! and thanks forputting game on, on sale!!

  32. It won't be for nothing, any writing is good. It may not take shape soon, it may take a while to percolate, but eventually you will turn this into a published story. You're talented and creative, I believe that what you are working on now will be fantastic when it takes its final shape. Hugs!

  33. I've never done NaNo so I can only imagine the intensity of it all, but like what a lot of other commenters have said, I don't think it's a waste of time and you never know, maybe it could lead to new ideas or a different direction that may get you excited again. In any event, good luck!


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