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Cover Reveal: 1301 - The Marquis by Christine Rains, Plus A Quick Update

Today it is my absolute pleasure to be a part of Christine Rains' cover reveal for 1301 - The Marquis! I fell in love with Christine during the A-Z Challenge in April, and her two novellas are among my favourite books this year! 

Title: 1301 – The Marquis
Author: Christine Rains
Genre: paranormal romance
Release date: December 13th, 2012 (tentatively)

Life after Hell isn't more exciting than watching football and fixing a busted pipe. Once a powerful demon, Marc enjoys his quiet existence and a good cup of coffee. With big ambitions to gain his master's favor, a trickster demon named Vetis shatters Marc's peace and vows to deliver Marc's head to the fires of Hell. Not before he destroys everything Marc cares about, of course.

Marc's power has diminished over the years. Heaven will never grant him absolution, and he refuses to return to Hell. Running isn't an option. The city of Carmine is his territory. It's also home to his favorite cafe owner, Mae Hopkins. The dame has a lovely smile, but it's her heart and soul that shine bright.

While his city burns and his love is captured, Marc must decide to surrender or let hate and anger fuel him to become the fearsome beast he so loathes: The Marquis. If the Marquis rises, Vetis can be defeated and Mae saved, but Marc would be lost to his demon forever.

Author Bio:
Christine Rains is a writer, blogger, and geek mom. She has four degrees which help nothing with motherhood, but make her a great Jeopardy player. When she's not writing or reading, she having adventures with her son or watching cheesy movies on Syfy Channel. She's a member of S.C.I.F.I. The 13th Floor series is her first self-published series. She also has two novellas and sixteen short stories published.



I know it seems like all you're getting from me lately are "quick updates" - I'm so sorry about this! With NaNo and the blog tour coming at me really, really fast, my feet have barely touched the ground!

As many of you will have seen, Blindsided made an early appearance at the weekend, and I feel anxious. I didn't feel this nervous with If I Let You Go, but Blindsided? Second book in the series? My stomach is a big tangle of butterflies!

I am doing a free promo for Blindsided on Friday - so if you haven't got your copy yet - it will be free at the end of the week for one day only on Kindle. However, if you can't wait, you can find Buy links in the My Books tab at the top of the page. :D

I also want to do another plug for the Blindsided Christmas photo hop! I knew it was quite a risk doing a contest like this because I wasn't sure how many people would join in but I'm gonna stick with it for a bit longer! I'm gonna need for there to be at least ten entrants for this to be fun - but I do understand why some people may not be up for it! So, if you fancy a little festive silliness for some prizes - please follow the link and sign up!

That's all for now! Thanks for sticking with me! XX


  1. Congratulations to Christine- cover looks fabulous.

    I am searching for a Christmas picture of me, before I sign on for your hop. Not sure if I have any of me, I usually just take them of the girls. (I ruin EVERY family photo with my picture taking curse. It's a wonder I show up on film at all,lol)

    Good luck with the launch of book #2. I'm looking forward to reading it.

  2. Thank you so much for participating in the reveal! I'm really excited about this series, and so happy I have excellent covers for it. And thanks to you all for the congratulations! :)

  3. Congrats to Christine. I love the sound of this book!

    It's great to see you're doing well on NaNo. I'm snapping at your heels ;) but I really don't know how you manage to do everything! I'm sure Blindsided will be another success, it's a sweet book.

    Xmas pics? The only one I can even think of is when I dressed as Santa for a school play when I was 13! I was proud of my home made beard... going to have to have a trawl to see if I've got anything for your bloghop. :)

  4. Can't wait to read both books, ladies! So excited for you :D best of luck!

  5. I've tagged you for something. Feel free to stop by if you're so inclined!

  6. Congrats to Christine!! The Marquis is awesome!

  7. You are like the little engine that could! Great job to you and Christine.


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