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A glimpse inside my NaNo novel!

So, since NaNo started, I haven't really said much about what I'm writing or kept you up to date on how it's going! Well, it all got off to a slow start, followed by a few days where I completely fell in love with the story and was writing at a fast pace. Now, I'm slowing down a little because I made the terrible mistake of looking at what I'd written. I know, I know, bad Kyra! What I have isn't awful, but it is NA that reads like YA. I'm pretty sire I can fix that, though so it's not a disaster.

The reason I haven't said a whole lot about the story itself is mainly because I'm not sure what the main plot point will be. I mentioned the MC is a virgin, but it's rather more complicated than that and I haven't figured out which thread of the plot I'm going to work with.

Oh dear, I'm getting as cryptic as Mark Koopmans and his mysterious bloghop! :p

Anyway, I was recently tagged (again) in the Look meme that was going around a while ago -  by the awesome L.G Keltner! To do this meme, you have to post the first "look" in your WIP, along with the surrounding sentence or paragraph. I figured I'd use it to let you have a look at my NaNo novel!

The ache in my chest seemed to multiply when I looked into his eyes, then exploded, threatening to pull me to the floor in a heap of guilt and self-loathing.
I couldn’t do that. Not in front of him. Maybe not ever. I made my choice, I had to live with it. With a deep sigh, I tore my eyes away from him and took my final steps out of the flat, and back towards the place where it all began. Yes. Twenty-five years old, and I was moving back home to my mother. 

So, there you have it! I'm supposed to tag 5 people, but I'm not gonna because I'm not sure who has done this before. Feel free to join in if you want to, though! 


  1. Nice work! I'm definitely intrigued!

  2. Great extract! I feel the emotion, and her dejection. You'll never believe it, I tagged you with this meme just a few minutes ago. Never mind - wanna give us a bit more?? :D

    It sounds like you're a true pantser. Just keep writing, I'm sure the main point of the story will become clear! Writing is a journey of discovery - I love that about it. :)

  3. intense look!
    you are a tease about your book! so curious how you will go with it!

  4. Tense moment.
    And no way you could be a cryptic as "Madman" Mark!

  5. What a sweet little snippet that was! Very interesting and packs quite a hanger at the end. Loved it.

    Your NaNo rocks Kyra!

  6. Great excerpt! And yes, don't look back until after November. It's easier that way. ;)

  7. Nice! Definitely an interesting little snippet, it makes me want to read more!

  8. I hate it when I look back over my WIP too soon! Thinking about edits and drafting are just too much for my little brain to handle. Sends it into a freeze every time!

  9. I accept your tag. Thanks for giving us a peek at your Nano and keep going girl.

  10. Nice! You've made me very curious. :)

  11. I did the same with my NANO project and stopped cold. So I started a new page of notes. Things I have to research and character names I want to make better, before I knew it I was back in the story and feeling better about how it was progressing. I'm finding now that I'm skipping from scene to scene, but that's okay too. It actually helps me to bring it all together. I seldom ever write a book from chapter 1 through chapter 30. I'm all over the place, beginning, end, middle, and back. With all my notes at the end.
    Enjoyed the snippet!

  12. It makes me curious! And I did that, moved home at almost 24. Good luck and keep writing!

  13. Oooh, nice little peek! You write romance and interesting characters so well. I can't wait to see where your NaNo novel will take you. :)

  14. Great idea for a meme and an intriguing extract.

  15. I am just like you--I always, always look back. I can't help it. Hey, don't feel badly. I'm still working on my NaNo novel from 2011.
    Nice teaser and great idea for a meme.

  16. Love your novel peek. It does just what it's supposed to do, make me want to turn the page.

  17. hehe, yeah whenever I do Nano I try really hard not to look at what I've already written ;)

  18. That was lovely written and very intriguing!!! Sign me up to read it when it's done :)

  19. You have me hooked, Kyra! Can't wait to read more :)

  20. Oh, very intriguing! You've got me asking all kinds of questions and wanting to know what's happened. Great job! (:

  21. Great intriguing hook Kyra! And good luck with the rest of nanowrimo!

  22. I passed on the Top Commenter Award to you! :)

  23. Nice excerpt. I'd say you're on a roll for NaNo!

  24. Just out of curiosity I did look at what surrounds my first 'look' in my current WIP, and I wasn't impressed. so I'm going to skip this exercise till I have a better example. haha

    I agree it's a mistake to look at your writing during NaNo - don't look, just write! ;) I know mine is crap but I'm worrying about that post-rough draft completion.

  25. Whew! That was extremely intriguing. Can't wait to hear more about it! :)


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