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If I Let You Go Cover Reveal & Bloghop Signup

I am SO freaking excited to share this with you!! Even though I only announced the cover reveal last week, it's felt like it's taken years to get to today!

I would like to FINALLY reveal the cover for my first novella, If I Let You Go:

Title: If I Let You Go (Novella)
Category: New Adult (NA)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 22nd 2012

Madison Connor is about to lose it. Her job, that is. For three years, she’s taken care of Dominic Hartley’s five year old daughter, Tilly, but her world is flipped on its head when Dominic tells her his latest promotion is taking him to New York. With Tilly having a meltdown over the move, Madison and Dominic get into a fight that changes the entire nature of their relationship, causing Madison to ask herself a big question. Can she let him go?

EEK! SO, whaddya think? :D

Annnnd there's more! As I'm not doing a blog tour for this release, I still felt like I needed to do something to mark the occasion. So, I introduce to you the "Letting Go" Blog hop!

On October 22nd, I invite you to share some stories about letting go. Was there a time when you had to let go of someone or something? How did it make you feel? How did you handle it? Or if that's too personal - which I completely understand - how about writing a piece of flash fiction? 

The only rules are - obviously - it has to be related to letting go, and please keep it to a maximum of 500 words.

When the day arrives, I will hop around to all the entries, along with my independent judge (otherwise known as "Mum" LOL), and the story that touches us the most will win a $10 Amazon gift card!

Sign up below to share your stories!

ALSO - I am giving away 5 ARCs of If I Let You Go, so if you want one, let me know in the comments and I will randomly select some of you at the end of the week! HUGE thank you to everyone who is helping with the cover reveal this week - you guys ROCK!


  1. A beautiful cover! Sounds like a great idea for a blog-hop! :)

  2. I love your cover. It is beautiful and romantic. Blog hop sounds like fun. Congratulations on your book cover reveal. I have too many sad stories about letting go. It is the hardest part of life.

  3. Love the cover. Love the contest. Count me in :) On everything :)

  4. Congrats on the novella and I think the cover is great.

  5. YAY!! Love your cover, of couuuuurse, and this blog hop will be fun :) Eeeek, I hope I remember to do it on the day! haha

  6. Love the cover, and think the bloghop is an excellent idea! :D

  7. Aww, lovely cover, it looks so romantic *swoon*. Looking forward to the 22nd :)

  8. Beautiful cover, Kyra - very romantic! Congrats!

  9. An ARC?! I would love that!!! :D
    This cover is breathtaking, Kyra. Congrats!

  10. It's gorgeous! Well done. :)

    The bloghop is a great idea! I'm getting ready to come back to blogging in a couple of weeks, and start work on some new short stories, so thanks for the inspiration. :D

  11. Great cover. I would love to be entered into the ARC giveaway. Thanks.

    So did you find writing a novella was harder than a novel? Or easier?

    1. Hmm...somewhere in between lol! It was easier because it didn't take so long, but I am used to writing longer plots, so I had to figure out the best way to condense the storyline, which was challenging.

  12. Cool contest. Congratulations, Kyra!

  13. The cover looks beautiful! Congratulations Kyra! The blog hop sounds great, too. :)

  14. Gorgeous cover, Kyra! And I'm so excited for you. You are sure having one busy summer with Game On and now If I Let You Go! You must be wonder woman!

    1. LOL! I don't know about that - I am going to have a looong break once my last book is out this year! :p

  15. I'm going to go post your cover now. I must have missed the email, cause I know you would have asked me to be part of the reveal...right? LOL...I'm so bad...or did I really miss the email?

    1. Oh, and add me in for the ARC too. It's raining here, I might need it. ;)

    2. Lol, sorry about the confusion - glad we got it sorted though! :D Thanks Elizabeth!

  16. What a beautiful cover, really it is LOVELY.

  17. Awesome cover and great idea for a bloghop. I'm in! Throw my number in there for an ARC too. :)

  18. Love the cover! And congratulations! And the blog hop sounds like a great idea. (=

  19. If I Let You Go has a beautiful story line. Can't wait for Oct 22. Beautiful Cover.

  20. This is a great idea for a bloghop! And I love the font on your cover. It looks a little like my favorite fancy font for my title pages, Edwardian Script.

  21. Your cover looks outstanding. I don't want to add my name to the linky list just yet. I'll be hopping around the blogosphere around that same time promoting NEVERLOVE. However, I wouldn't mind doing something to commemorate this special release on your special day. Please hit me up at tomewriter(at)gmail(dot)com.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Congrats, Kyra!! The cover looks fantastic!! Your blog's new design looks lovely, too!

  24. Count me in! And congrats on the cover reveal!!

  25. What a gorgeous cover!! Congratulations! The book sounds wonderful too, as well as the blogfest. :)

  26. The cover is spectacular! Love it! And I'd like to be entered in the ARC drawing.

    And I already have something planned on my blog that day, but I'll be sure to give a shout out. :)

  27. How fun! Do I have to post the "Letting Go" story and then link it here? (I take it I can post it before 10/22.)

  28. Congrats, Kyra! Most awesome, and the cover looks amazing. Let me know if I can help you get word out in any way.

  29. Hey,

    I'm signed up for letting go and what a nice cover, too... it leaves a *lot* to the bodice-ripping imagination of mine :)

  30. Your book cover is gorgeous and I Love the sound of the synopsis. Sign me up, please!

    Congrats, Kyra!

  31. Congrats on another great cover, and I just signed up for the Blog Hop! Looks like so much fun. xo

  32. Purty cover! I'm thinking about taking October as a blogging break, or I'd totally be into this. If I change my mind, I'll let you know.

  33. Yay cover! And yay bloghop! Looking forward to it! (And maybe I'll even remember to do this one on time.)

  34. Hey Kyra, just letting you know I tagged you:

    Don't feel obligated to do it though, it only took me since April to get around to it. haha

  35. Ok, so I'm slow... lol... I have spread the news on my page and will sign up for the hop but for some reason my pc won't let me sign up now. So I will do it later. You are rocking out with all of these books. Good for you!!!

  36. I really love the cover for this book! And I'm becoming a huge fan of New Adult so I really want to read this book. :)

  37. This is soooooo beautiful! Wonderful happy news for you!

    I'm following you, and have joined the bloghop. I just recently joined my first flash fiction contest on my blog now, and think I've been bitten by the flash bug:)

    Can't wait to read you novella:)

  38. Congrats! And looking forward to the hop. :3

  39. I'm sure I've been here before; but I sometimes forget to push publish or get through the capcha. I'll try to write something up for this. Too bad I didn't get in on the ARCs :(



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