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Wednesday Musings - Cover Reveal Question and Game On Book 2 Release Date!

I wrote the title, than had to actually check I got the day right! It's one of those weeks where all the days seem to blur together!

I've been kind of quiet lately in regards to what I've been working on - so I figured I'd catch you all up and then pose a question.

Those of you who have been following me for a while will know that I plan to have the next book in the Game On series published in November. The official release date will be November 19th - and I think there will be another blog tour around that time too! I intend to plan it WAY in advance because with Christmas approaching - people usually get busy! Ideas are already forming - so I will keep you posted on that.

I've also been working on a novella which I've been mentioning randomly while giving little to no indication of what it's about! So, here's the synopsis:

Madison Connor is about to lose it. Her job, that is. For three years, she’s taken care of Dominic Hartley’s five year old daughter, Tilly, but her world is flipped on its head when Dominic tells her his latest promotion is taking him to New York. With Tilly having a meltdown over the move, Madison and Dominic get into a fight that changes the entire nature of their relationship, causing Madison to ask herself a big question. Can she let him go? 

Yeah, it needs some work :p But you get the idea! Feel free to ask questions or let me know how I can make it better! I plan to release this - hopefully - in October sometime. :) 

But before I release these books - I need to do cover reveals. Here comes the question! 

Should I do two separate cover reveals - or both at the same time (just in case people get sick of seeing me everywhere! :p ) Let me know what you think in the comments! :D


  1. Hmmm...I personally would never get sick of seeing you. Maybe flip a coin and let fate decide?

    1. Thank you! Looks like two reveals has been the overall opinion, though! :D

  2. From a marketing standpoint, I'd say separate reveals. It keeps your name on people's screens for a longer period of time. Plus, you can give each book the attention it deserves, especially since they're being released at different times.

    The novella sounds cool. And I'm definitely looking forward to Jesse's book! Yay!

    1. That makes sense!

      I can't wait to release Jesse! Feedback has been super positive so far! :D

  3. I agree that you should do two separate cover reveals. We won't get sick of seeing you. ;) It will keep your name fresh in people's minds. The book sounds great btw! Would love to read it :)

    1. Thanks, Amy!

      I will get in touch with you soon re: reading the books! ;)

  4. Whatever you're up for, Kyra. I'm excited to see your next covers!

  5. I agree, give them each the attention they deserve. :)
    (Ps. Nov. 19th is my daughter's 3rd birthday. :) Just had to mention.)

    1. Cool! I guess that means you get a present on your daughter's birthday too! :p

  6. I say separate reveals. And I'd love to be in your blog tour again, if you'd like! *hugs*

  7. Separate. :)

    And I have a brilliant idea for Jesse's cover! Are you opposed to naked soccer players?

  8. Personally, I'd do two! I never get sick of you, and sure others wouldn't.

    Plus, I think each story deserves individual attention and promotion.

    Also, anything you need as you prepare for both releases, let me know. <3

    1. Thank you, honey! I will be picking your brains about the blog tour very soon! :D <3

  9. Ah another release!!! So awesome. Congratz! Um, I would do two reveals. Gets you more traffic :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Let's try that again - I spelt your name wrong LOL!

      Thank you, Victoria! :D

  10. I'd say two reveals - give each of them their own moment! Oh, I never asked - what's the novella's title?

  11. I think two cover reveals would be better. I like the synopsis. Tilly is the true victim.

    1. Thanks, Sheena!

      Yes, Tilly definitely gets the rough end of the deal for a while!

  12. Go for two, especially as the one will be out a month before the other one.

  13. Love the synopsis, it sounds like a really good story! :)

  14. That is a fabulous synopsis. You're really good at doing those. I definitely think two cover reveals are in order.

    1. Aww, bless you! I HATE writing any kind of synopsis because they usually suck! I'm glad you liked it!

  15. Two reveals for sure. Looking forward to hearing more about them both.

  16. Two separate projects, two separate reveals. :D Good luck!

  17. First, congratulations on getting another book published. I like your synopsis--I am curious to learn more about Madison. Thanks for sharing this.

  18. The novella sounds great! I vote for two reveals!

  19. The PR side of my brain says do two separate posts. You can get people's attention twice that way. :)

  20. Two separate posts is great! give each of them their own special post :)

  21. Hey,

    I haven't read the other comments, but my gut instinct tells me to go with two reveals... otherwise it may get a little confusing...


    that's also confusing... :)

  22. Yaaaaaaaay I just saw this post. This is exciting! Glad to see you're doing two cover reveals; it makes sense.

    Synopsis for the novella sounds fabulous, I'd love to do a blog shout out for you, email me when you'd like to go ahead with it <3 x x

  23. I agree with everyone else - two cover reveals. Double the excitement!

  24. For fun, Kyra!!!! Eeeeeee!!!!!!! I can't wait to see! :)


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