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Strength Cover Reveal for Carrie Butler + What's Your Chocolate?

Good morning! I love to kick off my Mondays with something awesome, and today, I have just that! The gorgeous, talented, and all-round great gal Carrie Butler is revealing the cover for her upcoming novel, Strength, and I am truly thrilled to be a part of it! Carrie is a super supportive member of the blogging community, so I am really pleased I get to give something back!

                                                       Can you say, "YUM"??

Title: Strength
Series: Mark of Nexus – Book 1
Publisher: Sapphire Star Publishing   
Category: New Adult (NA)
Genre: Paranormal Romance (PNR)
Release Date: March 07, 2013

When college student Rena Collins finds herself nose-to-chest with the campus outcast, her rumor-laced notions are shattered. Handsome, considerate, and seemingly sane, Wallace Blake doesn’t look like he spends his nights alone, screaming and banging on the walls of his dorm room. Hell, he doesn’t look like he spends his nights alone, period.

Too curious for her own good, Rena vows to uncover the truth behind Wallace’s madman reputation—and how two seconds of contact had left her with bruises. Of course, there are a few minor setbacks along the way: guilt, admiration, feelings of the warm and fuzzy variety…

Not to mention the unwanted attention of Wallace's powerful, supernaturally-gifted family.

They’re a bloodline divided by opposing ideals, two soon-to-be warring factions that live in secret among us. When Rena ends up caught in their crossfire, Wallace has no choice but to save her by using his powers. Now they’re really in trouble. With war on the horizon and Rena’s life in the balance, he needs to put some distance between them. But Rena won’t let go. If fighting is what it takes to prove her own strength and keep Wallace in her life, then that’s what she’ll do—even if it means risking a whole lot more than her heart.


Where to find Carrie:

Where to find Strength:

How amazing does this sound?? Good luck with your novel, Carrie, I cannot wait until it hits the shelves! <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

Aaand for something a little different! M.Pax, Laura Eno, Brinda Berry and Ciara Knight are hosting the What's Your Chocolate Fest today, to celebrate the wonderfulness that is chocolate!

So ... asking me to choose a favourite chocolate is a bit like asking Joey from Friends a tough maths question - a challenge!

However, I can narrow it down a little! Since I was a kid, I've had a strong fondness for Galaxy bars. The smooth, velvety texture gets me EVERY TIME! I also have a thing for Cadbury's Creme Eggs. I cannot posibly walk past a display of Creme Eggs without buying one. Or ... six. And also, Thornton's chocolates are just about the best thing in the world! They tend to be a bit more expensive than ordinary chocolate - but so worth the money! 

Follow the linky above to hop around to the other participants, and find out their fave choccy goodies!


  1. Love Carrie's cover and trailer! :D

    Excellent choice of chocolates; I'm rather fond of Galaxy and Thornton's too. But I love Freddo Frog bars, because they're only 20p! Perfect chocolate fix! :D

  2. Yum, great cover!

    I love Thornton's. I love their hot chocolate too - I meet friends at the Thornton's cafe. My mum seems to have a permanent box of them on the go - I visit quite a lot :-)

  3. Thank you so much, Kyra! :D

    P.S. What a perfect day to combine subject matter. Shirtless man + chocolate? Yum, indeed! LOL

  4. Hi Kyra ... another who loves creme eggs - definitely not for me ... strange how our tastes vary .. now Galaxy bars are a different story ...

    I need to have chocolate bars as a treat ... Cheers Hilary

  5. Best of luck to Carrie with her new book!

    I used to have a thing for Cadbury eggs. But then they were unfortunately enveloped into my stupid egg phobia.

    But I still love most other forms for chocolate.

  6. Not sure what a galaxy bar is, but I am very familiar with cream eggs

  7. Nice cover! And Cadbury Eggs...yum!

  8. Cheers for Carrie! And I've heard of Galaxy Bars.

  9. Ooh, gorgeous cover and it sounds like a great read.

    I am all about Cadbury's Creme Eggs. Yum yum yum.

  10. That cover is HOT! And the synop sounds amazing! Congrats to Carrie!

    I've never heard of Galaxy bars, but I'll have to look for them. :D

  11. I agree that it is worth it to shell out a few more pennies for some really good chocolate. Hershey's kisses are good for everyday, but Godiva or one of the other high-end chocolates are so much better.

  12. I've never had either kind of chocolate. I guess I'm too cheap.

  13. Oh my gosh I loved your Joey from Friends reference Kyra! So funny-

    I'm really excited for Carrie, and wish her all the best.

    Never heard of those Galaxy Bars. I the only one who's thinking it would be awesome to have an exchange? I'd gladly send you any American chocolate bar you would like to try, for a taste of one of yours across the pond? YUM.

  14. I think expensive chocolate is always worth it.

    Congrats to Carrie. Very pretty cover. Bet he'd be yummy in chocolate. :D

  15. I believe Thornton makes brownies. We had them when I was living in England. They were amazing.

    Congrats again Carrie.

  16. Joey would also probably say that choosing a favorite chocolate is "like a cow's opinion. It just doesn't matter. It's moo." ;-)

  17. Glad to see a fellow Cover realer for Cassie's upcoming book. Chocolate? Where??!! Just playing. Chocolate's a great treat.

  18. That looks like an interesting book...I remember watching the commercials for the Cadbury eggs, especially around Easter time. I don't think I've tried Thornton's chocolates yet, but now I want to!

  19. Great cover pic... real "eye candy"...

  20. From man candy to chocolate candy! Yum! I love the caramel cream eggs. My husband had a Scream Egg on the weekend - like a normal one but with a green middle!

  21. LOVE Carrie Butler's book cover. That's almost as yummy as chocolate!!!! :) Woot! :)

  22. I like Cadburry Caramel eggs but I only eat them at Easter.

  23. Ha on the Joey analogy...

    I have no idea what a Galaxy bar is, but I'm sure I'd eat it.

  24. That cover is *sings* amazing!

    And I can't choose a chocolate. :) haha

  25. I'm not sure I've ever had a Galaxy bar. I'm going to have to Google that one. :)

  26. You did an awesome job plugging Carrie's book and made it sound great. But I must admit my fav part of the post was the chocolate. MMmmm!!! Even reading about it puts me in a good mood! :-D

  27. yummy! and the chocolate aint bad either! (badump bump!)

    ever have a yorkie bar? when i was a youth, i went to london & scotland & kept a wrapper for a souvenier...cant remember what it tasted like!

  28. Oh Dear... too much chocolate for me... :3

  29. I've been seeing this book all over. It looks fun :)

  30. I really like this cover. The book synopsis sounds like fun.

  31. Chocolate combined with anything must be goood. I noticed on Amazon that the other books show similar covers.

  32. Delightful chocolate choices. I, too, can't imagine picking just one!

  33. It's funny but I've never tried a Galaxy bar! Thanks for joining the blogfest. :)


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