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Genre Favourites Blogfest

Good morning! Yes, it's Monday again, but to shake away that horrible first day of the week feeling, we have Alex J. Cavanaugh's Genre Favourites Blogfest! So, let me tell you about some of my favourites!

Movies: It's all about the Rom Coms for me! I love those movies that make you laugh out loud, and have you rooting for the couple to get together. Some of my favourites include 27 Dresses, Love Actually, The Holiday ... okay, I could go on all day!

Music: This is tougher for me because I like most music. I suppose if I had to, I would choose pop and classic rock because both of them always put a smile on my face! :D

Books: Chicklit!! Pretty much the book version of Rom Com movies - and I love them for the same reasons. :D

Guilty Pleasure:: The Rocky Horror Show! Hands down, this is possibly my favourite thing ever! I love the movie in all its cheesiness, I love the songs, and catching a stage version of the show is one of the best things Ive ever done!

Thanks to Alex for hosting this hop - check out the other participants by following the link above! :D


  1. I agree with all your choices Kyra! Great fun. Love RomCom too. I love all three you mentioned, especially 27 Dresses. Cool movie.

  2. Feel good choices are always a winner!

  3. LOl; its hard not to like Rocky Horror :) And I was surprised that I liked Love Actually.


  4. The Rocky Horror Show! I haven't seen that in years!! You're right, it is a cheesy classic that I really enjoyed too. (:

  5. Hey,

    LOVE, love *love* "Love Actually" (we watch it in July and at Christmas... *every year.*

    Is Briget Jones a Rom Com?

    If so, sign me up as a follower.... (the ManCard is gone anyway:)

  6. When I was 20-something, I used to go down to Toronto occasionally to watch Rocky Horror and throw rice at the screen and do all the other Rocky Horror stuff that went on every Saturday at midnight for years and years. What a fun movie!

  7. so kyra! you could write a rom com where they go to the RHPS!

  8. I have never seen The Rocky Horror show. That sounds kind of pathetic, but it's true.

  9. Let's do the Time Warp again!!! Great choice! I remember going to a midnight showing in high school armed with toilet paper & toast! :)

  10. My husband loves the Rocky Horror Show, he introduced me to it. I like most music too, except heavy metal.

  11. put your hands on your hips... i hate that movie, really! wink!

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  12. Rom coms are good for making you feel good on a cold, miserable day :)

  13. Love Rocky Horror! Seeing that in the theatre for the first time and doing the dances was pure bliss. lol

    Love Actually and The Holiday have to be 2 of my all time faves!

  14. Never seen Rocky Horror all the way through. Love all the other ones, though. :)

  15. I won't soon forget when I first saw the Rocky Horror Show with the majority of the audience dressed as different characters. It was a total blast, particularly when pieces of toast came flying through the air and when everyone got up to dance the Timewarp.

  16. Your favorite movies are my guilty pleasure. And how many times have you seen Rocky Horror?
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  17. Believe it or not, I've never seen the Rocky Horror Show. May have to google it :)

  18. I think I'd have to say Romantic Comedies, too. They're just so fun!

  19. I had to go with a general 'rock' for my music because I like such a wide variety of it.

  20. Hooray for Rom Com - in books & movies. ;)

  21. Hi, Kyra,
    I don't a lot of chicklit, but what I've read I've liked, thanks to Talli Roland.

  22. Love, Actually is a fantastic film. What's not to like! I love the wedding scene with Keira Knightly!

  23. Oh, I liked The Holiday. Well, I liked the Kate Winslet part of it anyway. =)

  24. Rocky Horror is awesome, escpecially getting dressed up to go for the live shows.

  25. Oh the Rocky Horror Picture Show is a great guilty pleasure. Susan Sarandon was so young in that. Brings back memories. Plus the monster was a hottie.

  26. RomCom and Chicklit? How'd I know those would be your responses! ;-) Love Actually is fabulous, and I'm guessing you've seen Four Weddings & A Funeral, right? I'm loving Game On--I'm about halfway through. It's very fun. I have an idea for Leah's secret background so I'll see if I'm right.

  27. Love Actually: SUCH a great movie! I can't get enough of rom coms. :)

  28. Love Rom Com movies. My favorite of all time is Wimbledon! <3
    Great choices!

  29. I too love fun~
    Rocky Horror so fun...nothing like in the theater!
    People throwing toast and Scott toilet paper...oh my~
    so fun!
    Thanks for the flash back ;D

  30. Hi, Kyra,

    Over for the blogfest!... Nice to meet you. New follower here.

    I see you LOVE Christmas ROM/COM... I had to admit my "guilty pleasure." lol.

    ROCKY HORROR>... FIERCE! I am from NYC and saw it any times on stage in the early 80's ... LOVE IT!

  31. Rocky Horror....Best movie ever :)

    New follower....

  32. Rock Horror Show? Haven't heard of it but it sounds like an interesting pick.

  33. Rom-coms and chicklit. Do you like romance? :) Me too!

  34. I love romantic comedy, too! I also love the happy look of your blog site!

    Mary Montague Sikes

  35. When we used to leave the theatre where we watched arty underground movies (Andy Warhol's film 'Heat', etc.), the Rocky Horror Show participants would be lined up in costume waiting to get in for the next show. That's what I call interacting with the media.

    I'm stopping by via the Genre Blogfest!

  36. Great answers! I love chicklit books too!! :D

  37. I expect nothing less from my soulmate. :D

  38. Yaaaaay! I can see each of those answers being true! You're awesome, Kyra. :D

  39. Love your faves. You and Emily are really into the Rom Coms.

  40. Your favorite movie genre is my guilty pleasure!

  41. RomComs, when well done, are great. So can romance novels be. Not into the Harlequin cheese much but I love Nicholas Sparks and Jean Johnson and Claire Ashgrove's paranormals have hooked me.

  42. Love the Rocky Horror Show too. As a matter of fact, our local Drama teacher is in that play up in Greenville this month. Looking forward to seeing it.

  43. Hi Kyra
    I had no idea there was a specific name for it but those are great movies.

  44. I do enjoy a chick flick every now and then too. 27 Dresses and The Holiday were really good!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  45. Love Actually at Christmas perfect! Oh and what about dear old Bridget Jones?

  46. Love all of your pics. Rom Com's are great! Rocky Horror is so much fun!

  47. Woo-hoo for the RHPS! I played Janet in a live show during my first year of university. I was actually only an assistant to the direction, but when the first two Janets dropped out after realizing what the film was about, I had to fill in!

  48. I'm actually not huge of RomCom's but one of my fave movies of all time is "Ever After" I assume you've seen it? And YAY for classic rock! :)

  49. Fun choices! I love classic rock too!

  50. I agree, you can never go wrong with music that puts a smile on your face :D

  51. I like movies that make me laugh out loud too- there aren't too many movies out there that can make me do that.

  52. Hey! It was so much fun to read about your favorite things. Great bog hop! :-)

  53. Rom Coms are fun. I adore Love Actually. What a great movie. Rocky Horror is a blast.

  54. I'm a HUGE Rocky Horror fan! Excellent taste!

  55. Rom Coms! Excellent choice, Kyra!

  56. Great list here!!! I'm all about music that makes me smile.

  57. Rocky Horror! Haha - great choice. ;)

  58. Is there anyone who doesn't love doing those Rocky Horror dances in a crowded theater?

  59. Oh the Rocky Horror Picture Show! Awesome choice. :)

  60. Yes! I love rom-coms too. I have to admit, my favorites are the Jane Austen books, though. :)

  61. Yes! Let's hear it for the RomComs and the Classic Rock! Rocky Horror? Really? I've seen it, but don't own it. Perhaps I need to reconsider. I mean, if I like films like Blazing Saddles and Big Trouble in Little China, then I have little excuse, right?
    Thanks for sharing!


  62. I saw the Rocky Horror Show in college. We dressed up and everything. It was hysterical. Had a blast. P.S. I love RomComs too. :)

  63. The Rocky Horror picture show is a blast! Thanks for sharing your genre favorites. I am participating in the blogfest as well (#127 Fairday's Blog!) ~ Jess

  64. Rom coms rock! I've seen Love Actually so many times. Two thumbs up on the music choices :).

  65. We have four out five favorite things in common! I love romance films and books and pop music too! The only thing that we don't have in common is the guility pleasure -- I have action films as a guilty pleasure.

    Yay, I'm not alone! :)

  66. Fun! On mine, I said I didn't like chick-lit, and I should have been much more specific. I like smart chick-lit. Give me a woman with some depth, and you can sell me any store about her!

    I'm #173.

  67. Rocky Horror Show is great! Wonderful post for the blogfest:)

  68. Great post. I like some romcoms, but I don't like it when the scenes feel contrived in an attempt to be funny. My favorite romcoms:While You Were Sleeping, Sleepless in Seattle an You've Got Mail. :-)

  69. Rocky Horror is so much fun. My friends and I used to go all the time. I have to find a showing, I haven't been in a few years.

  70. Such fun choices!!
    Pop music is feel-good stuff! It always puts a spring in my step!

  71. I'm not a fan of Rom Com's, typically because I don't find the jokes funny or the characters interesting. But every once in a while a good one comes along, like 27 Dresses. I could watch that movie a few more times. :3

  72. The rom com trend never gets old. But don't ask my hubby. He won't agree with me. Although there have been some he enjoyed enough to watch a rerun with me:)

  73. I would love to see Rocky Horror live! I've never really had the opportunity. The closest I've gotten is to end up in a stream of people in costume heading to the show while I was on my way to see David Copperfield. I never did figure out where they were going.

    My Genre Favorites & Guilty Pleasures


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