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IWSG: Performance anxiety

Welcome to the August edition of IWSG, hosted by the amazing Alex J.Cavanaugh!

So, as most of you know by now - because I haven't shut up about it LOL - my first novel, Game On, has been released. The blog tour officially starts next week (YAY!) but I find myself becoming increasingly nervous. A blog tour not only highlights my book, but me. What if people don't like me? What if my guest posts suck, and everyone thinks I'm boring? If I can't engage people in 300 words on a blog, they probably aren't going to pick up my book.

And then there's the "what happens next" question. I plan to make Game On into a series, which feels a bit arrogant of me. I don't know how many people are going to like the first book, should I really be planning to keep the series going?

So far, Game On has actually been incredibly well received. I've had great reviews, so maybe I shouldn't worry about people not liking it, but what if Book Two isn't as good? What if I only had one good story inside me?

I am just a big ball of questions and anxiety!!

While I'm here, though, I would like to end on a positive and say an enormous thank you for all the support you've given me. I really appreciate every sale of Game On, and every positive review. You guys are the best!


  1. There is nothing more stressful than a book release! But having read 'Game On' and thoroughly enjoyed it, I don't think you have anything to worry about. xx

    1. I wish I could explain how awesome it is to hear that from you! <3 Thank you, Talli!

  2. If you write a novel you're blessed. Having it published and loved makes you blessing doubled. So don;t let worry over take you and keep writing. If your book is as loved as I think it is. A series is exactly what's needed.

    Thanks for commenting on my IWSG and I'm queendsheena at Camp Nanowrimo website.

  3. Take a deep breath, enjoy the good reviews (and believe them), celebrate what you've achieved so far, and enjoy. You're a published novelist!!!! You can be insecure next month, not now :-)

    1. Hee hee, I wish it was so easy! You're right though, the hardest part is over - now I just need to learn to relax!

  4. Hey Kyra, you're cool. As Annalisa says, calm down and enjoy the ride. Who's ever going to think you're boring? Go for it. Denise

  5. Congratulations, Kyra - I'm sure all will be well:-)

  6. I think your tour posts are going to be smashing. I'm sure everyone will enjoy reading them. Neither you, or your characters are boring! And keep at that second book, because I'm looking forward to it. :D

    1. Thanks, Nick! :D I am working on it, slowly!

  7. Kyra ~ I'm always nervous doing guest posts. Don't worry, you'll be fabulous. :) Congratulations on your new release. I added it to my TBR pile on Goodreads. There are two covers, so I'm hoping I added the right one.
    Good luck on the tour!

    1. Thanks, Ciara! Don't worry, it's the same book, I just have two covers, one for paperback and one for ebooks. :D

  8. Just think about how many of us are jealous of you. Sounds funny, but you've done it now! And besides, people keep coming back to your blog because they like it, so you're obviously not boring!

    I know I'd be feeling the same exact way, so I really shouldn't talk, but hopefully you can enjoy this time too. Enjoy your accomplishments!

    1. Thanks! I know you're right but I am a natural worrier! :D

  9. Congrats Kyra. I'm sure everything will work out fine. You have a book out. Be proud!!

  10. This is such an exciting time for you! I don't doubt you'd be nervous as well!! I also agree with Suzi! You have plenty of people who stop by weekly to check out your blog. You're definitely not boring. Good luck to you on the blog tour! I look forward to reading some of those posts!

  11. I think you can't possibly go wrong with writing a book about Jesse. You created an awesome character with him who I already want to know more about (and not just because I knew you were writing the next book about him). I think if you trust your character, you'll have nothing to worry about with book 2. Good luck with it!

    1. Aww, I'm so happy you liked Jesse! He has definitely been one of the more popular characters!

  12. I think worrying about how people will receive what I write is pretty natural. But as long as you are happy with it that is the most important thing.

  13. It'll be so much fun for you, Kyra! Really, two of the best weeks of your life! (Not that I know from experience, but seriously, we all dream of our release days!)

    And you won't have to worry about my review. One thing, though... do you have a team Jesse badge? ;)

    1. Heh, yeah I am really excited but those nerves just won't go away!

      LOL, maybe there will be a team Jesse badge for the next book release! ;)

  14. Did you not just read my post about over-thinking it? Geeze girl, when are you going to realize that most of us love you and those who don't are probably more mad at the world then they are with your book. I think it's awesome your making it a series. Keep at it!

    1. *huggles* Thanks Jennie! I know you're right but I struggle so much with that over-thinking thing!

  15. Just close your eyes, take a deep breath, yell, and jump! That's what I did. Jumped right into it and had the time of my life. You'll do fine!

    I'll help with a link on my side bar for your blog tour and have you as my Author for he Week August 20-26th.

    1. Aww, thank you so much, that's really nice of you! :D

  16. Think of it as a new adventure and take it one day at a time. You can always adjust your goals:) Good Luck!

  17. We haven't found you boring thus far, I think you're good on that note! It's hard (impossible) not to worry, so I won't tell you not to, but I will say to keep focusing on the positive as well! Things are going to turn out great!

    1. Thank you! Lol, I'm glad I'm not boring you yet!

  18. YAY for the release! I love reading your posts and find it impossible to think anyone would not like you on the spot! If you're enjoying book two, it will show through your writing and be a hit! Wish I could say no more worries, but we all know that's just a crazy dream ;)

  19. Every step of this journey is full of angst and stress and worry. Thankfully it's also full of friendship and fun and joy! :)

  20. You kill me! You're absolutely darling and your book is SO.MUCH.FUN! I can't wait for the blog tour. I just keep itching for it to get here. :) So keep smiling because I totally believe in you and can't wait to see what's next from you!

    1. Thank you! You are one of the people who helped to make the book so good, and I'm so happy you're looking forward to the blog tour!

  21. I can understand why you're a bit nervous as I'd be the same but, like others have said, try to relax and enjoy it all. It's what you've been working towards all this time :-)

    1. Yup, I just have to practice loosening up! :D

  22. You know what? Everything that I might want to say can be more readily (and better) said by Neil Gaiman.

    So go here and then maybe go here and hear a great idea by Elizabeth Gilbert.

    You'll be awesome.

  23. There's only one way to find out.

    Go for the series. I started with one book and it quickly became five.

    1. Wicked! I intend for mine to be roughly five books, but I'll just take it one step at a time for now lol!

  24. It's stressful but at the end of the day...YOU HAVE A BOOK OUT THERE. So relax, enjoy the good and ignore the bad.

  25. Oh I can so relate to this Kyra. All the best and congratulations.

  26. I know how you feel, but you're doing fantastically! Go for the series and ignore the bad. You are talented and fun to read. :)

  27. Congratulations, again, on the book release. I'm looking forward to reading it. And I'm sure your blog tour will be a rousing success. Have fun with it!

  28. Series are stressful, and I wish I could say each book gets easier. But your great personality shines through in your own blog posts and comments, so I'm sure those guest blog posts will do the same. :)

  29. Boring? No way! You wrote Radleigh... he's far from boring. *be still my heart* :)

  30. Aww there's nothing arrogant about wanting to make Game On into a series - from the way we all lapped up the character's stories in the A to Z Challenge, it would be rude not to continue the story! I hope to have these worries some day down the line haha :D x

    1. Lol, it's not a bad worry to have, I admit. But still a worry! :D Thanks for commenting, Catherine!

  31. I for one am excited to read it! It must be a lot, I know I would be anxious and worried and all those things too, but do enjoy the excitements of having it out there too ;)

    1. I'm glad you're looking forward to reading it! :D I am starting to get excited now - yay!

  32. You'll be fine! No need to panic.
    Wait, did you send me your post for Monday? Crap, did I lose it already...?

    1. Lol, yup all sent and received! :D

      I'm trying not to panic, really!

  33. If it makes you feel any better, I'm not even sure what a blog tour of a book is supposed to be. You'll be great!

    1. Lol, yeah it was baffling to me at first, too! It's all about other blogs helping to promote a book - hard work to organise, but hopefully worth it, and lots of fun! :D

  34. First off, you have a book out. That is a biggy to start with. I can't tell you how many people have been working on their WIP forever and even the ones that finish never actually get the book out there. You took a big step in even putting it out there. It shows courage and determination. In my case I won't even pick up a book unless I know it is a series. Nothing worse, for me than getting through a few hundred pages and the characters disappear. I talked with someone just last night that says if they read a single book (not a series) they quit reading 10 to 20 pages before the book ends so they don't have to say goodbye to the characters they have come to love (or hate). So you have to do the series -- when in doubt, imagine this poor person not being able to finish even one book because the characters will disappear. And even if the second book sucks -- that is what writing is about. Put out a revision to it and make book three even that much better. Happy Insecure Writers Support Group Day. IWSG #170

    1. Thank you for your comment! I completely understand about not wanting to say goodbye to characters! That is part of the reason I chose to write a series - I have separation issues lol!

  35. Anxiety about the second book...that hit me hard when I finished my first book. I was so scared to start my second one. I loved how my first book turned out, but what if I've used up all my "A" material? It turned out I didn't, and I'm sure you didn't either. I bet you'll continue to get flashes of great ideas that will keep you up nights writing. And you're blog tour posts will be well received. I should know, I have one, and I can't wait to post it. :)

    1. I very much needed to hear that! Thank you!

      I'm very happy you are looking forward to my guest post - I am excited too! :D

  36. Take a deep breath Kyra, and then move forward with the excitement of the tour. What a great cover, and the blurb is engaging too. I wish you much success, but I'm sure you will dazzle us all :)

    After all, I've enjoyed your blog posts here :)


    1. Thank you, Donna! I am trying hard to maintain my positivity! :D

  37. I had a book signing and spelled a common word wrong. I thought I'd die, but I didn't. I lived. I guess that means I can make mistakes and not be perfect and the cosmos will not strike me dead.
    You'll do great. It was an awesome book!

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth! Your support means the absolute world to me!!

  38. Sounds like you're doing great to me. Hang in there. It will all work out. When things start happening quickly like this - big things - it's only natural to be hit by blinding fear. Pause long enough to evaluate them - some may be worth considering, if only to prepare yourself for something you hadn't thought of - but then toss them aside and move on.

    Good luck! :)

    IWSG #179 (At least until Alex culls the list again. :P)

  39. I'm still making my rounds on the IWSG and I haven't got a book published, YET, much less having fears for a 2nd one to not go over, but...
    When what you've got is good and everyone knows it, there is nothing to worry about:)
    Congratulations on the release of your first book ans your your first book tour!

    If you need any more stop for Game On, please let me know. I host book tours:)

    1. Thanks Talynn! I'm pretty much full for this tour, but I will definitely hit you up next time around!

  40. You have a great blog with followers that love you. I'm sure that will carry through to your blog tour. Just try to bask in the glow of the release of your book. :) You're a published author! If you need another stop for your tour let me know.


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