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Game On, Kyra, Game On


Gigantic thank yous to everyone who commented on my IWSG post on Wednesday! I have just finished replying to all the comments, and I feel so very lucky to have so many people supporting me! Also, thanks to everyone who showed support for Madeleine's new book yesterday, I know she really appreciates it!

So ... the Game On Blog Tour starts on Monday and I am SO EXCITED! See, CAPS LOCK excited lol! I am still nervous, but mostly, I can't wait to get the book out there and finally show it off! The complete list of blog tour stops is up on the Game On Blog Tour page, so you can see where I'll be and what I'm doing. I will post where I am daily anyway, but it's good to have the list there so you can check it in advance if you so wish. There is a lot of cool stuff going on, and a few giveaways. It should be fun!

P.S - Just want to say again, if you were expecting an email from me about participating in the blog tour and you didn't get one, please let me know ASAP, thanks!

Yesterday, I had a major breakthrough in Jesse's story. I'd been stuck for more than a week, staring at it, and wondering if it was even the right story to tell. But finally, the muse returned and I managed to get 3000 words done. I now only have two and a half chapters left to write of the first draft before I can start editing!

I really thought I had so much more to say, but I guess I don't - first time for everything, right? :p

Hope you all have a fab weekend!


  1. Good luck with the tour! And good luck with the WIP - it sounds great.

  2. So excited for the tour, can't wait for it to kick off.

    Yay for progress. :D Hope the muse stays and you get Jesse finished off. :D

  3. That's one busy tour! Hope you have a blast. :D So glad you turned a corner on the WIP!

  4. So exciting! I'm lookng forward to it!

  5. Let me know if you'd like to guest on my blog after the amazing tour is over. Well, after you take a deep breath and get some sleep. :)
    Congrats on your WIP progress.

  6. Good job getting through that writer's block! I know how hard that is to do. Good luck with the blog tour! I have you down on my blog for the 13th! Woohoo!

  7. CAPS LOCK excited. Funny.

    Have fun on your blog tour...

  8. Good luck on your blog tour! What an exciting time for you!

  9. Yay for Jesse's story being told! I really loved this character. Although, I may be a bit partial to him, since he's going to be featured on my end of things for your Game On tour, LOL.

    Seriously, Kyra I really did fall in love with this very sweet character, and I think his story will be epic. Can't wait to read all about it.

  10. Will you send the muse my way when you are done with her?

  11. Excited for your blog tour. Hope your weekend is all kinds of awesome!

  12. Love those major breakthroughs. They feel so good!

  13. Get some rest this weekend - you'll need it.

  14. That's great about the breakthrough! Have a great weekend!

  15. Best of luck with Game On Blog Tour!! Glad you had the breathrough.

  16. Awesome news about the breakthrough! I always love when that happens. Have a fabulous weekend!

  17. Good luck Kyra. It sounds like an awesome launch.

  18. It'll be a fantastic tour.

    Happy writing.

  19. Good luck with the tour, Kyra :-)


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