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Game On Blog Tour Day 13 - The Final Countdown!

Okay, where did that last two weeks go? It seems like only yesterday I was watching the Olympics and being nervous about the start of the blog tour, and now there is just one day left! I will save my enormous gushing thank yous for tomorrow's post, but I hope you all know how grateful I am for everything!

Remember a week or so ago, I mentioned I had an idea for a book that came to me in a dream? Well, it's kind of taking over. Taking over, as in, I may end up releasing three books this year instead of the two I planned! It probably won't be novel length, more like a novella, but I am surprised by how quickly it's coming together. I know there are people who worry that self-publishers put out loads of books a year because they rush through them, and maybe the quality suffers. I don't want to be THAT person, so rest assured, I will work hard to get it right before putting it out there. If it doesn't get done in time, I won't force it - but just wanted to let you know, it could happen!

Now, today on the blog tour, I saved a great post for the second-to-last stop! Jackie from Bouquet of Books is one of the warmest, friendliest, sweetest bloggers out there! Jackie will have a guest post from me about the Game On soundtrack - which I purposely chose for Jackie so we can squee over our love for Maroon 5's Adam Levine! ;)

The final stop on the blog tour is tomorrow, and it will be RIGHT HERE! So try and remember to swing by, as there is going to be some fireworks in an interview with Radleigh and Leah - plus the results of the Team Leah/Team Radleigh contest!

The winners of the overall prizes for being a part of the blog tour will be announced sometime next week! :D

Happy Saturday everyone! 


  1. Exciting news about the new idea! It's funny how things can come out of nowhere and demand attention. Going to let me have a look?? :)

  2. Awww, Bouquet of Books is such a cute name! Looking forward to seeing tomorrow's interview with Radleigh & Leah. I finished Game On the other day and oh my god Kyra... it's amazing! I'll need to put up a proper review for you soon, but I can't stop thinking about the characters and worrying about how they're getting on haha. I'm SO glad you're doing a second book for them, I want to know how things pan out!

  3. Jealous of your new idea, seeing as though I think my novella idea is going backwards. Lol! Oh, but good luck with yours :-)

    Well done on having such a great tour!

  4. Congratz on the reaching the finale of your tour AND congratz on the new book! It's always so exciting to get new ideas :D

  5. You know I'm so excited for this new story. I love Jesse's story of course, but something about this new one just feels exciting and passionate. :D

    Really looking forwards to tomorrow's stop on the tour! :D

  6. Happy writing and releasing. I love it when I'm gripped by a new idea.

    Not forcing it is the best policy.

    Have a great weekend.

  7. Congrats on the new book! I can't wait to hear more.

    Have a great weekend. :)

  8. I love when those ideas start to reach critical mass! I love writing when I just can't wait to get started. So much awesome.

  9. Thanks so much for letting me join in on your blog tour. And for the kind words!

    P.S. Adam *sigh*

  10. That's awesome that you have a new story brewing right as your blogfest winds down. Never a dull moment. Good luck!

  11. I hope you've planned a fortnight of rest and relaxation. You've earned it!


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