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Game On Blog Tour Day 4 - Good News!

Tired of me yet? :p I hope not, because there is still a LONG way to go on this crazy blog tour!

Today I bring good news! After some epic word wars with Clare Dugmore, I have finished the first draft of Game On book 2! I gave a massive sigh of relief last night when I wrote the final words, and now I get to start editing - yay!

In my interview with Nick Wilford yesterday, I mentioned that the new book might be called Foul Play. I've had second thoughts about this. I intended for every book to have a soccer related title, but I've realised that that might not be as easy as I thought.I don't think I can match every story to a soccer term.

So I'm throwing out a question to you - Do you think it's important that all of the titles in a series have a definite common theme? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Now, on to today's blog tour stops! Please note, if you don't see the posts right away, do try again because I promise you, they are worth seeing!

Firstly, I'll be over with the fantastic Dani B! Dani is tons of fun, which is why she has the pleasure of sharing one of my more creative guest posts LOL!

Also, Morgan Shamy has a post lined up all about Game On. Morgan was one of the first people to get her hands on Game On, and is a wonderful CP and just about thee sweetest person ever!

Thanks guys - you rock!


  1. Congrats on all your success!

    I like titles in a series that have a pattern to them. Whether it's in language, word length, etc. Of course, I'd rather see a title that was clever and fit the novel than was odd and obviously done just to "fit in". I hope you find something that works for you!

  2. The blog looks so pretty and colorful now! As for series titles, ditto what Hildred said. :)

  3. Glad things are still going strong. Re titles I am having a similar problem at the moment. It is obviously a big decision and important to get it right. It has to reflect the tone/genre of the book. With series I feel there has to be SOME connection. Maybe following a theme or length. Hope you come up with the answer.

  4. I'm really looking forwards to Dani's post. :)

    Yay for finishing book two, can't wait to get my hands on Jesse. :D

    I agree with Hildred, an connecting theme is good, but it'll be hugely noticeable if it's just there to create a theme, and doesn't really connect with the book.

  5. Glad your edits are going well. While it's important for titles to have common denominators, it's more important that it has a very good story to go with it. The titles pointless if no one will read it. Nice post and I will be taking part in checking out the tour stops.

  6. It's up! I finally got it perfected last night. I was having problems with the pics (because of my own stupidity - lol) but it's up!

    About titles... I personally like different titles but only because I would confuse myself and probably grab the wrong one off a book shelf. HAHA! But I think it's important to YOU and that YOU love it.

    And big props to finishing book 2! You rock Kyra!

  7. I think a theme is good. Foul play is a common phrase though. And the title of a movie with Chevy Chase.

  8. I think a theme would tie them together, but would maybe 'Game On: Jesse's Story' (or something not quite so lame lol) be a thought... 'Game On: Foul Play'? Or even... 'The Dark Knight: A Game On Novel' (Obviously not using The Dark Knight lol)

  9. LOVE the new look my dear!

    I agree that it's nice for titles to have a theme in a series. At least something in common. Titles are tough man. But don't sweat it. It'll come to you. Probably when you're sleeping or in the shower or the grocery store line ;)

  10. Congrats on finishing your book! I like book titles that GO together, but I am not terribly picky as to the 'how' of it... a repeated word, a common theme, an important item or person in the book... I would think there could be enough soccer terms if you are sort of loose about it.

  11. Congratulations!

    I also like series titles to have a theme--but what matters most to me is the book itself. :)

  12. Just noticing the blog background change. Cool! I think a theme is great, but not necessary. And I agree too Foul Play might be too common. Congrats on finishing the first draft!

  13. I've been seeing you and your book around the blog-o-sphere a lot this week. Congratulations. I love the cover on your book, btw!

    Thanks for stopping in at The Write Game; I appreciate all new visitors and followers.

  14. First of all, I could never get sick of you Kyra!

    Second, I have to admit I like some type of common theme to book titles, but they don't have to be all matchy-matchy. Sometimes, they get played out. Like Charlaine Harris has got to be bored with using "Dead" in her titles. She has tons of them and they all start to blend together. That's no fun anymore, to me.

    I'm sure you will come up with something you love. Give it a little time. Like Clare, I'm excited to hear all about Jesse and his story.

  15. Eeeee!!!! Goooo Kyra! *waves pom poms*

    I totally think it's important/fun/smart to make the titles have a common theme... I definitely would go that direction---especially when the first one is so clearly a play on words. I think your readers will expect that with each subsequent book. :)

  16. I don't think they all have to be soccer terms. But I still like Keeping Score as suggested during your last titling think out loud.

  17. I think having a theme helps. They don't HAVE to have one, but it amuses the ready and makes it easier to recognize your series.

  18. That's a great question. I would imagine those in the know would probably say yes. The GP like familiarity and they identify with common themes like Harry Potter and the...

  19. Love the new look! And congratulations on finishing first draft of book 2! Impressive!
    As far as titles go, I think it's good to have something that makes it clear that they are part of the series. You know, some day when you have other non-related books out it'll be easier for readers to tell which ones go with which.

  20. I'm sure the title will come to you once you've completed your final draft and can start looking for puns :) x

  21. Thanks for all the responses guys! So sorry I don't have time to reply to everyone individually today, I'm a little short on time! <3

  22. Congratulations on finishing the first draft :-)

  23. love a good theme. you'd be surprised how many terms there are with double meanings! but you dont have to! always up to the author (unless the publisher tells you to, but thats you too!) tour looks great!

  24. Congrats on finishing the first draft!!

    As for keeping with soccer terms and book titles, I think it can work for a series, but you can't force titles sometimes. If nothing else, keep a similarity in book covers to help tie the series, if you can't make the titles fit. :)


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