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Game On Blog Tour Day 9 - Missing Sleep!

I have recently been struck by the insomnia monster. I honestly cannot remember the last time I had a full night's sleep and I am wilting - badly! Hopefully tonight will be the night, but I am still feeling somewhat sluggish today so if I'm not getting to comments as quickly, that's why. (Sorry!)

Before I get onto blog tour stuff, I have some congratulations! The beautiful and uber talented Kelley Lynn and Jenny Morris revealed that they now have representation for their collaboration Already There! This follows Kelley's recent super news that her book Fraction Of Stone was picked up by Sapphire Star Publishing. I absolutely love these girls, they are both so supportive of other writers, and always give fab advice - I couldn't be happier for them! :D

Now - onto today's blog tour stops! There are four today - but don't let that put you off because they are all awesome! The posts take a (mostly) more serious turn today, so be sure to take a look.

I am with Jeff Hargett as part of his "August Is Awesome" fest, where he highlights some super cool writers! I talk about my decision to self-publish. 

I'll also be with Mr. WRiTE CLUB, D.L Hammons, to explain what I've learned about writing since I've been blogging.

The supremely brilliant Angela Cothran interviewed me about Game On, life in England and other things - plus, you don't want to miss the most ridiculous photo of me ever to leave the confines of my laptop!

And finally, Madeleine Maddocks - a fellow South West of England writer - has a Game On Shoutout!

Thanks again to all of you for the enormous support - I still can't believe this is actually happening to me lol! <3 br="br">


  1. I love how varied your guest posts have been... off blog reading!

  2. And I'll be visiting several of those people soon!

  3. Heading off to read more! :)

  4. sorry you cant sleep! too much excitement on the brain! love seeing you everywhere!
    anxious to see how your book does!

  5. Thanks so much for the shout out Kyra!!! Can't wait till I get Game On in my hands!

  6. Hi Kyra,
    Just met you over at D.L's. Again congrats, and to your buddies. It's very encouraging to hear success stories. Keeps us bloggers working on our first novel from losing heart.
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Post A-Z Road trip!
    Co-Host of the 2012 A-Z Challenge

  7. Big congrats to Kelley and Jenny! Way to go. I love to hear good news happening to good people in the writing world!

    I suffer from some serious insomnia and it's no fun, so I can relate. I'll bet you'll be ok and back to normal, just as soon as life calms down around you a bit and your mind can rest. Chin up.

  8. I hate it when I can't sleep so hope you manage a decent night tonight.

  9. Aww! I hope you can get some rest.

  10. *Sprinkles Fairy Dust* I wish you a good night's sleep. Happy for Kelley and Jenny and best of luck with Game On Tour. Read excerpt for Game On last night on my brand new Kindle. LOVED IT!

  11. Go grab a nap! Lack of sleep always makes my writing weird too.

  12. Such awesome news all around! Woo hoo! On my way to check your stops out :)

  13. Ugh, insomnia is sucky. I hope the sleep fairy visits you tonight. Thank you so much for the shout out. You're awesome!!!

  14. I read your interview with Angela and I thought it was great; I left a comment there too. Sorry about the insomnia. A friend once told me that she tried taking deep breaths, all the way down to her toes; it helped relax her. And try to avoid chocolate and other stuff with caffeine in it at night.

  15. Thanks everyone! The sleep fairy did indeed visit last night, yay! :D

    I promise to reply individually to comments again when the tour is over! <3

  16. You've been busy! Glad to hear you got some sleep... Angela is a great interviewer so I'm sure that was fun. :)

  17. It was a pleasure to host you Kyra! :)


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