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Updates and Stuff

Yeah, not the most imaginative title ever, but, it's been a long week!

First of all, thanks to all of you who left your thoughts on my last blog post about what makes you dislike a book. I haven't replied to the comments yet, but I found your answers really interesting, and I will reply to them as soon as possible!

Next, the beautiful Clare Dugmore wrote an awesome review of If I Let You Go, which you can find here. Thanks to Clare, and everyone else who has taken the time to leave reviews on Goodreads or Amazon - it's hugely appreciated. The novella has only been out for a week (almost), and it's doing pretty well, so another massive thanks to everyone who has downloaded it!

The second book in the Game On Series, "Blindsided" is about to go through a massive round of last minute edits. I received a proof copy, and just in the first few pages, there are a bunch of things I want to change. This is no reflection at all on my amazing CPs, it's just that I am particularly fussy about my word choices sometimes lol!

On the same topic, I will be doing a cover reveal for Blindsided next week! Also, the blog tour is shaping up nicely. To those I've contacted, thank you for your speedy responses. I am going to start getting the guest posts ready next week too. I do still have a couple of spots to fill on the tour, so if you're interested in hosting me in late November/December, leave me a comment and let me know. I believe I have three places left, so the first three responses will get an email from me. If you need more details, shoot me over an email at kyralennon (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you!

Aand finally, next week I will be revealing details of my Game On Christmas project, so stay tuned!

Have a great weekend, peeps! <3 br="br">


  1. Exciting stuff! Good luck in your last round of edits!

  2. You're most welcome honey. <3

    Yay for all the exciting stuff you've got going on, I'm very much looking forwards to everything you've got coming up, and I can't wait to see it all happening.

    Let me know if you need help with anything, and good luck with the last of your edits. :D

  3. Saw Clare's review!
    You know you'll get a big shout-out from me for your next book.

  4. Hey,

    Look at you GO!

    Can you share an energy tip, too... please :)

    Here's to a quiet, relaxing weekend.... yes for YOU :)

  5. I'm halfway through If I Let you Go and am enjoying it. I really like your writing style, it's so easy to read.

    If you still need someone for your blog tour, let me know.

  6. You've got a lot to pull together. Intrigued by the Christmas project.

  7. Congrats on the novella! Sounds like you have some awesome projects coming along.

  8. You have been a very busy girl. I feel all kinds of lazy over here. I haven't been very productive lately. Although, I just finished the If I Let You Go piece for your blog hop and I kind of love it. (This never happens on a first draft for me) Hope you love it too!

    Have a fabulous weekend my friend.

  9. You're welcome to guest post on my blog any time you'd like.

    I'm so glad to hear that If I Let You Go is doing so well. I haven't had the chance to read it yet but I'm looking forward it.

  10. So many updates! Awesome! Can't wait to see the cover for Blindsided :D

  11. So exciting! I hope you're enjoying this.

  12. Good luck with your releases, I really admire your energy and productivity!

  13. I'm so looking forward to reading this, especially after reading Clare's amazing review! You go girlfriend *clicks fingers* x x

  14. So much going on Kyra you are welcome to stop off at my blog anytime if I can help just let me know.

  15. I can't wait to see the cover! And I am dying to read the novella and Blindsided I've just been so busy I haven't been able to get If I Let You Go.

    I'm excited to hear about your Christmas surprise!

  16. Love your energy and positive spirit!!

  17. Congrats on your book release, the reviews, and the new one's copy-edits (and the revisions -- it's hard to be satisfied and not tinker, huh?).
    Sounds like you're doing great! :-)

  18. You are very busy!! Wow, congrats on everything working well for you! :)

  19. Good luck with you edit. Sounds like you've been working like a demon!

  20. Busy, busy! Good luck with the edits! :)

  21. Awesome news! I saw the review over at Clare's blog.

  22. Thanks everyone, I will be in touch soon about blog tour stuff! <3


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