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If I Let You Go - OUT NOW!

Yeah, I know ... three weeks early but If I Let You Go is now available! I am doing the KDP Select thing, so for a while, it is only available on the Kindle, but you can buy it for £1.02 in the UK, and $1.65 in the U.S!

If I Let You Go - Amazon UK
If I Let You Go -

Just because there is an early release, it doesn't mean the bloghop is cancelled or moved - the details for that are still the same! If you want to sign up for it, there is still loads and loads of time!

On October 22nd, I invite you to share some stories about letting go. Was there a time when you had to let go of someone or something? How did it make you feel? How did you handle it? Or if that's too personal - which I completely understand - how about writing a piece of flash fiction? 
The only rules are - obviously - it has to be related to letting go, and please keep it to a maximum of 500 words.
When the day arrives, I will hop around to all the entries, along with my independent judge (otherwise known as "Mum" LOL), and the story that touches us the most will win a $10 Amazon gift card!
Sign up below to share your stories! 
Hope you all have a great weekend, guys!


  1. Congratulations! But bummer - guess I'll have to wait a while for it to appear in the iBookstore.

  2. Congrats!

    I love the idea of your blog hop. I might participate—I'm having to let go of something right now and having a very hard time with it. Maybe writing about it will help.

    Have a great weekend, Kyra. :)

    1. Thanks Dana! It would be great if you signed up!

  3. Yay! Congratulations. Apologies for not taking part in the blog hop, but I have no story to share. I'll definitely be reading everyone else's entries though!

    1. You could write a short story? ;)

      Thanks, Annalisa!

  4. Congratulations! I can't wait to read If I Let You Go and the blogfest! It's gonna be so exciting! *throws confetti*

  5. Congrats on your release. Your bloghop is three days before my bloghop and one-year blogoversary. I'll be ready to do my post Oct 22.

  6. Congrats, girl! I'm totally blogging about this. :D

  7. I understand not being able to wait another three weeks. It's just too exciting! Congratulations!

  8. Congrats! I will get a review up very soon!

    And thanks for the reminder about the bloghop. It'll be fiction from me - need to don my thinking cap!

  9. I have got to mark this on my calender so I don't miss this blogfest.

  10. oops, sorry wrote in wrong info for URL....i put my name in correctly, so please erase the first. gracias!!

  11. Looking forward to the bloghop! Congratulations on the release, too, can't wait to read it! :) xx

  12. That's awesome! Congratulations! :)

  13. Hahaha, I thought you might cave and release it early :) Congrats Kyra!!!

    Can I post my review early, then? I haven't written it yet but will do soon.

    1. What can I say, I'm impatient! LOL!

      Yeah, feel free to post whenever you're ready! :D

  14. Thanks for hosting the blogfest, and congrats again on having a book out!

  15. Congratulations on the release. That's so exciting. I'm looking forward to reading it.

  16. I just signed up and will place your Blogfest image on my sidebar. Good luck with everything!

  17. Congratulations on your early release!

  18. Congratulations on your new release! I have signed up for the blogfest just got to put my thinking cap on now to come up with something!

  19. Congrats! Hope you take time to celebrate - that's a great accomplishment.

  20. My idea of waiting for Christmas to be re-Kindled is beginning to wear me out. I can't wait to read this! Love your style lady!

    1. Ah, that is such a long time! *huggles*

      Thank you for your support!!

  21. Eeeeeee!!!!! Kyra! I ADORE you! And I'm so stoked with all that you're doing! <3 <3 <3

  22. Woo hoo. Congratulations!

  23. Go Kyra! Yeah. I love the Letting Go concept. Congrats, sweetie.

  24. I'm in! And congratulations on the early release. I've just gotten my laptop all Kindled up so once I'm back at that computer I'll have a new book to add to it. :)


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