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Blindsided Cover Reveal!

Hey everyone!

So, I figured with less than month to go before Blindsided is released - EEK - I should probably get the cover out there!

Synopsis:  After a successful first soccer season in L.A, Jesse Shaw heads to London with his best buddy, Hunter, but his world is turned upside down when a dangerous prank threatens his career and his blossoming relationship with Hunter’s cousin, Isabelle. 
Isabelle Mills lives in Notting Hill with her parents and her twin sister, Georgia. When she finds out her cousin is coming to stay, along with his famous soccer player friend, her first instinct is to hibernate until they’ve gone. However, once she meets Jesse, everything changes. He’s everything she ever wanted, but with so many obstacles in their path, can she really risk putting her heart on the line?


Now, I know it's a bit plain, but here's the thing, book covers in a series are supposed to match lol! Game On's cover was simple yet effective, so when it comes to the rest of the series, I realised that they are all going to have to be very simple too. I'm not crazy about the idea anymore, but I refuse to go through the chaos of changing the way the covers look again - it was hard enough the first time! Lesson learned, people. If you are self publishing a series, make sure you are absolutely, completely 100% sure about your choice before you start revealing covers!

The other thing I wanted to talk about is the huge differences between Game On and Blindsided. I know changing genres is a terrible idea within a series, but when I started Blindsided, it was more of a spinoff than a follow-on. However, with so many people falling in love with Jesse Shaw, I thought, "What the hell!" and included it in the series anyway! I don't know if this will be a disaster in the long-run, but the way I see it, Jesse is an important part of the story as a whole. What happens to him has a knock-on effect on other people in the story, so this book really does belong with the others. It's his age that really makes the difference. While Leah was in her twenties, Jesse just turned nineteen. Technically, it can still qualify as NA, but it's soft NA, more like YA in terms of its innocence. 

The other massive change from Game On, is that Blindsided is dual POV. Not only is it from Jesse's viewpoint, but also a new character, Isabelle. Again, this wasn't something I intended to do at first, but it became the obvious choice for me as I delved deeper into the story. It made sense to see both sides.

Very young NA, and dual POV is not something I intend to do again within the Game On series. I feel like I should be honest before I start trying to pimp the book out, because I don't want people to be disappointed with the books that follow. Readers asked me for more Jesse - so his story has been told - w00t!  But following on, the rest of the books will be more like the first. :D 

The Blindsided blog tour details will be coming your way very soon - I still have some work to do on it, but look out for some silly and fun contests heading your way as the tour gets closer! ;)  

ALSO, in case you haven't seen, I have prepared a Goodreads event for next Monday, to coincide with the Letting Go bloghop! If I Let You Go will be free all day on October 22nd, so mark your calendars if you haven't bought it yet! :D

P.S I have no idea why my font keeps changing! I guess it's to do with copying and pasting but ... GRR!


  1. Hi Kyra, you are publishing like a madwoman! I loved the first cover, and I think this one is cute as well.

  2. You know what I love most about self-pubbed books? They DON'T follow rules. Can't wait to read it, Kyra. Loved Game On!

  3. Really awesome!
    And while I love the fake-photo border, did you consider just blowing up the image inside to cover more of the space? I only ask because then the cover would have more color and the picture would be a bit bigger.
    Even if you don't, it's super cute, ^_^. Congrats!

  4. I'm so looking forward to reading Blindsided! I love the cover, because even though it is simple it is effective :) I think it's great that you've mixed it up a bit with slightly younger characters and POVs, just goes to show that not all books are the same. There are plenty of series' out there where POVs change or the characters age so the tone of the story changes!
    Also, have my calender marked for the 22nd :P

    Oh about the fonts to, mine keeps doing it as well. Whenever I press enter when typing a post it automatically changes to Times New Roman. Might just need to double check that it's on your default font before you publish.

  5. OK, that picture is seriously adorable! I actually agree with kslewis that you could make it a little bigger. I like the simplicity of the cover, but right now the photo part is blending into the background a bit.

    Also, have I mentioned I can't wait for this bo--oh, wait. I HAVE this book! I don't have to wait for ANYTHING! Bwahahahah!!!

    OK. I'm done now.

  6. Oh that cover! I cannot wait.

    And Tobi's comment is awesome.

  7. I like the photograph thing. That's cool.

  8. Nice cover pic. Very best of luck with the book and the blog tour. Can't wait to see how it all turns out... You're going to be soooo busy! great post, Kyra.

  9. Eeeeee!!!! Yay, Kyra! You are SO busy. I don't know how you've done it all! Good for you! :D

  10. Love the cover!!!!! Oh and don't worry about age changes and dual POV. NA is 18 and up so that's fine and really I did the same thing in my series with dual POV. My main Crimson series is one POV about a 21 year old. My novellas are dual POVs about a 19 year old and a 23 year old, so there you go!!! It's completely fine. It's when you go from contemporary to like paranormal in the middle of the series people start scratching their heads, LOL. Congratz on the awesome cover!!!

  11. Great cover! I love it :-)

    Re: formatting. If you go into HTML view you can delete the formatting which is changing the font. It takes a couple of tries to know what you should be deleting but it will stop the font changing. If you need extra help, email me.

  12. Fantastic cover! I like the clean simplicity of it. A snapshot says a thousand words. :)

  13. Great cover! Very good point that the series has to match. I look forward to reading it when it's out!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I love the cover! And I know I'll love this series because I adore your writing.
      And even though I have the ARC of "If I Let You Go" I want to get the ebook, too. Is that weird of me? LOL *hugs*

  15. I like the cover, Kyra. The warm clothes/hats look cosy and perfect for the winter months. As others have said sometimes you have to break the rules a little. Best of luck with the release. ((hugs))

  16. Congratulations! I can't imagine how much work all of this has been. Good luck with the release, one month is just around the corner! :D

  17. Congratulations! The cover looks amazing.

  18. I'm looking forward to your Goodreads event...already signed up! The cover looks radiant, glowing, and it's one of the best covers I've seen in a long time! Congratulations! :)

  19. A lot of changes but do what you believe is right.

    I like the cozy feeling that the cover gives.

  20. Everyone has to make tough decisions and writers are no different. Nice cover and lloking forward to the events.

  21. Congrats on the new book. Another awesome cover!

  22. Yep, copy and pasting will do that to a girl! I tend to paste into the editing area, i.e. html editing, and then copy back into the ...errr, other window. Gah, I am not looking at a blank blog entry right now so can't get the terms right, but I'm sure you know what I mean??

    Anyway, congrats on your cover!! I think it looks great :) and YAY upcoming release!!

  23. yes, soccer! i think simple covers are great! go with it! and congratulation, sounds like a good read for sure!!


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