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Letting Go Bloghop

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Letting Go bloghop, to celebrate the release of my novella, If I Let You Go! As an extra special gift, the novella is free today only on Amazon, so if you don't have a copy yet, check it out!

The rules:

Was there a time when you had to let go of someone or something? How did it make you feel? How did you handle it? Or if that's too personal - which I completely understand - how about writing a piece of flash fiction?
The only rules are - obviously - it has to be related to letting go, and please keep it to a maximum of 500 words.
When the day arrives, I will hop around to all the entries, along with my independent judge (otherwise known as "Mum" LOL), and the story that touches us the most will win a $10 Amazon gift card! 


Just for fun, here is my entry - a short piece of flash fiction I wrote a few years ago. :D

Brushing away a tear with the back of my hand, I listened to his shallow, hollow breathing and my heart ached with the weight of my grief. The man I loved was dying, and while I tried to keep a brave face on my agony, inside it was eating me up. So much, I felt like I was dying with him. Maybe I was. When the time came, I knew a big part of me would go with him. 

He’d been my everything since we were eighteen years old. Back then, when everything was easy and fun, we could never have known what was to come. That after just three years of marriage, he’d be diagnosed with a terminal illness, throwing life as we knew it into complete disarray. 

He fought hard. I’d seen him through tests, doctor appointments, treatment. And still the illness wouldn’t loosen its hold. It stayed, draining the life out of him, making all of our efforts pointless. 

His fingers twitched lightly in my hand, and my head jerked upwards to look at him. His eyes flickered briefly, before opening for the first time in what felt like forever. 

My heart beat faster, just as his was slowing down, and I stood up from my chair and sat beside him on the bed, wanting to be closer to him for the last few moments of his life. I carefully brushed his hair from his forehead and let my hand rest on his cheek. The corners of his mouth turned upwards into a tiny smile, and my tears began to fall as I tried to smile back at him.

“It’s time to go,” he said, in a low, raspy voice that sounded nothing like the way it should.

I nodded, trying not to choke on the lump on my throat. “I know, sweetheart. I know.”

“I love you,” he whispered, his eyes closing for the last time. 

“I love you too. Always have, always will.”

And I waited. Waited as the rise and fall of his chest slowed to a stop, his hand loosening in mine. 

With no-one around to stay strong for, I finally let go of all the pain and anger I’d held inside for so long. 

As the bright sunshine streamed in through the window, I rested my head on his chest and wept. 


Now it's your turn!


  1. Thanks for hosting the blog hop and for sharing your story!

  2. What a gut wrenching story, great job. I just got back from Nick's blog and his flash is really good too. Thanks for the free download, I just got my copy, and all the best with your release and blog hop!!

    1. Thanks for downloading!

      Yeah, Nick's story is really great! :D

  3. What a powerful story about letting go. Wonderful job! Thanks for hosting!!!

  4. Thanks for hosting the hop, I hope it goes well and I wish you all the best with the release! So far I am the only one who has written a personal tale, I am feeling quite vulnerable now!

    1. Thank you very much!

      Lol, don't worry, you weren't the only one! :D

  5. Thanks for hosting Kyra! Your story was so heart breaking! What a great entry.

  6. That's the worst way to have to let go...

  7. Beautiful. Even though it would make it harder to say goodbye, I think it would be nice to love someone that much.

    1. Love is a complex thing, isn't it? It's amazing when you have it, but when you lose it, the pain is excruciating. :(

  8. A heartbreaking story. Great writing :-)

  9. Sad story!

    I didn't sign up for the bloghop, but I've been reading a few already.

  10. Letting go is never easy, but sometimes necessary. I don't know how I missed this bloghop.

    Beautiful writing!

  11. Beautifully written. Sad, but some parts of life just are.

  12. Thanks for hosting this bloghop! I just got my free copy. Also, this flash fiction piece is well-written and so sad! I agree with Alex that this is the worst way to have to let go.

    1. Thanks for joining in and downloading!

      Yup, it is a horrible thing to let someone go that way. :(

  13. I totally spaced this :( I'm such a loser. My life has been steamrolling over me. I hope you can forgive me!

  14. I love your writing. Heart breakingly beautiful.

  15. Replies
    1. Yeah, it's a truly horrible thing to experience :(

  16. Darn it, Kyra! I'm sad now. :(

    Well done, though!

  17. Wow,

    That's some powerful stuff - but I'm glad it was only fiction :)

    Thanks for hosting a great Blogfest :)

  18. Wow. really awesome job girl. This was a great idea for a bloghop! Thanks.

  19. Amazing little piece! So emotional. So many stories today that have made me wet in the eyes and tighten up my throat.

    1. There have been some exceptional entries, I have no idea how we're going to pick a winner!

  20. I read the novella already today! It was refreshing and I look forward to reading more of your work! :)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm impressed you got through it already! X

  21. Congratz on the release my friend! Picked up my copy and looking forward to reading it!!!

  22. Congrats on the release! Grabbed my copy (thanks for making it free!!!!). Don't hate me, my post will be up Wednesday!

  23. Congrats on the release, Kyra, and for holding such a great bloghop.

    Your story was so emotional. Sniff. Beautiful.

  24. I saved yours for last because I wanted to thank you for your story and for getting the chance to read so many beautiful stories and poems by others. Thank you.

    Congrats on your release girl!

  25. Congratulations on the release Kyra! And what a touching piece! I grabbed a free copy :)

  26. Congrats on your release and thank you for hosting this blogfest! Beautifully written piece of flash fiction.

  27. Congrats on the new novella!
    Your entry was very touching. I just entered the bloghop. Better late than never I guess. :)

  28. Beautifully written; you made me cry.

    This has been an interesting bloghop Kyra. I hope it is a huge success for you :)


  29. A beautiful story of letting go... really heart-wrenching. Thanks for hosting this awesome blog hop.

  30. Dude, I am reading some tragic stories today! It's enough to make a girl want a whole block of 70% cocoa dark chocolate and a bottle of wine. hehe

  31. What a powerful piece. And not overdone either - the tone was just right. Thanks for sharing it!

  32. Congrats on the release of your novella! I love the idea of this blog hop. This is one I'm sad to sit out of. Also enjoyed your piece - my favorite line was: a low, raspy voice that sounded nothing like the way it should - beautiful. ;)

    1. Thanks Kimberly! Even though you couldn't join in, I really appreciated the shoutouts! :D

  33. Congrat's and thank you for hosting. I linked up my letting go story. Your story was very emotional.

  34. Beautifully written honey, and very emotionally moving. Great work. :)

  35. Hello, my friend! A great story and I'm sure you all had a great time on your cross country trip. I've never been to Montana, but it sounds glorious! I'm sure the chaps with the chaps will never forget it, too. Best regards to you. Ruby
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