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IWSG: The lows and highs

IWSG is brought to you by Alex J. Cavanaugh, and is a place for insecure writers to share their concerns and support each other! Click for the list of participants!

Hmm, this is has been quite a tough month for many reasons. Mostly because my WIP has been challenging me to the point of wanting to throw my laptop out of the window! There have been days when I've questioned every word I wrote, wondered if I'm just kidding myself thinking I can be a writer, and letting everything negative settle into my head, knocking out the positive.

I know we all have those days/weeks/months when everything is a struggle, so I know I'm not alone. But it definitely FEELS lonely when you're there. And it's not always solely about writing. When other factors creep in - and for me it is the sheer frustration of having plans and not being able to carry them out - everything just feels worse. The dark clouds roll in, and everything just sucks.

(Hold on, I'm getting to the good bits!)

But then some things happened. Firstly, seeing the happiness of Jackie Felger when the signed books I sent her arrived in her mailbox. People messaging me on Wattpad to tell me they enjoyed my chapters so much, they bought my books. A night out with Annalisa Crawford (not to mention the joy of seeing her book glomping its way up the Amazon charts) Coming second in Misha Gericke's Paying Forward awards. Carrie Butler, Tammy Theriault and Elizabeth Seckman's humour on my Facebook page, the Bloghop of Joy I hosted with Clare Dugmore.

These things are what make the rough days easier. And that is everything I love about IWSG. It isn't just once a month. It happens every single day when you have awesome blog friends.

So, keep smiling through the crap days because eventually, everything will come together and it won't seem so bad!


  1. The lows make us appreciate the highs all the more. If it was easy, everyone would be writing and no one would be buying. If it was easy, the sense of accomplishment would be so much more reduced!

  2. Bloggy buds always help me through the crap!

  3. <3 Writing is a tough, and often time lonely job. But we're all here for you, honey.

  4. The lows are crap but glad you've had some highs too. They make it all worth it.

  5. You're right. It is our friends, especially our writer friends, who help us through the rough days. I don't know what I'd do without mine. :D

  6. I like that I am seeing lots of advice for IWGS. Just putnon my smile and ready to take on the day!

  7. Thanks for the encouragement. Putting on my tall boots and big smile...

  8. Kyra- I loved participating in you and Clare's Blog Hop of Joy and just knowing all of those good things happened to you this month, makes me happy!! You're success has been a wonderful thing to watch. :)

  9. You are so right, it is every single day when you have good blogger friends. We all have those down moments and it is each other who pick us right up!

  10. Good for you for finding those little things to celebrate and be happy about. So inspiring!

  11. I love that you have such great things to celebrate. I know that I always feel really down in the dumps when I start to doubt myself. It's so silly sometimes but also so very real. Good luck with your WIP!

  12. The blogging community has always been there for me in the rough times too! Keep your chin up, someday those words will pour out of you again :)

  13. I love that your fans are reaching out to you! That's awesome!!!

  14. Add the joy you gave Elizabeth for recognizing her insanity makes you smile. :)

    You certainly are a talented lady and I am a bit of a bragger when I tell people you're my friend :)

  15. Awesome post! I've been having one of those months, too, but your words are inspiring to me. Writing has ups and downs, as does life, but with great friends, it's alright in the end. :)

    Well wishes for your book!


  16. You made me think....and laugh! That's great. And you are so day, if you keep at it, it will work out!
    I'm always amazed when I read other writers comments about how long they have been writing. I always thought (years ago) that you wrote a book, and a few months later it was published! Just that simple. Then I read Stephen King's book "On Writing". He replaced a nail with a spike to hold his rejections. I guess he didn't give up either!
    Great post!!!!!

    1. Lol, I too fell into the "write a book and it will be published in a few months" category! The things we learn!

  17. Go through the crappy days to get to the better days. Never give up Kyra!

  18. You're right. That's the best part about networking with each other... whether on blogs, FB, or Twitter. What'd we do without each other? I've had plenty of those, 'it all sucks' days.

  19. Love this post. It's great to have awesome blogging buddies, fans, and friends that help us through the cruddy moments. This may have been a tough month for you for certain things, but like you said, you had many positive moments and that will continue to help you move forward and up! (:

  20. In BlogLand, the moral support is amazing!
    As the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved...

  21. I get frustrated about the carrying out plans thing too, but your ending advice is a great philosophy to live by. Things will look up, and writers are a wonderful support for each other!

  22. This was a great post.

    We all have tough days, weeks, months. I love how you ended with the 'good bits' a reminder that even on the rough days there are good bits if you look for them.
    Jai Visiting from IWSG

  23. Those little things can add up to make a big difference. And the support of our friends is invaluable when things feel crap! Just keep at it, take a break if you need but don't give up!

  24. That's right! Remember the good moments.

  25. We can totally make it past the crappy days together! :) I've wanted to throw my laptop too at times, but then I remember I can't afford to buy a new one every time I get frustrated with my editing, lol.

  26. I have to agree, the blogging community is the best thing about blogging. Everyone knows what it's like, and therefore they try their best to help you out. Glad you got past it :)

  27. Great to hear that Wattpad and other online friendships are working for you!

  28. Years from now, you won't even remember those crap days.

  29. Oh yeah, for a series I'd definitely have to have it written down somewhere - I'd be sure to forget by the time I got to the next book! Carrie and I can be weird together because I too think through the details even though most of it doesn't make it into the book.
    Thanks for the post, Kyra, and best of luck with Strength Carrie -- I've been hearing great things about it.
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