Have you ever found yourself struggling to write something, to the point you think you'll have to shelve it, only for a sudden flash of inspiration to hit you and make it all better? That was me yesterday. For weeks, my WIP was fighting me, but I think I've finally got a handle on it which is awesome because I really want to get it finished! It's a while away from being complete, but it's good to get it moving again. Today will definitely be a fiction writing day! And now, to announce the winners of my Blogiversary giveaway! Winners of an ebook of Game On OR Blindsided OR If I Let You Go Krista J. McLaughlin Viklit Winner of a paperback copy of Game On OR Blindsided: Jackie Felger Winner of a 3 chapter critique (to be claimed whenever needed) Tobi Summers Congrats to all the winners! I will be contacting you very soon about your prizes! Finally, Annalisa Crawford's Imaginary Friend Bloghop is coming up on Friday - all the details are here . Please ta...